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R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 35 >> endobj 653 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 13 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 670 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 34 >> endobj 655 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 656 0 obj << /Title (Chapter I - Introduction) /A 655 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 658 0 R /Last 668 0 R /Count -6 /Next 670 0 R >> endobj 657 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 658 0 obj << /Title (Citation.) /A 657 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /Next 660 0 R >> endobj 659 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 660 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of offences committed within Brunei Darussalam.) /Next 662 0 R /Prev 658 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 659 0 R >> endobj 661 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 662 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law, may be tried \ within Brunei Darussalam.) /A 661 0 R /Next 664 0 R /Prev 660 0 R /Parent 656 0 R >> endobj 663 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 538 ] >> endobj 664 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 666 0 R /Prev 662 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 663 0 R >> endobj 665 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 112 0 R /FitH 538 ] >> endobj 666 0 obj << /Title (Certain laws not to be affected by this Code.) /A 665 0 R /Next 668 0 R /Prev 664 0 R /Parent 656 0 R >> endobj 667 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 115 0 R /FitH 758 ] >> endobj 668 0 obj << /Title (Application.) /Prev 666 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 667 0 R >> endobj 669 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 115 0 R /FitH 758 ] >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Title (Chapter II - General Explanations) /A 669 0 R /First 672 0 R /Last 734 0 R /Prev 656 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 32 >> endobj 671 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 115 0 R /FitH 758 ] >> endobj 672 0 obj << /Title (Definitions in the Code to be understood subject to exceptions.) /A 671 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /Next 674 0 R >> endobj 673 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 115 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 674 0 obj << /Title (Sense of expression once explained.) /A 673 0 R /Next 676 0 R /Prev 672 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 675 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 115 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 676 0 obj << /Title (Gender.) /Next 678 0 R /Prev 674 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 675 0 R >> endobj 677 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 678 0 obj << /Title (Number.) /A 677 0 R /Next 680 0 R /Prev 676 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 679 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 680 0 obj << /Title (Man Woman.) /Next 682 0 R /Prev 678 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 679 0 R >> endobj 681 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 682 0 obj << /Title (Person.) /A 681 0 R /Next 684 0 R /Prev 680 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 683 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 684 0 obj << /Title (Public.) /Next 686 0 R /Prev 682 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 683 0 R >> endobj 685 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 686 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /A 685 0 R /Next 688 0 R /Prev 684 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 687 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 688 0 obj << /Title (Government.) /Next 690 0 R /Prev 686 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 687 0 R >> endobj 689 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 451 ] >> endobj 690 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 689 0 R /Next 692 0 R /Prev 688 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 691 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 118 0 R /FitH 451 ] >> endobj 692 0 obj << /Title (Judge.) /Next 694 0 R /Prev 690 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 691 0 R >> endobj 693 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 121 0 R /FitH 671 ] >> endobj 694 0 obj << /Title (Court of Justice.) /A 693 0 R /Next 696 0 R /Prev 692 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 695 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 121 0 R /FitH 671 ] >> endobj 696 0 obj << /Title (Public servant.) /Next 698 0 R /Prev 694 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 695 0 R >> endobj 697 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 124 0 R /FitH 364 ] >> endobj 698 0 obj << /Title (Movable property.) /A 697 0 R /Next 700 0 R /Prev 696 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 699 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 128 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 700 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful gain and wrongful loss.) /Next 702 0 R /Prev 698 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 699 0 R >> endobj 701 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 128 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 702 0 obj << /Title (Dishonestly.) /A 701 0 R /Next 704 0 R /Prev 700 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 703 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 128 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 704 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulently.) /Next 706 0 R /Prev 702 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 703 0 R >> endobj 705 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 128 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 706 0 obj << /Title (Reason to believe.) /A 705 0 R /Next 708 0 R /Prev 704 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 707 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 128 0 R /FitH 397 ] >> endobj 708 0 obj << /Title (Property in possession of wife, clerk or servant.) /Next 710 0 R /Prev 706 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 707 0 R >> endobj 709 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 131 0 R /FitH 906 ] >> endobj 710 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeit.) /A 709 0 R /Next 712 0 R /Prev 708 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 711 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 131 0 R /FitH 549 ] >> endobj 712 0 obj << /Title (Document.) /Next 714 0 R /Prev 710 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 711 0 R >> endobj 713 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 134 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 714 0 obj << /Title (Valuable security.) /A 713 0 R /Next 716 0 R /Prev 712 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 715 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 134 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 716 0 obj << /Title (A will.) /Next 718 0 R /Prev 714 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 715 0 R >> endobj 717 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 134 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 718 0 obj << /Title (Words referring to acts include illegal omissions.) /A 717 0 R /Next 720 0 R /Prev 716 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 719 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 134 0 R /FitH 463 ] >> endobj 720 0 obj << /Title (Act and omission.) /Next 722 0 R /Prev 718 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 719 0 R >> endobj 721 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 134 0 R /FitH 463 ] >> endobj 722 0 obj << /Title (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention.) /A 721 0 R /Next 724 0 R /Prev 720 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 723 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 137 0 R /FitH 802 ] >> endobj 724 0 obj << /Title (When such an act is criminal by reason of its being done with a criminal\ knowledge or intention.) /Next 726 0 R /Prev 722 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 723 0 R >> endobj 725 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 137 0 R /FitH 802 ] >> endobj 726 0 obj << /Title (Effect caused partly by act and partly by omission.) /A 725 0 R /Next 728 0 R /Prev 724 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 727 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 137 0 R /FitH 496 ] >> endobj 728 0 obj << /Title (Co-operation by doing one of several acts constituting an offence.) /Next 730 0 R /Prev 726 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 727 0 R >> endobj 729 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 140 0 R /FitH 733 ] >> endobj 730 0 obj << /Title (Person concerned in criminal act may be guilty of different offences.) /A 729 0 R /Next 732 0 R /Prev 728 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 731 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 140 0 R /FitH 733 ] >> endobj 732 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily.) /Next 734 0 R /Prev 730 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 731 0 R >> endobj 733 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 140 0 R /FitH 443 ] >> endobj 734 0 obj << /Title (Offence.) /A 733 0 R /Prev 732 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 735 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T13:42:49+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T13:42:49+08:00 2003-04-15T13:42:49+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 736 0000000000 65535 f 0000000016 00000 n 0000000253 00000 n 0000000285 00000 n 0000000421 00000 n 0000000555 00000 n 0000000671 00000 n 0000001785 00000 n 0000002072 00000 n 0000003176 00000 n 0000003453 00000 n 0000003995 00000 n 0000004016 00000 n 0000004101 00000 n 0000004247 00000 n 0000005358 00000 n 0000005645 00000 n 0000006561 00000 n 0000006582 00000 n 0000006728 00000 n 0000007664 00000 n 0000007685 00000 n 0000007831 00000 n 0000008801 00000 n 0000008822 00000 n 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00000 n 0000353051 00000 n 0000353196 00000 n 0000353257 00000 n 0000353365 00000 n 0000353426 00000 n 0000353531 00000 n 0000353592 00000 n 0000353706 00000 n 0000353767 00000 n 0000353870 00000 n 0000353931 00000 n 0000354075 00000 n 0000354136 00000 n 0000354251 00000 n 0000354312 00000 n 0000354470 00000 n 0000354531 00000 n 0000354723 00000 n 0000354784 00000 n 0000354929 00000 n 0000354990 00000 n 0000355150 00000 n 0000355211 00000 n 0000355374 00000 n 0000355435 00000 n 0000355543 00000 n 0000355604 00000 n 0000355693 00000 n trailer << /Size 736 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /ID[] >> startxref 357095 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415134948+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 844 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 32 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 31 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 791 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 30 >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Title (Chapter II - General Explanations) /A 669 0 R /First 672 0 R /Last 759 0 R /Next 761 0 R /Prev 656 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -44 >> endobj 734 0 obj << /Title (Offence.) /A 733 0 R /Next 737 0 R /Prev 732 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 736 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 737 0 obj << /Title (Special law.) /Next 739 0 R /Prev 734 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 736 0 R >> endobj 738 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 739 0 obj << /Title (Local law.) /A 738 0 R /Next 741 0 R /Prev 737 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 740 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 741 0 obj << /Title (Illegal.) /A 740 0 R /Next 743 0 R /Prev 739 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 742 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 743 0 obj << /Title (Injury.) /Next 745 0 R /Prev 741 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 742 0 R >> endobj 744 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 745 0 obj << /Title (Life.) /A 744 0 R /Next 747 0 R /Prev 743 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 746 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 143 0 R /FitH 442 ] >> endobj 747 0 obj << /Title (Death.) /Next 749 0 R /Prev 745 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 746 0 R >> endobj 748 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 749 0 obj << /Title (Animal.) /A 748 0 R /Next 751 0 R /Prev 747 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 750 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 751 0 obj << /Title (Vessel.) /Next 753 0 R /Prev 749 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 750 0 R >> endobj 752 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 753 0 obj << /Title (Year, month.) /A 752 0 R /Next 755 0 R /Prev 751 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 754 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 755 0 obj << /Title (Section.) /Next 757 0 R /Prev 753 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 754 0 R >> endobj 756 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 757 0 obj << /Title (Oath.) /A 756 0 R /Next 759 0 R /Prev 755 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 758 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 714 ] >> endobj 759 0 obj << /Title (Good faith.) /Prev 757 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 758 0 R >> endobj 760 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 407 ] >> endobj 761 0 obj << /Title (Chapter III - Punishments) /A 760 0 R /First 763 0 R /Last 789 0 R /Next 791 0 R /Prev 670 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -14 >> endobj 762 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 147 0 R /FitH 407 ] >> endobj 763 0 obj << /Title (Punishments.) /A 762 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /Next 765 0 R >> endobj 764 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 150 0 R /FitH 508 ] >> endobj 765 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /Next 767 0 R /Prev 763 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 764 0 R >> endobj 766 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 150 0 R /FitH 508 ] >> endobj 767 0 obj << /Title (Commutation of sentence of imprisonment.) /A 766 0 R /Next 769 0 R /Prev 765 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 768 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 150 0 R /FitH 508 ] >> endobj 769 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Next 771 0 R /Prev 767 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 768 0 R >> endobj 770 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 150 0 R /FitH 508 ] >> endobj 771 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /A 770 0 R /Next 773 0 R /Prev 769 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 772 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 150 0 R /FitH 508 ] >> endobj 773 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Next 775 0 R /Prev 771 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 772 0 R >> endobj 774 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 153 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 775 0 obj << /Title (Amount of fine.) /A 774 0 R /Next 777 0 R /Prev 773 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 776 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 153 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 777 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Next 779 0 R /Prev 775 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 776 0 R >> endobj 778 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 153 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 779 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /A 778 0 R /Next 781 0 R /Prev 777 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 780 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 153 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 781 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Next 783 0 R /Prev 779 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 780 0 R >> endobj 782 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 153 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 783 0 obj << /Title (Limit of punishment of offence made up of several offences.) /A 782 0 R /Next 785 0 R /Prev 781 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 784 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 156 0 R /FitH 761 ] >> endobj 785 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of person guilty of one of several offences, the judgment sta\ ting that it is doubtful of which.) /Next 787 0 R /Prev 783 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 784 0 R >> endobj 786 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 156 0 R /FitH 761 ] >> endobj 787 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /A 786 0 R /Next 789 0 R /Prev 785 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 788 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 156 0 R /FitH 761 ] >> endobj 789 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of persons convicted after a previous conviction, of an offen\ ce punishable with 3 years imprisonment.) /Prev 787 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 788 0 R >> endobj 790 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 156 0 R /FitH 642 ] >> endobj 791 0 obj << /Title (Chapter IV - General Exceptions) /A 790 0 R /First 793 0 R /Last 833 0 R /Prev 761 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 26 >> endobj 792 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 156 0 R /FitH 642 ] >> endobj 793 0 obj << /Title (Act done by a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself boun\ d, by law.) /A 792 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /Next 795 0 R >> endobj 794 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 159 0 R /FitH 760 ] >> endobj 795 0 obj << /Title (Act of Judge when acting judicially.) /Next 797 0 R /Prev 793 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 794 0 R >> endobj 796 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 159 0 R /FitH 760 ] >> endobj 797 0 obj << /Title (Act done pursuant to the judgment or order of Court.) /A 796 0 R /Next 799 0 R /Prev 795 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 798 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 159 0 R /FitH 760 ] >> endobj 799 0 obj << /Title (Act done by a person justified or by mistake of fact believing himself j\ ustified by law.) /Next 801 0 R /Prev 797 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 798 0 R >> endobj 800 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 159 0 R /FitH 454 ] >> endobj 801 0 obj << /Title (Accident in doing a lawful act.) /A 800 0 R /Next 803 0 R /Prev 799 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 802 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 162 0 R /FitH 742 ] >> endobj 803 0 obj << /Title (Act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent, and to preve\ nt other harm.) /Next 805 0 R /Prev 801 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 802 0 R >> endobj 804 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 162 0 R /FitH 487 ] >> endobj 805 0 obj << /Title (Act of a child under 7 years of age.) /A 804 0 R /Next 807 0 R /Prev 803 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 806 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 162 0 R /FitH 487 ] >> endobj 807 0 obj << /Title (Act of a child above 7 and under 12 of immature understanding.) /Next 809 0 R /Prev 805 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 806 0 R >> endobj 808 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 166 0 R /FitH 724 ] >> endobj 809 0 obj << /Title (Act of a person of unsound mind.) /A 808 0 R /Next 811 0 R /Prev 807 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 810 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 166 0 R /FitH 724 ] >> endobj 811 0 obj << /Title (Intoxication when a defence.) /Next 813 0 R /Prev 809 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 810 0 R >> endobj 812 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 166 0 R /FitH 724 ] >> endobj 813 0 obj << /Title (Effect of defence of intoxication when established.) /A 812 0 R /Next 815 0 R /Prev 811 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 814 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 166 0 R /FitH 418 ] >> endobj 815 0 obj << /Title (Act not intended, and not known to be likely, to cause death or grievous\ hurt, done by consent.) /Next 817 0 R /Prev 813 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 814 0 R >> endobj 816 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 169 0 R /FitH 638 ] >> endobj 817 0 obj << /Title (Act not intended to cause death, done by consent in good faith for perso\ ns benefit.) /A 816 0 R /Next 819 0 R /Prev 815 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 818 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 169 0 R /FitH 638 ] >> endobj 819 0 obj << /Title (Act done in good faith for benefit of child or insane person, by or by c\ onsent of guardian.) /Next 821 0 R /Prev 817 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 818 0 R >> endobj 820 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 172 0 R /FitH 569 ] >> endobj 821 0 obj << /Title (Consent known to be given under fear or misconception, and consent of ch\ ild or person of unsound mind.) /A 820 0 R /Next 823 0 R /Prev 819 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 822 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 172 0 R /FitH 569 ] >> endobj 823 0 obj << /Title (Exclusion of acts which are offences independently of harm caused.) /Next 825 0 R /Prev 821 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 822 0 R >> endobj 824 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 175 0 R /FitH 806 ] >> endobj 825 0 obj << /Title (Act done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent.) /A 824 0 R /Next 827 0 R /Prev 823 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 826 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 178 0 R /FitH 788 ] >> endobj 827 0 obj << /Title (Communication made in good faith.) /Next 829 0 R /Prev 825 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 826 0 R >> endobj 828 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 178 0 R /FitH 788 ] >> endobj 829 0 obj << /Title (Act to which a person is compelled by threats.) /A 828 0 R /Next 831 0 R /Prev 827 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 830 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 178 0 R /FitH 431 ] >> endobj 831 0 obj << /Title (Act causing slight harm.) /Next 833 0 R /Prev 829 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 830 0 R >> endobj 832 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 181 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 833 0 obj << /Title (The Right of Private Defence) /A 832 0 R /First 835 0 R /Last 843 0 R /Prev 831 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 834 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 181 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 835 0 obj << /Title (Things done in private defence.) /A 834 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /Next 837 0 R >> endobj 836 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 181 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 837 0 obj << /Title (Right of private defence of the body and of property.) /Next 839 0 R /Prev 835 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 836 0 R >> endobj 838 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 181 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 839 0 obj << /Title (Right of private defence against the act of a person of unsound mind etc\ .) /A 838 0 R /Next 841 0 R /Prev 837 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 840 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 185 0 R /FitH 752 ] >> endobj 841 0 obj << /Title (Acts against which there is no right of private defence; and extent to w\ hich the right may be exercised.) /Next 843 0 R /Prev 839 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 840 0 R >> endobj 842 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 185 0 R /FitH 616 ] >> endobj 843 0 obj << /Title (When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death.) /A 842 0 R /Prev 841 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 844 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T13:49:48+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T13:49:48+08:00 2003-04-15T13:49:48+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000371974 00000 n 3 1 0000372211 00000 n 651 2 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00000 n 0000382531 00000 n 0000382641 00000 n 0000382702 00000 n 0000382849 00000 n 0000382910 00000 n 0000383079 00000 n 0000383140 00000 n 0000383340 00000 n 0000383401 00000 n 0000383551 00000 n trailer << /Size 845 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 357095 /ID[<7c12049be92a096751d81b3604362e10>] >> startxref 384953 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415141115+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1037 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 29 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 28 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1004 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 27 >> endobj 656 0 obj << /Title (Chapter I - Introduction) /A 655 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 658 0 R /Last 668 0 R /Count -6 /Next 670 0 R >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Title (Chapter II - General Explanations) /A 669 0 R /First 672 0 R /Last 759 0 R /Next 761 0 R /Prev 656 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -44 >> endobj 791 0 obj << /Title (Chapter IV - General Exceptions) /A 790 0 R /First 793 0 R /Last 833 0 R /Next 858 0 R /Prev 761 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -21 >> endobj 833 0 obj << /Title (The Right of Private Defence) /A 832 0 R /First 835 0 R /Last 856 0 R /Prev 831 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /Count -11 >> endobj 843 0 obj << /Title (When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death.) /A 842 0 R /Next 846 0 R /Prev 841 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 845 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 188 0 R /FitH 802 ] >> endobj 846 0 obj << /Title (When such right extends to causing any harm other than death.) /Next 848 0 R /Prev 843 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 845 0 R >> endobj 847 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 188 0 R /FitH 734 ] >> endobj 848 0 obj << /Title (Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of the body\ .) /A 847 0 R /Next 850 0 R /Prev 846 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 849 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 188 0 R /FitH 547 ] >> endobj 850 0 obj << /Title (When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death.) /Next 852 0 R /Prev 848 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 849 0 R >> endobj 851 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 191 0 R /FitH 699 ] >> endobj 852 0 obj << /Title (When such right extends to causing any harm other than death.) /A 851 0 R /Next 854 0 R /Prev 850 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 853 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 191 0 R /FitH 699 ] >> endobj 854 0 obj << /Title (Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of property\ .) /Next 856 0 R /Prev 852 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 853 0 R >> endobj 855 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 194 0 R /FitH 851 ] >> endobj 856 0 obj << /Title (Right of private defence against deadly assault when there is risk of ha\ rm to innocent person.) /A 855 0 R /Prev 854 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 857 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 194 0 R /FitH 732 ] >> endobj 858 0 obj << /Title (Chapter V - Abetment) /A 857 0 R /Next 890 0 R /Prev 791 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 860 0 R /Last 888 0 R /Count -15 >> endobj 859 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 194 0 R /FitH 732 ] >> endobj 860 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of a thing.) /A 859 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /Next 862 0 R >> endobj 861 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 197 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 862 0 obj << /Title (Abettor.) /Next 864 0 R /Prev 860 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 861 0 R >> endobj 863 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 200 0 R /FitH 423 ] >> endobj 864 0 obj << /Title (Abetment in Brunei Darussalam of offences outside it.) /A 863 0 R /Next 866 0 R /Prev 862 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 865 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 204 0 R /FitH 729 ] >> endobj 866 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of abatement if the act abetted is committed in consequence, \ and where no express provision is made for its punishment.) /Next 868 0 R /Prev 864 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 865 0 R >> endobj 867 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 204 0 R /FitH 456 ] >> endobj 868 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of abatement if person abetted does act with different intent\ ion from that of abettor.) /A 867 0 R /Next 870 0 R /Prev 866 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 869 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 207 0 R /FitH 830 ] >> endobj 870 0 obj << /Title (Liability of abettor when one act abetted and different act done.) /Next 872 0 R /Prev 868 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 869 0 R >> endobj 871 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 207 0 R /FitH 455 ] >> endobj 872 0 obj << /Title (Abettor when liable to cumulative punishment for act abetted and for act\ done.) /A 871 0 R /Next 874 0 R /Prev 870 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 873 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 210 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 874 0 obj << /Title (Liability of abettor for an effect caused by the act abetted different f\ rom that intended by the abettors.) /Next 876 0 R /Prev 872 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 873 0 R >> endobj 875 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 210 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 876 0 obj << /Title (Abettor present when offences is committed.) /A 875 0 R /Next 878 0 R /Prev 874 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 877 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 210 0 R /FitH 505 ] >> endobj 878 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for 15 year\ s if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment. If act\ causing harm be done in consequence.) /Next 880 0 R /Prev 876 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 877 0 R >> endobj 879 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 213 0 R /FitH 606 ] >> endobj 880 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of offence punishable with imprisonment if offence be not commi\ tted.) /A 879 0 R /Next 882 0 R /Prev 878 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 881 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 216 0 R /FitH 826 ] >> endobj 882 0 obj << /Title (Abetting commission of an offence by the public, or by more than 10 pers\ ons.) /Next 884 0 R /Prev 880 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 881 0 R >> endobj 883 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 216 0 R /FitH 605 ] >> endobj 884 0 obj << /Title (Concealing design to commit offence punishable with death or imprisonmen\ t.) /A 883 0 R /Next 886 0 R /Prev 882 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 885 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 219 0 R /FitH 757 ] >> endobj 886 0 obj << /Title (Public servant concealing design to commit offence which it is his duty \ to prevent.) /Next 888 0 R /Prev 884 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 885 0 R >> endobj 887 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 219 0 R /FitH 604 ] >> endobj 888 0 obj << /Title (Concealing design to commit offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 887 0 R /Prev 886 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 889 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 223 0 R /FitH 909 ] >> endobj 890 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VA - Criminal Conspiracy) /A 889 0 R /Next 896 0 R /Prev 858 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 892 0 R /Last 894 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 891 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 223 0 R /FitH 909 ] >> endobj 892 0 obj << /Title (Definition of criminal conspiracy.) /A 891 0 R /Parent 890 0 R /Next 894 0 R >> endobj 893 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 223 0 R /FitH 671 ] >> endobj 894 0 obj << /Title (Punishment of criminal conspiracy.) /Prev 892 0 R /Parent 890 0 R /A 893 0 R >> endobj 895 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 226 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 896 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VI - Offences Against The State) /A 895 0 R /First 898 0 R /Last 910 0 R /Next 912 0 R /Prev 890 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 897 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 226 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 898 0 obj << /Title (Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against His\ Majesty.) /A 897 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /Next 900 0 R >> endobj 899 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 226 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 900 0 obj << /Title (Conspiracy to commit offences punishable by section 121. 121A. Whoever, \ within or without Brunei Darussalam conspires to commit) /Next 902 0 R /Prev 898 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 899 0 R >> endobj 901 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 226 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 902 0 obj << /Title (Collecting arms etc. with the intention of waging war against His Majest\ y.) /A 901 0 R /Next 904 0 R /Prev 900 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 903 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 226 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 904 0 obj << /Title (Concealing with intent to facilitate design to wage war.) /Next 906 0 R /Prev 902 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 903 0 R >> endobj 905 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 771 ] >> endobj 906 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 905 0 R /Next 908 0 R /Prev 904 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 907 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 771 ] >> endobj 908 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /Next 910 0 R /Prev 906 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 907 0 R >> endobj 909 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 771 ] >> endobj 910 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /A 909 0 R /Prev 908 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 911 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 771 ] >> endobj 912 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VII - Offences relating to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police) /A 911 0 R /Next 934 0 R /Prev 896 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 914 0 R /Last 932 0 R /Count -10 >> endobj 913 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 771 ] >> endobj 914 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of mutiny to induce soldier etc. from his duty.) /A 913 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /Next 916 0 R >> endobj 915 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 229 0 R /FitH 550 ] >> endobj 916 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of mutiny, if mutiny is committed in consequence thereof.) /Next 918 0 R /Prev 914 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 915 0 R >> endobj 917 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 232 0 R /FitH 923 ] >> endobj 918 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of assault by soldiers etc. on his superior officer when in exe\ cution of his office.) /A 917 0 R /Next 920 0 R /Prev 916 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 919 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 232 0 R /FitH 923 ] >> endobj 920 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of such assault if the assault is committed.) /Next 922 0 R /Prev 918 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 919 0 R >> endobj 921 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 232 0 R /FitH 532 ] >> endobj 922 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of desertion.) /A 921 0 R /Next 924 0 R /Prev 920 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 923 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 232 0 R /FitH 532 ] >> endobj 924 0 obj << /Title (Harbouring deserter.) /Next 926 0 R /Prev 922 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 923 0 R >> endobj 925 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 232 0 R /FitH 532 ] >> endobj 926 0 obj << /Title (Deserter concealed on board merchant vessel through negligence of master\ .) /A 925 0 R /Next 928 0 R /Prev 924 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 927 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 235 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 928 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of act of insubordination by soldier etc.) /Next 930 0 R /Prev 926 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 927 0 R >> endobj 929 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 235 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 930 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 929 0 R /Next 932 0 R /Prev 928 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 931 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 235 0 R /FitH 718 ] >> endobj 932 0 obj << /Title (Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier etc.) /Prev 930 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 931 0 R >> endobj 933 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 235 0 R /FitH 565 ] >> endobj 934 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VIII - Offences Against the Public Tranquillity) /A 933 0 R /First 936 0 R /Last 976 0 R /Next 978 0 R /Prev 912 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -21 >> endobj 935 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 235 0 R /FitH 565 ] >> endobj 936 0 obj << /Title (Unlawful assembly.) /A 935 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /Next 938 0 R >> endobj 937 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 238 0 R /FitH 496 ] >> endobj 938 0 obj << /Title (Being member of unlawful assembly.) /Next 940 0 R /Prev 936 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 937 0 R >> endobj 939 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 238 0 R /FitH 496 ] >> endobj 940 0 obj << /Title (Punishment.) /A 939 0 R /Next 942 0 R /Prev 938 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 941 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 238 0 R /FitH 496 ] >> endobj 942 0 obj << /Title (Joining unlawful assembly armed with deadly weapon.) /Next 944 0 R /Prev 940 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 941 0 R >> endobj 943 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 242 0 R /FitH 767 ] >> endobj 944 0 obj << /Title (Joining or continuing in unlawful assembly, knowing it has been commande\ d to disperse.) /A 943 0 R /Next 946 0 R /Prev 942 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 945 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 242 0 R /FitH 767 ] >> endobj 946 0 obj << /Title (Rioting.) /Next 948 0 R /Prev 944 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 945 0 R >> endobj 947 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 242 0 R /FitH 767 ] >> endobj 948 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for rioting.) /A 947 0 R /Next 950 0 R /Prev 946 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 949 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 242 0 R /FitH 767 ] >> endobj 950 0 obj << /Title (Rioting armed with deadly weapon.) /Next 952 0 R /Prev 948 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 949 0 R >> endobj 951 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 242 0 R /FitH 546 ] >> endobj 952 0 obj << /Title (Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecu\ tion of common object.) /A 951 0 R /Next 954 0 R /Prev 950 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 953 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 245 0 R /FitH 783 ] >> endobj 954 0 obj << /Title (Hiring, or conniving at hiring, of persons to join unlawful assembly.) /Next 956 0 R /Prev 952 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 953 0 R >> endobj 955 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 245 0 R /FitH 783 ] >> endobj 956 0 obj << /Title (Knowingly joining or continuing in 5 or more persons after it has been c\ ommanded to disperse.) /A 955 0 R /Next 958 0 R /Prev 954 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 957 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 245 0 R /FitH 561 ] >> endobj 958 0 obj << /Title (Assaulting or obstructing public servant when suppressing riot etc.) /Next 960 0 R /Prev 956 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 957 0 R >> endobj 959 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 245 0 R /FitH 561 ] >> endobj 960 0 obj << /Title (Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot.) /A 959 0 R /Next 962 0 R /Prev 958 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 961 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 248 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 962 0 obj << /Title (Promoting enmity between classes.) /Next 964 0 R /Prev 960 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 961 0 R >> endobj 963 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 248 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 964 0 obj << /Title (Owner or occupier of land on which an unlawful assembly is held.) /A 963 0 R /Next 966 0 R /Prev 962 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 965 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 248 0 R /FitH 458 ] >> endobj 966 0 obj << /Title (Liability of persons for whose benefit riot is committed.) /Next 968 0 R /Prev 964 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 965 0 R >> endobj 967 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 251 0 R /FitH 781 ] >> endobj 968 0 obj << /Title (Liability of agent of owner or occupier for whose benefit a riot is comm\ itted.) /A 967 0 R /Next 970 0 R /Prev 966 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 969 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 251 0 R /FitH 781 ] >> endobj 970 0 obj << /Title (Harbouring persons hired for an unlawful assembly.) /Next 972 0 R /Prev 968 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 969 0 R >> endobj 971 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 251 0 R /FitH 593 ] >> endobj 972 0 obj << /Title (Being hired to take part in unlawful assembly or riot, or to go armed.) /A 971 0 R /Next 974 0 R /Prev 970 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 973 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 780 ] >> endobj 974 0 obj << /Title (Affray.) /Next 976 0 R /Prev 972 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 973 0 R >> endobj 975 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 780 ] >> endobj 976 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for committing affray.) /A 975 0 R /Prev 974 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 977 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 780 ] >> endobj 978 0 obj << /Title (Chapter IX - Offences by or relating to Public Servants) /A 977 0 R /Next 1004 0 R /Prev 934 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 982 0 R /Last 1002 0 R /Count -11 >> endobj 979 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 780 ] >> endobj 980 1 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 981 1 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 254 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 982 0 obj << /Title (Public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration, in re\ spect of an official act.) /A 981 1 R /Parent 978 0 R /Next 984 0 R >> endobj 983 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 257 0 R /FitH 520 ] >> endobj 984 0 obj << /Title (Taking gratification, in order, by corrupt or illegal means, to influenc\ e servant.) /Next 986 0 R /Prev 982 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 983 0 R >> endobj 985 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 257 0 R /FitH 520 ] >> endobj 986 0 obj << /Title (Taking gratification, for exercise of personal influence with public ser\ vant.) /A 985 0 R /Next 988 0 R /Prev 984 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 987 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 261 0 R /FitH 587 ] >> endobj 988 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for abetment by public servant of offences defined in section\ 162 or 163.) /Next 990 0 R /Prev 986 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 987 0 R >> endobj 989 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 261 0 R /FitH 587 ] >> endobj 990 0 obj << /Title (Public servant obtaining valuable thing, without consideration, from per\ son concerned in proceeding or business transacted by such public servan\ t.) /A 989 0 R /Next 992 0 R /Prev 988 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 991 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 264 0 R /FitH 603 ] >> endobj 992 0 obj << /Title (Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person\ .) /Next 994 0 R /Prev 990 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 991 0 R >> endobj 993 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 264 0 R /FitH 603 ] >> endobj 994 0 obj << /Title (Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury\ .) /A 993 0 R /Next 996 0 R /Prev 992 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 995 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 267 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 996 0 obj << /Title (Public servant unlawfully engaging in trade.) /Next 998 0 R /Prev 994 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 995 0 R >> endobj 997 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 267 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 998 0 obj << /Title (Public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property.) /A 997 0 R /Next 1000 0 R /Prev 996 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 999 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 267 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 1000 0 obj << /Title (Personating a public servant.) /Next 1002 0 R /Prev 998 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 999 0 R >> endobj 1001 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 267 0 R /FitH 483 ] >> endobj 1002 0 obj << /Title (Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent in\ tent.) /A 1001 0 R /Prev 1000 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 1003 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 270 0 R /FitH 822 ] >> endobj 1004 0 obj << /Title (Chapter X - Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public Servants) /A 1003 0 R /Prev 978 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1006 0 R /Last 1036 0 R /Count 16 >> endobj 1005 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 270 0 R /FitH 822 ] >> endobj 1006 0 obj << /Title (Absconding to avoid service of summons or order proceeding.) /A 1005 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /Next 1008 0 R >> endobj 1007 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 270 0 R /FitH 822 ] >> endobj 1008 0 obj << /Title (Preventing service of summons or other proceeding or preventing publicat\ ion thereof.) /Next 1010 0 R /Prev 1006 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1007 0 R >> endobj 1009 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 270 0 R /FitH 414 ] >> endobj 1010 0 obj << /Title (Non-attendance in obedience to an order from public servant.) /A 1009 0 R /Next 1012 0 R /Prev 1008 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1011 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 273 0 R /FitH 702 ] >> endobj 1012 0 obj << /Title (Omission to produce document to public servant by person legally bound t\ o produce it.) /Next 1014 0 R /Prev 1010 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1011 0 R >> endobj 1013 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 273 0 R /FitH 430 ] >> endobj 1014 0 obj << /Title (Omission to give notice or information to public servant by person legal\ ly bound to give it.) /A 1013 0 R /Next 1016 0 R /Prev 1012 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1015 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 276 0 R /FitH 701 ] >> endobj 1016 0 obj << /Title (Furnishing false information.) /Next 1018 0 R /Prev 1014 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1015 0 R >> endobj 1017 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 276 0 R /FitH 411 ] >> endobj 1018 0 obj << /Title (Refusing oath when duly required to take oath by a public servant.) /A 1017 0 R /Next 1020 0 R /Prev 1016 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1019 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 280 0 R /FitH 734 ] >> endobj 1020 0 obj << /Title (Refusing to answer a public servant authorised to question.) /Next 1022 0 R /Prev 1018 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1019 0 R >> endobj 1021 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 280 0 R /FitH 734 ] >> endobj 1022 0 obj << /Title (Refusing to sign statement.) /A 1021 0 R /Next 1024 0 R /Prev 1020 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1023 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 280 0 R /FitH 734 ] >> endobj 1024 0 obj << /Title (False statement on oath or affirmation public servant or person authoris\ ed to administer on an oath or affirmation.) /Next 1026 0 R /Prev 1022 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1023 0 R >> endobj 1025 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 280 0 R /FitH 410 ] >> endobj 1026 0 obj << /Title (False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful\ power to the injury of another person.) /A 1025 0 R /Next 1028 0 R /Prev 1024 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1027 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 283 0 R /FitH 494 ] >> endobj 1028 0 obj << /Title (Resistance to the taking of property by lawful authority of public serva\ nt.) /Next 1030 0 R /Prev 1026 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1027 0 R >> endobj 1029 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 283 0 R /FitH 494 ] >> endobj 1030 0 obj << /Title (Obstructing sale of property offered for sale by authority of public ser\ vant.) /A 1029 0 R /Next 1032 0 R /Prev 1028 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1031 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 286 0 R /FitH 715 ] >> endobj 1032 0 obj << /Title (Illegal purchase or bid for property offered for sale by authority of pu\ blic servant.) /Next 1034 0 R /Prev 1030 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1031 0 R >> endobj 1033 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 286 0 R /FitH 715 ] >> endobj 1034 0 obj << /Title (Obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions.) /A 1033 0 R /Next 1036 0 R /Prev 1032 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1035 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 286 0 R /FitH 715 ] >> endobj 1036 0 obj << /Title (Omission to assist public servant when bound by law to give assistance.) /Prev 1034 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1035 0 R >> endobj 1037 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T14:11:15+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T14:11:15+08:00 2003-04-15T14:11:15+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000387506 00000 n 3 1 0000387743 00000 n 651 2 0000387880 00000 n 0000387964 00000 n 654 1 0000388093 00000 n 656 1 0000388223 00000 n 670 1 0000388368 00000 n 791 1 0000388538 00000 n 833 1 0000388706 00000 n 843 1 0000388856 00000 n 845 193 0000389021 00000 n 0000389082 00000 n 0000389237 00000 n 0000389298 00000 n 0000389467 00000 n 0000389528 00000 n 0000389693 00000 n 0000389754 00000 n 0000389909 00000 n 0000389970 00000 n 0000390139 00000 n 0000390200 00000 n 0000390375 00000 n 0000390436 00000 n 0000390593 00000 n 0000390654 00000 n 0000390753 00000 n 0000390814 00000 n 0000390916 00000 n 0000390977 00000 n 0000391124 00000 n 0000391185 00000 n 0000391411 00000 n 0000391472 00000 n 0000391665 00000 n 0000391726 00000 n 0000391885 00000 n 0000391946 00000 n 0000392120 00000 n 0000392181 00000 n 0000392383 00000 n 0000392444 00000 n 0000392581 00000 n 0000392642 00000 n 0000392921 00000 n 0000392982 00000 n 0000393155 00000 n 0000393216 00000 n 0000393388 00000 n 0000393449 00000 n 0000393619 00000 n 0000393680 00000 n 0000393859 00000 n 0000393920 00000 n 0000394064 00000 n 0000394125 00000 n 0000394293 00000 n 0000394354 00000 n 0000394467 00000 n 0000394528 00000 n 0000394641 00000 n 0000394702 00000 n 0000394877 00000 n 0000394938 00000 n 0000395100 00000 n 0000395161 00000 n 0000395384 00000 n 0000395445 00000 n 0000395615 00000 n 0000395676 00000 n 0000395826 00000 n 0000395887 00000 n 0000395996 00000 n 0000396057 00000 n 0000396164 00000 n 0000396225 00000 n 0000396320 00000 n 0000396381 00000 n 0000396589 00000 n 0000396650 00000 n 0000396785 00000 n 0000396846 00000 n 0000397006 00000 n 0000397067 00000 n 0000397256 00000 n 0000397317 00000 n 0000397464 00000 n 0000397525 00000 n 0000397641 00000 n 0000397702 00000 n 0000397816 00000 n 0000397877 00000 n 0000398046 00000 n 0000398107 00000 n 0000398251 00000 n 0000398312 00000 n 0000398421 00000 n 0000398482 00000 n 0000398612 00000 n 0000398673 00000 n 0000398865 00000 n 0000398926 00000 n 0000399023 00000 n 0000399084 00000 n 0000399212 00000 n 0000399273 00000 n 0000399378 00000 n 0000399439 00000 n 0000399584 00000 n 0000399645 00000 n 0000399827 00000 n 0000399888 00000 n 0000399990 00000 n 0000400051 00000 n 0000400168 00000 n 0000400229 00000 n 0000400356 00000 n 0000400417 00000 n 0000400607 00000 n 0000400668 00000 n 0000400831 00000 n 0000400892 00000 n 0000401081 00000 n 0000401142 00000 n 0000401303 00000 n 0000401364 00000 n 0000401512 00000 n 0000401573 00000 n 0000401700 00000 n 0000401761 00000 n 0000401919 00000 n 0000401980 00000 n 0000402131 00000 n 0000402192 00000 n 0000402366 00000 n 0000402427 00000 n 0000402571 00000 n 0000402632 00000 n 0000402796 00000 n 0000402857 00000 n 0000402958 00000 n 0000403019 00000 n 0000403131 00000 n 0000403192 00000 n 0000403386 00000 n 0000403447 00001 n 0000403508 00001 n 0000403569 00000 n 0000403747 00000 n 0000403808 00000 n 0000403986 00000 n 0000404047 00000 n 0000404220 00000 n 0000404281 00000 n 0000404461 00000 n 0000404522 00000 n 0000404766 00000 n 0000404827 00000 n 0000404996 00000 n 0000405057 00000 n 0000405226 00000 n 0000405287 00000 n 0000405425 00000 n 0000405486 00000 n 0000405638 00000 n 0000405699 00000 n 0000405824 00000 n 0000405886 00000 n 0000406047 00000 n 0000406109 00000 n 0000406298 00000 n 0000406360 00000 n 0000406502 00000 n 0000406564 00000 n 0000406749 00000 n 0000406811 00000 n 0000406970 00000 n 0000407032 00000 n 0000407218 00000 n 0000407280 00000 n 0000407473 00000 n 0000407535 00000 n 0000407663 00000 n 0000407725 00000 n 0000407890 00000 n 0000407952 00000 n 0000408110 00000 n 0000408172 00000 n 0000408298 00000 n 0000408360 00000 n 0000408576 00000 n 0000408638 00000 n 0000408850 00000 n 0000408912 00000 n 0000409088 00000 n 0000409150 00000 n 0000409328 00000 n 0000409390 00000 n 0000409576 00000 n 0000409638 00000 n 0000409797 00000 n 0000409859 00000 n 0000410013 00000 n trailer << /Size 1038 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 384953 /ID[<68866f06bec6eafdff1312cea2478e2b>] >> startxref 411416 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415141416+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1066 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 24 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 23 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1045 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 22 >> endobj 1004 0 obj << /Title (Chapter X - Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public Servants) /A 1003 0 R /Next 1045 0 R /Prev 978 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1006 0 R /Last 1043 0 R /Count -19 >> endobj 1036 0 obj << /Title (Omission to assist public servant when bound by law to give assistance.) /Next 1039 0 R /Prev 1034 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1035 0 R >> endobj 1038 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 289 0 R /FitH 765 ] >> endobj 1039 0 obj << /Title (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant.) /A 1038 0 R /Next 1041 0 R /Prev 1036 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1040 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 289 0 R /FitH 577 ] >> endobj 1041 0 obj << /Title (Threat of injury to public servant.) /Next 1043 0 R /Prev 1039 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1040 0 R >> endobj 1042 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 289 0 R /FitH 577 ] >> endobj 1043 0 obj << /Title (Threat of injury to induce person to refrain from applying for protectio\ n to public servant.) /A 1042 0 R /Prev 1041 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1044 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 292 0 R /FitH 764 ] >> endobj 1045 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XI - False Evidence and Offences Against Public Justice) /A 1044 0 R /Prev 1004 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1047 0 R /Last 1065 0 R /Count 10 >> endobj 1046 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 292 0 R /FitH 764 ] >> endobj 1047 0 obj << /Title (Giving false evidence.) /A 1046 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /Next 1049 0 R >> endobj 1048 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 295 0 R /FitH 780 ] >> endobj 1049 0 obj << /Title (Fabricating false evidence.) /Next 1051 0 R /Prev 1047 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1048 0 R >> endobj 1050 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 295 0 R /FitH 524 ] >> endobj 1051 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for false evidence.) /A 1050 0 R /Next 1053 0 R /Prev 1049 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1052 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 299 0 R /FitH 557 ] >> endobj 1053 0 obj << /Title (Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction o\ f capital offence.) /Next 1055 0 R /Prev 1051 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1052 0 R >> endobj 1054 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 299 0 R /FitH 557 ] >> endobj 1055 0 obj << /Title (Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction o\ f offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 1054 0 R /Next 1057 0 R /Prev 1053 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1056 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 302 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1057 0 obj << /Title (Using evidence known to be false.) /Next 1059 0 R /Prev 1055 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1056 0 R >> endobj 1058 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 302 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1059 0 obj << /Title (Issuing or signing false certificate.) /A 1058 0 R /Next 1061 0 R /Prev 1057 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1060 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 302 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1061 0 obj << /Title (Using as true a certificate known to be false.) /Next 1063 0 R /Prev 1059 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1060 0 R >> endobj 1062 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 302 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1063 0 obj << /Title (False statement made in declaration which is by law receivable as eviden\ ce.) /A 1062 0 R /Next 1065 0 R /Prev 1061 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1064 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 302 0 R /FitH 454 ] >> endobj 1065 0 obj << /Title (Using as true such declaration, knowing it to be false.) /Prev 1063 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1064 0 R >> endobj 1066 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T14:14:16+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T14:14:16+08:00 2003-04-15T14:14:16+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000415731 00000 n 3 1 0000415968 00000 n 651 2 0000416105 00000 n 0000416189 00000 n 654 1 0000416318 00000 n 1004 1 0000416448 00000 n 1036 1 0000416654 00000 n 1038 29 0000416824 00000 n 0000416886 00000 n 0000417042 00000 n 0000417104 00000 n 0000417238 00000 n 0000417300 00000 n 0000417477 00000 n 0000417539 00000 n 0000417728 00000 n 0000417790 00000 n 0000417895 00000 n 0000417957 00000 n 0000418083 00000 n 0000418145 00000 n 0000418274 00000 n 0000418336 00000 n 0000418527 00000 n 0000418589 00000 n 0000418801 00000 n 0000418863 00000 n 0000418995 00000 n 0000419057 00000 n 0000419193 00000 n 0000419255 00000 n 0000419400 00000 n 0000419462 00000 n 0000419638 00000 n 0000419700 00000 n 0000419838 00000 n trailer << /Size 1067 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 411416 /ID[<53a6187f20d896610bea5ec37118a1be>] >> startxref 421241 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415141741+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1097 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 39 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 38 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1045 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 37 >> endobj 1045 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XI - False Evidence and Offences Against Public Justice) /A 1044 0 R /Prev 1004 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1047 0 R /Last 1096 0 R /Count 25 >> endobj 1065 0 obj << /Title (Using as true such declaration, knowing it to be false.) /Next 1068 0 R /Prev 1063 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1064 0 R >> endobj 1067 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 305 0 R /FitH 708 ] >> endobj 1068 0 obj << /Title (Causing disappearance of evidence of offence or giving false information\ to screen offender.) /A 1067 0 R /Next 1070 0 R /Prev 1065 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1069 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 305 0 R /FitH 487 ] >> endobj 1070 0 obj << /Title (Intentional omission to give information of offence by person bound to i\ nform.) /Next 1072 0 R /Prev 1068 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1069 0 R >> endobj 1071 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 308 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1072 0 obj << /Title (Giving false information respecting an offence committed.) /A 1071 0 R /Next 1074 0 R /Prev 1070 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1073 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 308 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1074 0 obj << /Title (Destruction of document to prevent its production as evidence.) /Next 1076 0 R /Prev 1072 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1073 0 R >> endobj 1075 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 308 0 R /FitH 435 ] >> endobj 1076 0 obj << /Title (False personation for purpose of act or proceeding in suit or prosecutio\ n.) /A 1075 0 R /Next 1078 0 R /Prev 1074 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1077 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 308 0 R /FitH 435 ] >> endobj 1078 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent removal or concealment of property to prevent its seizure as \ forfeited or in execution.) /Next 1080 0 R /Prev 1076 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1077 0 R >> endobj 1079 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 311 0 R /FitH 604 ] >> endobj 1080 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent claim to property to prevent its seizure as forfeited or in e\ xecution.) /A 1079 0 R /Next 1082 0 R /Prev 1078 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1081 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 311 0 R /FitH 604 ] >> endobj 1082 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulently suffering decree for sum not due.) /Next 1084 0 R /Prev 1080 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1081 0 R >> endobj 1083 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 314 0 R /FitH 705 ] >> endobj 1084 0 obj << /Title (Dishonestly making false claim in Court.) /A 1083 0 R /Next 1086 0 R /Prev 1082 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1085 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 314 0 R /FitH 705 ] >> endobj 1086 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulently obtaining decree for sum not due.) /Next 1088 0 R /Prev 1084 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1085 0 R >> endobj 1087 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 314 0 R /FitH 705 ] >> endobj 1088 0 obj << /Title (False charge of offence made with intent to injure.) /A 1087 0 R /Next 1090 0 R /Prev 1086 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1089 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 314 0 R /FitH 382 ] >> endobj 1090 0 obj << /Title (Harbouring offender.) /Next 1092 0 R /Prev 1088 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1089 0 R >> endobj 1091 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 318 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 1092 0 obj << /Title (Taking gift etc. to screen an offender from punishment.) /A 1091 0 R /Next 1094 0 R /Prev 1090 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1093 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 318 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 1094 0 obj << /Title (Offering gift or restoration of property in consideration of screening o\ ffender.) /Next 1096 0 R /Prev 1092 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1093 0 R >> endobj 1095 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 321 0 R /FitH 805 ] >> endobj 1096 0 obj << /Title (Taking gift to help to recover stolen property etc.) /A 1095 0 R /Prev 1094 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1097 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T14:17:41+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T14:17:41+08:00 2003-04-15T14:17:41+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000422197 00000 n 3 1 0000422434 00000 n 651 2 0000422571 00000 n 0000422655 00000 n 654 1 0000422784 00000 n 1045 1 0000422914 00000 n 1065 1 0000423103 00000 n 1067 31 0000423257 00000 n 0000423319 00000 n 0000423512 00000 n 0000423574 00000 n 0000423753 00000 n 0000423815 00000 n 0000423971 00000 n 0000424033 00000 n 0000424194 00000 n 0000424256 00000 n 0000424431 00000 n 0000424493 00000 n 0000424692 00000 n 0000424754 00000 n 0000424936 00000 n 0000424998 00000 n 0000425143 00000 n 0000425205 00000 n 0000425344 00000 n 0000425406 00000 n 0000425551 00000 n 0000425613 00000 n 0000425763 00000 n 0000425825 00000 n 0000425944 00000 n 0000426006 00000 n 0000426160 00000 n 0000426222 00000 n 0000426403 00000 n 0000426465 00000 n 0000426599 00000 n trailer << /Size 1098 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 421241 /ID[] >> startxref 428002 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415142455+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1152 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 20 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 19 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1141 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 18 >> endobj 1045 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XI - False Evidence and Offences Against Public Justice) /A 1044 0 R /Next 1141 0 R /Prev 1004 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1047 0 R /Last 1139 0 R /Count -46 >> endobj 1096 0 obj << /Title (Taking gift to help to recover stolen property etc.) /A 1095 0 R /Next 1099 0 R /Prev 1094 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1098 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 321 0 R /FitH 601 ] >> endobj 1099 0 obj << /Title (Harbouring offender who has escaped from custody, or whose apprehension \ has been ordered.) /Next 1101 0 R /Prev 1096 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1098 0 R >> endobj 1100 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 324 0 R /FitH 549 ] >> endobj 1101 0 obj << /Title (Penalty for harbouring robbers or gang-robbers.) /A 1100 0 R /Next 1103 0 R /Prev 1099 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1102 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 327 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1103 0 obj << /Title (Harbouring suspected bad characters.) /Next 1105 0 R /Prev 1101 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1102 0 R >> endobj 1104 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 327 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1105 0 obj << /Title (Definition of harbour in sections 212, 216, 216A and 216B.) /A 1104 0 R /Next 1107 0 R /Prev 1103 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1106 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 327 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1107 0 obj << /Title (Public servant disobeying direction of law with intent to save person fr\ om punishment or property from forfeiture.) /Next 1109 0 R /Prev 1105 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1106 0 R >> endobj 1108 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 327 0 R /FitH 463 ] >> endobj 1109 0 obj << /Title (Public servant framing incorrect record or writing with intent to save p\ erson from punishment or property from forfeiture.) /A 1108 0 R /Next 1111 0 R /Prev 1107 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1110 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 330 0 R /FitH 751 ] >> endobj 1111 0 obj << /Title (Public servant in judicial proceeding corruptly making report etc. contr\ ary to law.) /Next 1113 0 R /Prev 1109 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1110 0 R >> endobj 1112 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 330 0 R /FitH 751 ] >> endobj 1113 0 obj << /Title (Commitment for trial or confinement by person having authority who knows\ that he is acting contrary to law.) /A 1112 0 R /Next 1115 0 R /Prev 1111 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1114 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 330 0 R /FitH 461 ] >> endobj 1115 0 obj << /Title (Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of public servant bound to\ apprehend.) /Next 1117 0 R /Prev 1113 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1114 0 R >> endobj 1116 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 333 0 R /FitH 563 ] >> endobj 1117 0 obj << /Title (Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of public servant bound to\ apprehend person under sentence or lawfully committed.) /A 1116 0 R /Next 1119 0 R /Prev 1115 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1118 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 337 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 1119 0 obj << /Title (Escape from confinement or custody negligently suffered by public servan\ t.) /Next 1121 0 R /Prev 1117 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1118 0 R >> endobj 1120 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 337 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 1121 0 obj << /Title (Resistance etc. to lawful apprehension: escape from custody.) /A 1120 0 R /Next 1123 0 R /Prev 1119 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1122 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 337 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 1123 0 obj << /Title (Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension of another person.) /Next 1125 0 R /Prev 1121 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1122 0 R >> endobj 1124 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 340 0 R /FitH 492 ] >> endobj 1125 0 obj << /Title (Omission to apprehend, or sufferance or escape, on part of public servan\ t in cases not otherwise provided for.) /A 1124 0 R /Next 1127 0 R /Prev 1123 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1126 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 343 0 R /FitH 764 ] >> endobj 1127 0 obj << /Title (Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension, or escape or rescue, i\ n cases not provided for.) /Next 1129 0 R /Prev 1125 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1126 0 R >> endobj 1128 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 343 0 R /FitH 764 ] >> endobj 1129 0 obj << /Title (Unlawful return from deportation etc.) /A 1128 0 R /Next 1131 0 R /Prev 1127 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1130 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 343 0 R /FitH 764 ] >> endobj 1131 0 obj << /Title (Violation of condition of remission of punishment.) /Next 1133 0 R /Prev 1129 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1130 0 R >> endobj 1132 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 343 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1133 0 obj << /Title (Intentional insult or interruption to public servant sitting in any stag\ e of a judicial proceeding.) /A 1132 0 R /Next 1135 0 R /Prev 1131 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1134 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 346 0 R /FitH 831 ] >> endobj 1135 0 obj << /Title (Contempt of Court.) /Next 1137 0 R /Prev 1133 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1134 0 R >> endobj 1136 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 346 0 R /FitH 831 ] >> endobj 1137 0 obj << /Title (Personation of a juror or assessor.) /A 1136 0 R /Next 1139 0 R /Prev 1135 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1138 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 346 0 R /FitH 831 ] >> endobj 1139 0 obj << /Title (Offences for which no special punishment is provided.) /Prev 1137 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1138 0 R >> endobj 1140 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 346 0 R /FitH 490 ] >> endobj 1141 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XII - Offences relating to Coin and Government Stamps) /A 1140 0 R /First 1143 0 R /Last 1151 0 R /Prev 1045 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 1142 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 346 0 R /FitH 490 ] >> endobj 1143 0 obj << /Title (Coin defined.) /A 1142 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /Next 1145 0 R >> endobj 1144 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 349 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1145 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 1147 0 R /Prev 1143 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1144 0 R >> endobj 1146 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 349 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1147 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeiting coin.) /A 1146 0 R /Next 1149 0 R /Prev 1145 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1148 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 349 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1149 0 obj << /Title (Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin.) /Next 1151 0 R /Prev 1147 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1148 0 R >> endobj 1150 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 349 0 R /FitH 676 ] >> endobj 1151 0 obj << /Title (Possession of instrument or material for the purpose of using the same f\ or counterfeiting coin.) /A 1150 0 R /Prev 1149 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1152 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T14:24:55+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T14:24:55+08:00 2003-04-15T14:24:55+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000428998 00000 n 3 1 0000429235 00000 n 651 2 0000429372 00000 n 0000429456 00000 n 654 1 0000429585 00000 n 1045 1 0000429715 00000 n 1096 1 0000429921 00000 n 1098 55 0000430071 00000 n 0000430133 00000 n 0000430323 00000 n 0000430385 00000 n 0000430531 00000 n 0000430593 00000 n 0000430728 00000 n 0000430790 00000 n 0000430949 00000 n 0000431011 00000 n 0000431226 00000 n 0000431288 00000 n 0000431511 00000 n 0000431573 00000 n 0000431757 00000 n 0000431819 00000 n 0000432027 00000 n 0000432089 00000 n 0000432273 00000 n 0000432335 00000 n 0000432563 00000 n 0000432625 00000 n 0000432800 00000 n 0000432862 00000 n 0000433021 00000 n 0000433083 00000 n 0000433249 00000 n 0000433311 00000 n 0000433522 00000 n 0000433584 00000 n 0000433782 00000 n 0000433844 00000 n 0000433980 00000 n 0000434042 00000 n 0000434191 00000 n 0000434253 00000 n 0000434453 00000 n 0000434515 00000 n 0000434632 00000 n 0000434694 00000 n 0000434828 00000 n 0000434890 00000 n 0000435026 00000 n 0000435088 00000 n 0000435274 00000 n 0000435336 00000 n 0000435434 00000 n 0000435496 00000 n 0000435610 00000 n 0000435672 00000 n 0000435791 00000 n 0000435853 00000 n 0000436005 00000 n 0000436067 00000 n 0000436247 00000 n trailer << /Size 1153 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 428002 /ID[] >> startxref 437650 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415144306+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1219 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 20 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 19 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1210 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 18 >> endobj 1141 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XII - Offences relating to Coin and Government Stamps) /A 1140 0 R /First 1143 0 R /Last 1208 0 R /Next 1210 0 R /Prev 1045 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -33 >> endobj 1151 0 obj << /Title (Possession of instrument or material for the purpose of using the same f\ or counterfeiting coin.) /A 1150 0 R /Next 1154 0 R /Prev 1149 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1153 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 811 ] >> endobj 1154 0 obj << /Title (Abetting in Brunei Darussalam the counterfeiting of coin out of Brunei D\ arussalam.) /Next 1156 0 R /Prev 1151 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1153 0 R >> endobj 1155 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 811 ] >> endobj 1156 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 1155 0 R /Next 1158 0 R /Prev 1154 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1157 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 811 ] >> endobj 1158 0 obj << /Title (Import or export of counterfeit coin.) /Next 1160 0 R /Prev 1156 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1157 0 R >> endobj 1159 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 811 ] >> endobj 1160 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 1159 0 R /Next 1162 0 R /Prev 1158 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1161 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 811 ] >> endobj 1162 0 obj << /Title (Delivery of coin possessed with the knowledge that it is counterfeit.) /Next 1164 0 R /Prev 1160 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1161 0 R >> endobj 1163 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 352 0 R /FitH 505 ] >> endobj 1164 0 obj << /Title (Delivery of coin as genuine, which, when first possessed, the deliverer \ did not know to be counterfeit.) /A 1163 0 R /Next 1166 0 R /Prev 1162 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1165 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1166 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 1168 0 R /Prev 1164 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1165 0 R >> endobj 1167 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1168 0 obj << /Title (Possession of coin by person who knew it to be counterfeit when he becam\ e possessed thereof.) /A 1167 0 R /Next 1170 0 R /Prev 1166 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1169 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1170 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Next 1172 0 R /Prev 1168 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1169 0 R >> endobj 1171 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1172 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulently or dishonestly diminishing weight or altering composition o\ f coin.) /A 1171 0 R /Next 1174 0 R /Prev 1170 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1173 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 453 ] >> endobj 1174 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 1176 0 R /Prev 1172 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1173 0 R >> endobj 1175 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 356 0 R /FitH 453 ] >> endobj 1176 0 obj << /Title (Altering appearance of coin with intent that it shall pass as coin of di\ fferent description.) /A 1175 0 R /Next 1178 0 R /Prev 1174 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1177 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 359 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1178 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 1180 0 R /Prev 1176 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1177 0 R >> endobj 1179 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 359 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1180 0 obj << /Title (Delivery of coin possessed with knowledge that it is altered.) /A 1179 0 R /Next 1182 0 R /Prev 1178 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1181 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 359 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1182 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Next 1184 0 R /Prev 1180 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1181 0 R >> endobj 1183 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 359 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 1184 0 obj << /Title (Possession of coin by person who knew it to be altered when he became po\ ssessed thereof.) /A 1183 0 R /Next 1186 0 R /Prev 1182 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1185 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 359 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 1186 0 obj << /Title (Delivery of coin as genuine, which when first possessed deliverer did no\ t know to be altered.) /Next 1188 0 R /Prev 1184 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1185 0 R >> endobj 1187 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 362 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 1188 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeiting Government stamp.) /A 1187 0 R /Next 1190 0 R /Prev 1186 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1189 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 362 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 1190 0 obj << /Title (Having possession of instrument or material for counterfeiting Governmen\ t Stamp.) /Next 1192 0 R /Prev 1188 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1189 0 R >> endobj 1191 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 362 0 R /FitH 740 ] >> endobj 1192 0 obj << /Title (Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting Government stamp.) /A 1191 0 R /Next 1194 0 R /Prev 1190 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1193 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 362 0 R /FitH 502 ] >> endobj 1194 0 obj << /Title (Sale of counterfeit Government stamp.) /Next 1196 0 R /Prev 1192 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1193 0 R >> endobj 1195 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 365 0 R /FitH 790 ] >> endobj 1196 0 obj << /Title (Having possession of counterfeit Government stamp.) /A 1195 0 R /Next 1198 0 R /Prev 1194 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1197 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 365 0 R /FitH 790 ] >> endobj 1198 0 obj << /Title (Using as genuine a Government stamp known to be counterfeit.) /Next 1200 0 R /Prev 1196 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1197 0 R >> endobj 1199 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 365 0 R /FitH 790 ] >> endobj 1200 0 obj << /Title (Effacing writing from substance bearing Government stamp, or removing fr\ om document a stamp used for it, with intent to cause loss to Government\ .) /A 1199 0 R /Next 1202 0 R /Prev 1198 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1201 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 365 0 R /FitH 518 ] >> endobj 1202 0 obj << /Title (Using Government stamp known to have been before used.) /Next 1204 0 R /Prev 1200 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1201 0 R >> endobj 1203 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 368 0 R /FitH 840 ] >> endobj 1204 0 obj << /Title (Erasure of mark denoting that stamp has been used.) /A 1203 0 R /Next 1206 0 R /Prev 1202 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1205 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 368 0 R /FitH 840 ] >> endobj 1206 0 obj << /Title (Prohibition of fictitious stamps.) /Next 1208 0 R /Prev 1204 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1205 0 R >> endobj 1207 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 368 0 R /FitH 449 ] >> endobj 1208 0 obj << /Title (Selling articles bearing designs resembling currency.) /A 1207 0 R /Prev 1206 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1209 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 371 0 R /FitH 805 ] >> endobj 1210 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIII - Offences Relating to Weights and Measures) /A 1209 0 R /Prev 1141 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1212 0 R /Last 1218 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1211 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 371 0 R /FitH 805 ] >> endobj 1212 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent use of false instrument for weighing.) /A 1211 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /Next 1214 0 R >> endobj 1213 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 371 0 R /FitH 805 ] >> endobj 1214 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent use of false weights or measures.) /Next 1216 0 R /Prev 1212 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /A 1213 0 R >> endobj 1215 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 371 0 R /FitH 635 ] >> endobj 1216 0 obj << /Title (Being in possession of false weight or measure.) /A 1215 0 R /Next 1218 0 R /Prev 1214 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R >> endobj 1217 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 371 0 R /FitH 380 ] >> endobj 1218 0 obj << /Title (Making or selling false weights or measures.) /Prev 1216 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /A 1217 0 R >> endobj 1219 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T14:43:06+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T14:43:06+08:00 2003-04-15T14:43:06+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000439126 00000 n 3 1 0000439363 00000 n 651 2 0000439500 00000 n 0000439584 00000 n 654 1 0000439713 00000 n 1141 1 0000439843 00000 n 1151 1 0000440047 00000 n 1153 67 0000440243 00000 n 0000440305 00000 n 0000440488 00000 n 0000440550 00000 n 0000440664 00000 n 0000440726 00000 n 0000440862 00000 n 0000440924 00000 n 0000441038 00000 n 0000441100 00000 n 0000441268 00000 n 0000441330 00000 n 0000441534 00000 n 0000441596 00000 n 0000441710 00000 n 0000441772 00000 n 0000441965 00000 n 0000442027 00000 n 0000442142 00000 n 0000442204 00000 n 0000442384 00000 n 0000442446 00000 n 0000442560 00000 n 0000442622 00000 n 0000442815 00000 n 0000442877 00000 n 0000442991 00000 n 0000443053 00000 n 0000443213 00000 n 0000443275 00000 n 0000443389 00000 n 0000443451 00000 n 0000443640 00000 n 0000443702 00000 n 0000443896 00000 n 0000443958 00000 n 0000444089 00000 n 0000444151 00000 n 0000444332 00000 n 0000444394 00000 n 0000444558 00000 n 0000444620 00000 n 0000444756 00000 n 0000444818 00000 n 0000444967 00000 n 0000445029 00000 n 0000445188 00000 n 0000445250 00000 n 0000445498 00000 n 0000445560 00000 n 0000445713 00000 n 0000445775 00000 n 0000445924 00000 n 0000445986 00000 n 0000446118 00000 n 0000446180 00000 n 0000446316 00000 n 0000446378 00000 n 0000446559 00000 n 0000446621 00000 n 0000446752 00000 n 0000446814 00000 n 0000446957 00000 n 0000447019 00000 n 0000447165 00000 n 0000447227 00000 n 0000447354 00000 n trailer << /Size 1220 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 437650 /ID[] >> startxref 448757 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415152502+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1322 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 32 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 31 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1295 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 30 >> endobj 896 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VI - Offences Against The State) /A 895 0 R /First 898 0 R /Last 910 0 R /Next 912 0 R /Prev 890 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 912 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VII - Offences relating to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police) /A 911 0 R /Next 934 0 R /Prev 896 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 914 0 R /Last 932 0 R /Count -10 >> endobj 1210 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIII - Offences Relating to Weights and Measures) /A 1209 0 R /Next 1221 0 R /Prev 1141 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1212 0 R /Last 1218 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 1220 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 375 0 R /FitH 923 ] >> endobj 1221 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIV - Offences affecting the Public Health, Safety, Convenience,\ Decency and Morals) /A 1220 0 R /First 1223 0 R /Last 1281 0 R /Next 1283 0 R /Prev 1210 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -30 >> endobj 1222 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 375 0 R /FitH 923 ] >> endobj 1223 0 obj << /Title (Public nuisance.) /A 1222 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /Next 1225 0 R >> endobj 1224 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 375 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 1225 0 obj << /Title (Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life.) /Next 1227 0 R /Prev 1223 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1224 0 R >> endobj 1226 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 375 0 R /FitH 685 ] >> endobj 1227 0 obj << /Title (Malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life.) /A 1226 0 R /Next 1229 0 R /Prev 1225 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1228 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 375 0 R /FitH 447 ] >> endobj 1229 0 obj << /Title (Disobedience to quarantine rule.) /Next 1231 0 R /Prev 1227 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1228 0 R >> endobj 1230 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 378 0 R /FitH 837 ] >> endobj 1231 0 obj << /Title (Adulteration of food or drink for sale.) /A 1230 0 R /Next 1233 0 R /Prev 1229 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1232 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 378 0 R /FitH 837 ] >> endobj 1233 0 obj << /Title (Sale of noxious food or drink.) /Next 1235 0 R /Prev 1231 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1232 0 R >> endobj 1234 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 378 0 R /FitH 837 ] >> endobj 1235 0 obj << /Title (Adulteration of drugs.) /A 1234 0 R /Next 1237 0 R /Prev 1233 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1236 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 378 0 R /FitH 480 ] >> endobj 1237 0 obj << /Title (Sale of adulterated drugs.) /Next 1239 0 R /Prev 1235 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1236 0 R >> endobj 1238 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 381 0 R /FitH 819 ] >> endobj 1239 0 obj << /Title (Sale of drug as a different drug or preparation.) /A 1238 0 R /Next 1241 0 R /Prev 1237 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1240 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 381 0 R /FitH 819 ] >> endobj 1241 0 obj << /Title (Use of forceps, except by medical practitioner, prohibited.) /Next 1243 0 R /Prev 1239 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1240 0 R >> endobj 1242 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 381 0 R /FitH 819 ] >> endobj 1243 0 obj << /Title (Fouling water of public spring or reservoir.) /A 1242 0 R /Next 1245 0 R /Prev 1241 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1244 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 381 0 R /FitH 649 ] >> endobj 1245 0 obj << /Title (Offences caused by fire.) /Next 1247 0 R /Prev 1243 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1244 0 R >> endobj 1246 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 384 0 R /FitH 426 ] >> endobj 1247 0 obj << /Title (Making atmosphere noxious to health.) /A 1246 0 R /Next 1249 0 R /Prev 1245 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1248 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 387 0 R /FitH 902 ] >> endobj 1249 0 obj << /Title (Rash driving or riding on a public way.) /Next 1251 0 R /Prev 1247 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1248 0 R >> endobj 1250 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 387 0 R /FitH 902 ] >> endobj 1251 0 obj << /Title (Rash navigation of vessel.) /A 1250 0 R /Next 1253 0 R /Prev 1249 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1252 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 387 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 1253 0 obj << /Title (Exhibition of false light, mark, or buoy.) /Next 1255 0 R /Prev 1251 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1252 0 R >> endobj 1254 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 387 0 R /FitH 664 ] >> endobj 1255 0 obj << /Title (Conveying person by water for hire in unsafe or overloaded vessel.) /A 1254 0 R /Next 1257 0 R /Prev 1253 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1256 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 387 0 R /FitH 510 ] >> endobj 1257 0 obj << /Title (Danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation.) /Next 1259 0 R /Prev 1255 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1256 0 R >> endobj 1258 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 390 0 R /FitH 901 ] >> endobj 1259 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to poisonous substance.) /A 1258 0 R /Next 1261 0 R /Prev 1257 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1260 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 390 0 R /FitH 901 ] >> endobj 1261 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible matter.) /Next 1263 0 R /Prev 1259 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1260 0 R >> endobj 1262 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 390 0 R /FitH 594 ] >> endobj 1263 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to explosive substance.) /A 1262 0 R /Next 1265 0 R /Prev 1261 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1264 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 390 0 R /FitH 594 ] >> endobj 1265 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to machinery.) /Next 1267 0 R /Prev 1263 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1264 0 R >> endobj 1266 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 394 0 R /FitH 815 ] >> endobj 1267 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to pulling down or repairing building.) /A 1266 0 R /Next 1269 0 R /Prev 1265 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1268 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 394 0 R /FitH 815 ] >> endobj 1269 0 obj << /Title (Negligent conduct with respect to animal.) /Next 1271 0 R /Prev 1267 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1268 0 R >> endobj 1270 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 394 0 R /FitH 815 ] >> endobj 1271 0 obj << /Title (Public nuisance.) /A 1270 0 R /Next 1273 0 R /Prev 1269 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1272 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 394 0 R /FitH 610 ] >> endobj 1273 0 obj << /Title (Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue.) /Next 1275 0 R /Prev 1271 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1272 0 R >> endobj 1274 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 394 0 R /FitH 610 ] >> endobj 1275 0 obj << /Title (Sale etc. of obscene articles.) /A 1274 0 R /Next 1277 0 R /Prev 1273 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1276 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 400 0 R /FitH 864 ] >> endobj 1277 0 obj << /Title (Sale etc. of obscene articles to person under the age of 20 years.) /Next 1279 0 R /Prev 1275 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1276 0 R >> endobj 1278 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 400 0 R /FitH 864 ] >> endobj 1279 0 obj << /Title (Obscene acts and songs.) /A 1278 0 R /Next 1281 0 R /Prev 1277 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1280 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 400 0 R /FitH 489 ] >> endobj 1281 0 obj << /Title (Loitering or soliciting for purpose of prostitution etc.) /Prev 1279 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1280 0 R >> endobj 1282 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 403 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 1283 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XV - Offences relating to Religion) /A 1282 0 R /First 1285 0 R /Last 1293 0 R /Next 1295 0 R /Prev 1221 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 1284 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 403 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 1285 0 obj << /Title (Injuring or defiling place of worship with intent to insult the religion\ of any class.) /A 1284 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /Next 1287 0 R >> endobj 1286 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 403 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1287 0 obj << /Title (Disturbing religious assembly.) /A 1286 0 R /Next 1289 0 R /Prev 1285 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R >> endobj 1288 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 403 0 R /FitH 725 ] >> endobj 1289 0 obj << /Title (Trespassing on burial places etc.) /Next 1291 0 R /Prev 1287 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /A 1288 0 R >> endobj 1290 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 403 0 R /FitH 402 ] >> endobj 1291 0 obj << /Title (Interference with grave or human remains.) /A 1290 0 R /Next 1293 0 R /Prev 1289 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R >> endobj 1292 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 406 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1293 0 obj << /Title (Uttering words etc. with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings.) /Prev 1291 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /A 1292 0 R >> endobj 1294 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 406 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1297 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 13 >> endobj 1296 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 406 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1297 0 obj << /Title (Offences Affecting Life) /A 1296 0 R /First 1299 0 R /Last 1321 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 12 >> endobj 1298 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 406 0 R /FitH 775 ] >> endobj 1299 0 obj << /Title (Culpable homicide.) /A 1298 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /Next 1301 0 R >> endobj 1300 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 409 0 R /FitH 706 ] >> endobj 1301 0 obj << /Title (Murder.) /Next 1303 0 R /Prev 1299 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1300 0 R >> endobj 1302 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 419 0 R /FitH 652 ] >> endobj 1303 0 obj << /Title (Culpable homicide by causing death of person other than person whose dea\ th was intended.) /A 1302 0 R /Next 1305 0 R /Prev 1301 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1304 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 419 0 R /FitH 652 ] >> endobj 1305 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for murder.) /Next 1307 0 R /Prev 1303 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1304 0 R >> endobj 1306 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 419 0 R /FitH 652 ] >> endobj 1307 0 obj << /Title (Persons suffering from diminished responsibility.) /A 1306 0 R /Next 1309 0 R /Prev 1305 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1308 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 422 0 R /FitH 770 ] >> endobj 1309 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.) /Next 1311 0 R /Prev 1307 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1308 0 R >> endobj 1310 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 422 0 R /FitH 532 ] >> endobj 1311 0 obj << /Title (Causing death by rash or negligent driving of motor vehicle or rash or n\ egligent use of firearms or explosives. Causing death by rash or neglige\ nt act.) /A 1310 0 R /Next 1313 0 R /Prev 1309 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1312 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 425 0 R /FitH 752 ] >> endobj 1313 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of suicide of child or insane person.) /Next 1315 0 R /Prev 1311 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1312 0 R >> endobj 1314 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 425 0 R /FitH 752 ] >> endobj 1315 0 obj << /Title (Abetment of suicide.) /A 1314 0 R /Next 1317 0 R /Prev 1313 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1316 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 425 0 R /FitH 752 ] >> endobj 1317 0 obj << /Title (Attempt to murder.) /Next 1319 0 R /Prev 1315 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1316 0 R >> endobj 1318 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 428 0 R /FitH 751 ] >> endobj 1319 0 obj << /Title (Attempt to commit culpable homicide.) /A 1318 0 R /Next 1321 0 R /Prev 1317 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1320 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 428 0 R /FitH 615 ] >> endobj 1321 0 obj << /Title (Infanticide.) /Prev 1319 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1320 0 R >> endobj 1322 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T15:25:02+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T15:25:02+08:00 2003-04-15T15:25:02+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000450473 00000 n 3 1 0000450710 00000 n 651 2 0000450847 00000 n 0000450931 00000 n 654 1 0000451060 00000 n 896 1 0000451190 00000 n 912 1 0000451365 00000 n 1210 1 0000451573 00000 n 1220 103 0000451771 00000 n 0000451833 00000 n 0000452069 00000 n 0000452131 00000 n 0000452230 00000 n 0000452292 00000 n 0000452461 00000 n 0000452523 00000 n 0000452692 00000 n 0000452754 00000 n 0000452885 00000 n 0000452947 00000 n 0000453085 00000 n 0000453147 00000 n 0000453276 00000 n 0000453338 00000 n 0000453459 00000 n 0000453521 00000 n 0000453646 00000 n 0000453708 00000 n 0000453855 00000 n 0000453917 00000 n 0000454075 00000 n 0000454137 00000 n 0000454280 00000 n 0000454342 00000 n 0000454465 00000 n 0000454527 00000 n 0000454662 00000 n 0000454724 00000 n 0000454862 00000 n 0000454924 00000 n 0000455049 00000 n 0000455111 00000 n 0000455251 00000 n 0000455313 00000 n 0000455478 00000 n 0000455540 00000 n 0000455697 00000 n 0000455759 00000 n 0000455912 00000 n 0000455974 00000 n 0000456134 00000 n 0000456196 00000 n 0000456349 00000 n 0000456411 00000 n 0000456554 00000 n 0000456616 00000 n 0000456784 00000 n 0000456846 00000 n 0000456986 00000 n 0000457048 00000 n 0000457163 00000 n 0000457225 00000 n 0000457380 00000 n 0000457442 00000 n 0000457571 00000 n 0000457633 00000 n 0000457798 00000 n 0000457860 00000 n 0000457982 00000 n 0000458044 00000 n 0000458183 00000 n 0000458245 00000 n 0000458429 00000 n 0000458491 00000 n 0000458662 00000 n 0000458724 00000 n 0000458853 00000 n 0000458915 00000 n 0000459047 00000 n 0000459109 00000 n 0000459249 00000 n 0000459311 00000 n 0000459465 00000 n 0000459527 00000 n 0000459700 00000 n 0000459762 00000 n 0000459896 00000 n 0000459958 00000 n 0000460059 00000 n 0000460121 00000 n 0000460227 00000 n 0000460289 00000 n 0000460478 00000 n 0000460540 00000 n 0000460661 00000 n 0000460723 00000 n 0000460871 00000 n 0000460933 00000 n 0000461089 00000 n 0000461151 00000 n 0000461405 00000 n 0000461467 00000 n 0000461612 00000 n 0000461674 00000 n 0000461793 00000 n 0000461855 00000 n 0000461972 00000 n 0000462034 00000 n 0000462169 00000 n 0000462231 00000 n 0000462326 00000 n trailer << /Size 1323 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 448757 /ID[] >> startxref 463729 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415152851+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1377 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 38 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 37 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1295 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 36 >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1344 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 19 >> endobj 1297 0 obj << /Title (Offences Affecting Life) /A 1296 0 R /First 1299 0 R /Last 1326 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Next 1328 0 R /Count -14 >> endobj 1321 0 obj << /Title (Infanticide.) /Next 1324 0 R /Prev 1319 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1320 0 R >> endobj 1323 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 835 ] >> endobj 1324 0 obj << /Title (Attempt to commit suicide.) /A 1323 0 R /Next 1326 0 R /Prev 1321 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1325 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 835 ] >> endobj 1326 0 obj << /Title (\(No sections\).) /Prev 1324 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1325 0 R >> endobj 1327 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 835 ] >> endobj 1328 0 obj << /Title (Causing of Miscarriage; Injuries to Unborn Children; Exposure of Infants\ ; and Concealment of Birth) /A 1327 0 R /First 1330 0 R /Last 1342 0 R /Next 1344 0 R /Prev 1297 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 1329 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 835 ] >> endobj 1330 0 obj << /Title (Causing miscarriage.) /A 1329 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /Next 1332 0 R >> endobj 1331 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 511 ] >> endobj 1332 0 obj << /Title (Causing miscarriage without womans consent.) /Next 1334 0 R /Prev 1330 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1331 0 R >> endobj 1333 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 432 0 R /FitH 511 ] >> endobj 1334 0 obj << /Title (Death caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage.) /A 1333 0 R /Next 1336 0 R /Prev 1332 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1335 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 435 0 R /FitH 885 ] >> endobj 1336 0 obj << /Title (Act done with intent to prevent child being born alive or to cause it to\ die after birth.) /Next 1338 0 R /Prev 1334 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1335 0 R >> endobj 1337 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 435 0 R /FitH 715 ] >> endobj 1338 0 obj << /Title (Causing death of quick unborn child by the act amounting to culpable hom\ icide.) /A 1337 0 R /Next 1340 0 R /Prev 1336 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1339 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 435 0 R /FitH 493 ] >> endobj 1340 0 obj << /Title (Exposure and abandonment of child under 12 years by parent or person hav\ ing care of it.) /Next 1342 0 R /Prev 1338 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1339 0 R >> endobj 1341 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 438 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 1342 0 obj << /Title (Concealment of birth by secret disposal of dead body.) /A 1341 0 R /Prev 1340 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1343 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 438 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 1344 0 obj << /Title (Hurt) /A 1343 0 R /Prev 1328 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /First 1346 0 R /Last 1376 0 R /Count 16 >> endobj 1345 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 438 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 1346 0 obj << /Title (Hurt.) /A 1345 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /Next 1348 0 R >> endobj 1347 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 438 0 R /FitH 748 ] >> endobj 1348 0 obj << /Title (Grievous hurt.) /Next 1350 0 R /Prev 1346 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1347 0 R >> endobj 1349 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 441 0 R /FitH 883 ] >> endobj 1350 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt.) /A 1349 0 R /Next 1352 0 R /Prev 1348 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1351 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 441 0 R /FitH 883 ] >> endobj 1352 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt.) /Next 1354 0 R /Prev 1350 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1351 0 R >> endobj 1353 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 441 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1354 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt.) /A 1353 0 R /Next 1356 0 R /Prev 1352 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1355 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 441 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1356 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means.) /Next 1358 0 R /Prev 1354 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1355 0 R >> endobj 1357 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 444 0 R /FitH 677 ] >> endobj 1358 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt.) /A 1357 0 R /Next 1360 0 R /Prev 1356 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1359 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 444 0 R /FitH 677 ] >> endobj 1360 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means.) /Next 1362 0 R /Prev 1358 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1359 0 R >> endobj 1361 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 444 0 R /FitH 677 ] >> endobj 1362 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt to extort property, or to constrain to an illeg\ al act.) /A 1361 0 R /Next 1364 0 R /Prev 1360 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1363 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 444 0 R /FitH 456 ] >> endobj 1364 0 obj << /Title (Causing hurt by means of poison etc. with intent to commit an offence.) /Next 1366 0 R /Prev 1362 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1363 0 R >> endobj 1365 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 447 0 R /FitH 693 ] >> endobj 1366 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort property or to constrain to \ an illegal act.) /A 1365 0 R /Next 1368 0 R /Prev 1364 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1367 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 447 0 R /FitH 693 ] >> endobj 1368 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt to extort confession, or to compel restoration \ of property.) /Next 1370 0 R /Prev 1366 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1367 0 R >> endobj 1369 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 451 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1370 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort confession, or to compel res\ toration of property.) /A 1369 0 R /Next 1372 0 R /Prev 1368 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1371 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 451 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1372 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty.) /Next 1374 0 R /Prev 1370 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1371 0 R >> endobj 1373 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 451 0 R /FitH 726 ] >> endobj 1374 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to deter public servant from his duty.\ ) /A 1373 0 R /Next 1376 0 R /Prev 1372 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1375 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 451 0 R /FitH 471 ] >> endobj 1376 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt on provocation.) /Prev 1374 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1375 0 R >> endobj 1377 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T15:28:51+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T15:28:51+08:00 2003-04-15T15:28:51+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000466192 00000 n 3 1 0000466429 00000 n 651 2 0000466566 00000 n 0000466650 00000 n 654 1 0000466779 00000 n 1295 1 0000466909 00000 n 1297 1 0000467082 00000 n 1321 1 0000467233 00000 n 1323 55 0000467344 00000 n 0000467406 00000 n 0000467531 00000 n 0000467593 00000 n 0000467692 00000 n 0000467754 00000 n 0000467997 00000 n 0000468059 00000 n 0000468162 00000 n 0000468224 00000 n 0000468367 00000 n 0000468429 00000 n 0000468586 00000 n 0000468648 00000 n 0000468838 00000 n 0000468900 00000 n 0000469079 00000 n 0000469141 00000 n 0000469329 00000 n 0000469391 00000 n 0000469527 00000 n 0000469589 00000 n 0000469720 00000 n 0000469782 00000 n 0000469870 00000 n 0000469932 00000 n 0000470045 00000 n 0000470107 00000 n 0000470231 00000 n 0000470293 00000 n 0000470426 00000 n 0000470488 00000 n 0000470627 00000 n 0000470689 00000 n 0000470843 00000 n 0000470905 00000 n 0000471053 00000 n 0000471115 00000 n 0000471278 00000 n 0000471340 00000 n 0000471520 00000 n 0000471582 00000 n 0000471751 00000 n 0000471813 00000 n 0000472001 00000 n 0000472063 00000 n 0000472248 00000 n 0000472310 00000 n 0000472504 00000 n 0000472566 00000 n 0000472728 00000 n 0000472790 00000 n 0000472963 00000 n 0000473025 00000 n 0000473148 00000 n trailer << /Size 1378 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 463729 /ID[] >> startxref 474551 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415153059+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1406 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 32 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 31 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1295 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 30 >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1387 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 13 >> endobj 1344 0 obj << /Title (Hurt) /A 1343 0 R /Next 1387 0 R /Prev 1328 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /First 1346 0 R /Last 1385 0 R /Count -20 >> endobj 1376 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt on provocation.) /Next 1379 0 R /Prev 1374 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1375 0 R >> endobj 1378 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 454 0 R /FitH 827 ] >> endobj 1379 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt on provocation.) /A 1378 0 R /Next 1381 0 R /Prev 1376 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1380 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 454 0 R /FitH 827 ] >> endobj 1381 0 obj << /Title (Act endangering life or personal safety of others.) /Next 1383 0 R /Prev 1379 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1380 0 R >> endobj 1382 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 454 0 R /FitH 640 ] >> endobj 1383 0 obj << /Title (Causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others.) /A 1382 0 R /Next 1385 0 R /Prev 1381 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1384 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 454 0 R /FitH 640 ] >> endobj 1385 0 obj << /Title (Causing grievous hurt by endangering life or personal safety of others.) /Prev 1383 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1384 0 R >> endobj 1386 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 457 0 R /FitH 792 ] >> endobj 1387 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement) /A 1386 0 R /First 1389 0 R /Last 1405 0 R /Prev 1344 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 9 >> endobj 1388 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 457 0 R /FitH 792 ] >> endobj 1389 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful restraint.) /A 1388 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /Next 1391 0 R >> endobj 1390 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 457 0 R /FitH 792 ] >> endobj 1391 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement.) /Next 1393 0 R /Prev 1389 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1390 0 R >> endobj 1392 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 457 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 1393 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for wrongful restraint.) /A 1392 0 R /Next 1395 0 R /Prev 1391 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1394 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 457 0 R /FitH 554 ] >> endobj 1395 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for wrongful confinement.) /Next 1397 0 R /Prev 1393 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1394 0 R >> endobj 1396 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 460 0 R /FitH 791 ] >> endobj 1397 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement for 3 or more days.) /A 1396 0 R /Next 1399 0 R /Prev 1395 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1398 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 460 0 R /FitH 791 ] >> endobj 1399 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement for 10 or more days.) /Next 1401 0 R /Prev 1397 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1398 0 R >> endobj 1400 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 460 0 R /FitH 791 ] >> endobj 1401 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement of person for whose liberation writ has been issued\ .) /A 1400 0 R /Next 1403 0 R /Prev 1399 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1402 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 460 0 R /FitH 468 ] >> endobj 1403 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement in secret.) /Next 1405 0 R /Prev 1401 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1402 0 R >> endobj 1404 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 460 0 R /FitH 468 ] >> endobj 1405 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement to extort property or constraint to illegal act.) /A 1404 0 R /Prev 1403 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1406 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T15:30:59+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T15:30:59+08:00 2003-04-15T15:30:59+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000476055 00000 n 3 1 0000476292 00000 n 651 2 0000476429 00000 n 0000476513 00000 n 654 1 0000476642 00000 n 1295 1 0000476772 00000 n 1344 1 0000476945 00000 n 1376 1 0000477093 00000 n 1378 29 0000477232 00000 n 0000477294 00000 n 0000477442 00000 n 0000477504 00000 n 0000477653 00000 n 0000477715 00000 n 0000477880 00000 n 0000477942 00000 n 0000478096 00000 n 0000478158 00000 n 0000478327 00000 n 0000478389 00000 n 0000478491 00000 n 0000478553 00000 n 0000478673 00000 n 0000478735 00000 n 0000478868 00000 n 0000478930 00000 n 0000479065 00000 n 0000479127 00000 n 0000479266 00000 n 0000479328 00000 n 0000479468 00000 n 0000479530 00000 n 0000479704 00000 n 0000479766 00000 n 0000479896 00000 n 0000479958 00000 n 0000480110 00000 n trailer << /Size 1407 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 474551 /ID[<27aa6f0581bdd3962d455e2212fcd498>] >> startxref 481513 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415154336+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1511 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 29 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 28 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 27 >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1472 0 R /Next 1482 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -11 >> endobj 1387 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement) /A 1386 0 R /First 1389 0 R /Last 1408 0 R /Next 1410 0 R /Prev 1344 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count -10 >> endobj 1405 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement to extort property or constraint to illegal act.) /A 1404 0 R /Next 1408 0 R /Prev 1403 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1407 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 463 0 R /FitH 807 ] >> endobj 1408 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful confinement to extort confession, or compel restoration of prop\ erty.) /Prev 1405 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1407 0 R >> endobj 1409 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 463 0 R /FitH 518 ] >> endobj 1410 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Force and Assault) /A 1409 0 R /First 1412 0 R /Last 1430 0 R /Next 1432 0 R /Prev 1387 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count -10 >> endobj 1411 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 463 0 R /FitH 518 ] >> endobj 1412 0 obj << /Title (Force.) /A 1411 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /Next 1414 0 R >> endobj 1413 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 466 0 R /FitH 755 ] >> endobj 1414 0 obj << /Title (Criminal force.) /Next 1416 0 R /Prev 1412 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1413 0 R >> endobj 1415 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 470 0 R /FitH 652 ] >> endobj 1416 0 obj << /Title (Assault.) /A 1415 0 R /Next 1418 0 R /Prev 1414 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1417 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 470 0 R /FitH 414 ] >> endobj 1418 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for assault or criminal force otherwise than in grave provoca\ tion.) /Next 1420 0 R /Prev 1416 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1417 0 R >> endobj 1419 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 473 0 R /FitH 787 ] >> endobj 1420 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his \ duty.) /A 1419 0 R /Next 1422 0 R /Prev 1418 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1421 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 473 0 R /FitH 787 ] >> endobj 1422 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force to person with intent to outrage modesty.) /Next 1424 0 R /Prev 1420 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1421 0 R >> endobj 1423 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 473 0 R /FitH 515 ] >> endobj 1424 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force with intent to dishonour person, otherwise tha\ n on grave provocation.) /A 1423 0 R /Next 1426 0 R /Prev 1422 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1425 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 473 0 R /FitH 515 ] >> endobj 1426 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property carried\ by a person.) /Next 1428 0 R /Prev 1424 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1425 0 R >> endobj 1427 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1428 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force in attempt wrongfully to confine a person.) /A 1427 0 R /Next 1430 0 R /Prev 1426 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1429 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1430 0 obj << /Title (Assault or criminal force on grave provocation.) /Prev 1428 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1429 0 R >> endobj 1431 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1432 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping, Abduction, Slavery, and Forced Labour) /A 1431 0 R /First 1434 0 R /Last 1470 0 R /Next 1472 0 R /Prev 1410 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count -19 >> endobj 1433 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 769 ] >> endobj 1434 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping.) /A 1433 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /Next 1436 0 R >> endobj 1435 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 514 ] >> endobj 1436 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping from Brunei Darussalam.) /Next 1438 0 R /Prev 1434 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1435 0 R >> endobj 1437 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 476 0 R /FitH 514 ] >> endobj 1438 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping from lawful guardianship.) /A 1437 0 R /Next 1440 0 R /Prev 1436 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1439 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 479 0 R /FitH 666 ] >> endobj 1440 0 obj << /Title (Abduction.) /Next 1442 0 R /Prev 1438 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1439 0 R >> endobj 1441 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 479 0 R /FitH 666 ] >> endobj 1442 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for kidnapping.) /A 1441 0 R /Next 1444 0 R /Prev 1440 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1443 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 479 0 R /FitH 666 ] >> endobj 1444 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder.) /Next 1446 0 R /Prev 1442 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1443 0 R >> endobj 1445 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 479 0 R /FitH 444 ] >> endobj 1446 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine p\ erson.) /A 1445 0 R /Next 1448 0 R /Prev 1444 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1447 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 482 0 R /FitH 784 ] >> endobj 1448 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping or abducting woman to compel her marriage etc.) /Next 1450 0 R /Prev 1446 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1447 0 R >> endobj 1449 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 482 0 R /FitH 784 ] >> endobj 1450 0 obj << /Title (Procreation of minor girl.) /A 1449 0 R /Next 1452 0 R /Prev 1448 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1451 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 482 0 R /FitH 563 ] >> endobj 1452 0 obj << /Title (Importation of girl from foreign country.) /Next 1454 0 R /Prev 1450 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1451 0 R >> endobj 1453 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 482 0 R /FitH 563 ] >> endobj 1454 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping or abducting in order to subject person to grievous hurt, sla\ very etc.) /A 1453 0 R /Next 1456 0 R /Prev 1452 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1455 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 485 0 R /FitH 834 ] >> endobj 1456 0 obj << /Title (Wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement kidnapped or abducted pe\ rson.) /Next 1458 0 R /Prev 1454 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1455 0 R >> endobj 1457 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 485 0 R /FitH 834 ] >> endobj 1458 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping or abducting child under 10 years with intent to steal from i\ ts person.) /A 1457 0 R /Next 1460 0 R /Prev 1456 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1459 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 485 0 R /FitH 544 ] >> endobj 1460 0 obj << /Title (Buying or disposing of any person as a slave.) /Next 1462 0 R /Prev 1458 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1459 0 R >> endobj 1461 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 485 0 R /FitH 544 ] >> endobj 1462 0 obj << /Title (Habitual dealing in slaves.) /A 1461 0 R /Next 1464 0 R /Prev 1460 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1463 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 485 0 R /FitH 544 ] >> endobj 1464 0 obj << /Title (Selling minor for purposes of prostitution etc.) /Next 1466 0 R /Prev 1462 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1463 0 R >> endobj 1465 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 489 0 R /FitH 577 ] >> endobj 1466 0 obj << /Title (Buying minor for purposes of prostitution.) /A 1465 0 R /Next 1468 0 R /Prev 1464 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1467 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 489 0 R /FitH 424 ] >> endobj 1468 0 obj << /Title (Importing for purposes of prostitution etc.) /Next 1470 0 R /Prev 1466 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1467 0 R >> endobj 1469 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 492 0 R /FitH 713 ] >> endobj 1470 0 obj << /Title (Unlawful compulsory labour.) /A 1469 0 R /Prev 1468 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1471 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 492 0 R /FitH 713 ] >> endobj 1472 0 obj << /Title (Rape, Unnatural Offences, Incest) /A 1471 0 R /Prev 1432 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /First 1474 0 R /Last 1480 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1473 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 492 0 R /FitH 713 ] >> endobj 1474 0 obj << /Title (Rape.) /A 1473 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /Next 1476 0 R >> endobj 1475 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 495 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 1476 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for rape.) /Next 1478 0 R /Prev 1474 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /A 1475 0 R >> endobj 1477 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 495 0 R /FitH 746 ] >> endobj 1478 0 obj << /Title (Unnatural offences.) /A 1477 0 R /Next 1480 0 R /Prev 1476 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R >> endobj 1479 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 495 0 R /FitH 592 ] >> endobj 1480 0 obj << /Title (Incest.) /Prev 1478 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /A 1479 0 R >> endobj 1481 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 498 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1496 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 9 >> endobj 1483 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 498 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1484 0 obj << /Title (Theft) /A 1483 0 R /First 1486 0 R /Last 1494 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Next 1496 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 1485 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 498 0 R /FitH 710 ] >> endobj 1486 0 obj << /Title (Theft.) /A 1485 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /Next 1488 0 R >> endobj 1487 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 504 0 R /FitH 793 ] >> endobj 1488 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for theft.) /Next 1490 0 R /Prev 1486 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /A 1487 0 R >> endobj 1489 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 504 0 R /FitH 793 ] >> endobj 1490 0 obj << /Title (Theft in dwelling house etc.) /A 1489 0 R /Next 1492 0 R /Prev 1488 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R >> endobj 1491 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 504 0 R /FitH 606 ] >> endobj 1492 0 obj << /Title (Theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master.) /Next 1494 0 R /Prev 1490 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /A 1491 0 R >> endobj 1493 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 504 0 R /FitH 606 ] >> endobj 1494 0 obj << /Title (Theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint, in or\ der to the committing of the theft.) /A 1493 0 R /Prev 1492 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R >> endobj 1495 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 508 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1496 0 obj << /Title (Extortion) /A 1495 0 R /Prev 1484 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1498 0 R /Last 1510 0 R /Count 7 >> endobj 1497 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 508 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1498 0 obj << /Title (Exortion.) /A 1497 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /Next 1500 0 R >> endobj 1499 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 508 0 R /FitH 452 ] >> endobj 1500 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for extortion.) /Next 1502 0 R /Prev 1498 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1499 0 R >> endobj 1501 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 511 0 R /FitH 944 ] >> endobj 1502 0 obj << /Title (Putting person in fear of injury in order to commit extortion.) /A 1501 0 R /Next 1504 0 R /Prev 1500 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1503 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 511 0 R /FitH 944 ] >> endobj 1504 0 obj << /Title (Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt.) /Next 1506 0 R /Prev 1502 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1503 0 R >> endobj 1505 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 511 0 R /FitH 723 ] >> endobj 1506 0 obj << /Title (Putting person in fear of death or of grievous hurt, in order to commit \ extortion.) /A 1505 0 R /Next 1508 0 R /Prev 1504 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1507 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 511 0 R /FitH 723 ] >> endobj 1508 0 obj << /Title (Extortion by threat of accusation of an offence punishable with death or\ imprisonment etc.) /Next 1510 0 R /Prev 1506 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1507 0 R >> endobj 1509 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 514 0 R /FitH 926 ] >> endobj 1510 0 obj << /Title (Putting person in fear of accusation of offence, in order to commit exto\ rtion.) /A 1509 0 R /Prev 1508 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1511 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T15:43:36+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T15:43:36+08:00 2003-04-15T15:43:36+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000482497 00000 n 3 1 0000482734 00000 n 651 2 0000482871 00000 n 0000482955 00000 n 654 1 0000483084 00000 n 1295 1 0000483214 00000 n 1387 1 0000483404 00000 n 1405 1 0000483591 00000 n 1407 105 0000483759 00000 n 0000483821 00000 n 0000483983 00000 n 0000484045 00000 n 0000484215 00000 n 0000484277 00000 n 0000484366 00000 n 0000484428 00000 n 0000484542 00000 n 0000484604 00000 n 0000484711 00000 n 0000484773 00000 n 0000484951 00000 n 0000485013 00000 n 0000485191 00000 n 0000485253 00000 n 0000485419 00000 n 0000485481 00000 n 0000485677 00000 n 0000485739 00000 n 0000485925 00000 n 0000485987 00000 n 0000486154 00000 n 0000486216 00000 n 0000486346 00000 n 0000486408 00000 n 0000486601 00000 n 0000486663 00000 n 0000486757 00000 n 0000486819 00000 n 0000486952 00000 n 0000487014 00000 n 0000487149 00000 n 0000487211 00000 n 0000487320 00000 n 0000487382 00000 n 0000487507 00000 n 0000487569 00000 n 0000487711 00000 n 0000487773 00000 n 0000487952 00000 n 0000488014 00000 n 0000488170 00000 n 0000488232 00000 n 0000488357 00000 n 0000488419 00000 n 0000488559 00000 n 0000488621 00000 n 0000488803 00000 n 0000488865 00000 n 0000489043 00000 n 0000489105 00000 n 0000489288 00000 n 0000489350 00000 n 0000489494 00000 n 0000489556 00000 n 0000489682 00000 n 0000489744 00000 n 0000489890 00000 n 0000489952 00000 n 0000490093 00000 n 0000490155 00000 n 0000490297 00000 n 0000490359 00000 n 0000490469 00000 n 0000490531 00000 n 0000490689 00000 n 0000490751 00000 n 0000490839 00000 n 0000490901 00000 n 0000491020 00000 n 0000491082 00000 n 0000491200 00000 n 0000491262 00000 n 0000491352 00000 n 0000491414 00000 n 0000491579 00000 n 0000491641 00000 n 0000491773 00000 n 0000491835 00000 n 0000491924 00000 n 0000491986 00000 n 0000492106 00000 n 0000492168 00000 n 0000492295 00000 n 0000492357 00000 n 0000492518 00000 n 0000492580 00000 n 0000492772 00000 n 0000492834 00000 n 0000492969 00000 n 0000493031 00000 n 0000493123 00000 n 0000493185 00000 n 0000493309 00000 n 0000493371 00000 n 0000493532 00000 n 0000493594 00000 n 0000493757 00000 n 0000493819 00000 n 0000494002 00000 n 0000494064 00000 n 0000494255 00000 n 0000494317 00000 n 0000494480 00000 n trailer << /Size 1512 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 481513 /ID[<2f156feb6fe9afd94d52ab76e13c29ac>] >> startxref 495883 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030415160345+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1516 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 24 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 23 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 22 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1513 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1496 0 obj << /Title (Extortion) /A 1495 0 R /Next 1513 0 R /Prev 1484 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1498 0 R /Last 1510 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 1510 0 obj << /Title (Putting person in fear of accusation of offence, in order to commit exto\ rtion.) /A 1509 0 R /Prev 1508 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1512 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 514 0 R /FitH 739 ] >> endobj 1513 0 obj << /Title (Robbery and Gang-Robbery) /A 1512 0 R /Prev 1496 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1515 0 R /Last 1515 0 R /Count 1 >> endobj 1514 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 514 0 R /FitH 739 ] >> endobj 1515 0 obj << /Title (Robbery.) /A 1514 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1516 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-15T16:03:45+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-15T16:03:45+08:00 2003-04-15T16:03:45+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000498388 00000 n 3 1 0000498625 00000 n 651 2 0000498762 00000 n 0000498846 00000 n 654 1 0000498975 00000 n 1482 1 0000499105 00000 n 1496 1 0000499270 00000 n 1510 1 0000499422 00000 n 1512 5 0000499585 00000 n 0000499647 00000 n 0000499797 00000 n 0000499859 00000 n 0000499934 00000 n trailer << /Size 1517 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 495883 /ID[] >> startxref 501337 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416085855+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1631 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 30 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 29 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 28 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 10 >> endobj 1513 0 obj << /Title (Robbery and Gang-Robbery) /A 1512 0 R /Prev 1496 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1515 0 R /Last 1540 0 R /Count -13 /Next 1542 0 R >> endobj 1515 0 obj << /Title (Robbery.) /A 1514 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /Next 1518 0 R >> endobj 1517 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 517 0 R /FitH 673 ] >> endobj 1518 0 obj << /Title (Gang-robbery.) /Next 1520 0 R /Prev 1515 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1517 0 R >> endobj 1519 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 517 0 R /FitH 673 ] >> endobj 1520 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for robbery.) /A 1519 0 R /Next 1522 0 R /Prev 1518 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1521 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 517 0 R /FitH 673 ] >> endobj 1522 0 obj << /Title (Attempt to commit robbery.) /Next 1524 0 R /Prev 1520 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1521 0 R >> endobj 1523 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 517 0 R /FitH 435 ] >> endobj 1524 0 obj << /Title (Voluntarily causing hurt in committing robbery.) /A 1523 0 R /Next 1526 0 R /Prev 1522 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1525 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 520 0 R /FitH 757 ] >> endobj 1526 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for gang-robbery.) /Next 1528 0 R /Prev 1524 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1525 0 R >> endobj 1527 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 520 0 R /FitH 757 ] >> endobj 1528 0 obj << /Title (Gang-robbery, with murder.) /A 1527 0 R /Next 1530 0 R /Prev 1526 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1529 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 520 0 R /FitH 757 ] >> endobj 1530 0 obj << /Title (Robbery or gang-robbery, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt.) /Next 1532 0 R /Prev 1528 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1529 0 R >> endobj 1531 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 520 0 R /FitH 519 ] >> endobj 1532 0 obj << /Title (Robbery or gang-robbery, when armed with deadly weapon.) /A 1531 0 R /Next 1534 0 R /Prev 1530 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1533 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 520 0 R /FitH 519 ] >> endobj 1534 0 obj << /Title (Making preparation to commit gang-robbery.) /Next 1536 0 R /Prev 1532 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1533 0 R >> endobj 1535 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 523 0 R /FitH 739 ] >> endobj 1536 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for belonging to a gang of robbers.) /A 1535 0 R /Next 1538 0 R /Prev 1534 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1537 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 523 0 R /FitH 739 ] >> endobj 1538 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for belonging to gang of thieves.) /Next 1540 0 R /Prev 1536 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1537 0 R >> endobj 1539 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 523 0 R /FitH 739 ] >> endobj 1540 0 obj << /Title (Assembling for purpose of committing gang-robbery.) /A 1539 0 R /Prev 1538 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1541 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 523 0 R /FitH 535 ] >> endobj 1542 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Misappropriation of Property) /A 1541 0 R /Next 1548 0 R /Prev 1513 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1544 0 R /Last 1546 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 1543 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 523 0 R /FitH 535 ] >> endobj 1544 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest misappropriation of property.) /A 1543 0 R /Parent 1542 0 R /Next 1546 0 R >> endobj 1545 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 527 0 R /FitH 636 ] >> endobj 1546 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest misappropriation of property possessed by deceased person at t\ he time of his death.) /Prev 1544 0 R /Parent 1542 0 R /A 1545 0 R >> endobj 1547 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 530 0 R /FitH 822 ] >> endobj 1548 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Breach of Trust) /A 1547 0 R /First 1550 0 R /Last 1558 0 R /Next 1560 0 R /Prev 1542 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 1549 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 530 0 R /FitH 822 ] >> endobj 1550 0 obj << /Title (Criminal breach of trust.) /A 1549 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /Next 1552 0 R >> endobj 1551 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 753 ] >> endobj 1552 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for criminal breach of trust.) /Next 1554 0 R /Prev 1550 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /A 1551 0 R >> endobj 1553 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 753 ] >> endobj 1554 0 obj << /Title (Criminal breach of trust by carrier etc.) /A 1553 0 R /Next 1556 0 R /Prev 1552 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R >> endobj 1555 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 753 ] >> endobj 1556 0 obj << /Title (Criminal breach of trust by clerk or servant.) /Next 1558 0 R /Prev 1554 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /A 1555 0 R >> endobj 1557 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 753 ] >> endobj 1558 0 obj << /Title (Criminal breach of trust by public servant or by banker, merchant or age\ nt.) /A 1557 0 R /Prev 1556 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R >> endobj 1559 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 447 ] >> endobj 1560 0 obj << /Title (Receiving of Stolen Property) /A 1559 0 R /Next 1572 0 R /Prev 1548 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1562 0 R /Last 1570 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 1561 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 533 0 R /FitH 447 ] >> endobj 1562 0 obj << /Title (Stolen property.) /A 1561 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /Next 1564 0 R >> endobj 1563 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 536 0 R /FitH 735 ] >> endobj 1564 0 obj << /Title (Dishonestly receiving stolen property.) /Next 1566 0 R /Prev 1562 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /A 1563 0 R >> endobj 1565 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 536 0 R /FitH 735 ] >> endobj 1566 0 obj << /Title (Dishonestly receiving property stolen in the commission of a gangrobbery\ .) /A 1565 0 R /Next 1568 0 R /Prev 1564 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R >> endobj 1567 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 536 0 R /FitH 497 ] >> endobj 1568 0 obj << /Title (Habitually dealing in stolen property.) /Next 1570 0 R /Prev 1566 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /A 1567 0 R >> endobj 1569 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 536 0 R /FitH 497 ] >> endobj 1570 0 obj << /Title (Assisting concealment of stolen property.) /A 1569 0 R /Prev 1568 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R >> endobj 1571 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 539 0 R /FitH 802 ] >> endobj 1572 0 obj << /Title (Cheating) /A 1571 0 R /Next 1586 0 R /Prev 1560 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1574 0 R /Last 1584 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 1573 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 539 0 R /FitH 802 ] >> endobj 1574 0 obj << /Title (Cheating.) /A 1573 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /Next 1576 0 R >> endobj 1575 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 542 0 R /FitH 648 ] >> endobj 1576 0 obj << /Title (Cheating by personation.) /Next 1578 0 R /Prev 1574 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1575 0 R >> endobj 1577 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 542 0 R /FitH 648 ] >> endobj 1578 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for cheating.) /A 1577 0 R /Next 1580 0 R /Prev 1576 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R >> endobj 1579 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 542 0 R /FitH 648 ] >> endobj 1580 0 obj << /Title (Cheating with knowledge that wrongful loss may ensue to person whose int\ erest offender is bound to protect.) /Next 1582 0 R /Prev 1578 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1579 0 R >> endobj 1581 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 546 0 R /FitH 749 ] >> endobj 1582 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for cheating by personation.) /A 1581 0 R /Next 1584 0 R /Prev 1580 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R >> endobj 1583 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 546 0 R /FitH 749 ] >> endobj 1584 0 obj << /Title (Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.) /Prev 1582 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1583 0 R >> endobj 1585 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 546 0 R /FitH 749 ] >> endobj 1586 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent Deeds and Dispositions of Property) /A 1585 0 R /First 1588 0 R /Last 1594 0 R /Next 1596 0 R /Prev 1572 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 1587 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 546 0 R /FitH 749 ] >> endobj 1588 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property to prevent di\ stribution among creditors.) /A 1587 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /Next 1590 0 R >> endobj 1589 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 546 0 R /FitH 493 ] >> endobj 1590 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest or fraudulently preventing debt being available for creditors.\ ) /Next 1592 0 R /Prev 1588 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /A 1589 0 R >> endobj 1591 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 549 0 R /FitH 782 ] >> endobj 1592 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest or fraudulent execution of deed of transfer containing false s\ tatement of consideration.) /A 1591 0 R /Next 1594 0 R /Prev 1590 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R >> endobj 1593 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 549 0 R /FitH 782 ] >> endobj 1594 0 obj << /Title (Dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property.) /Prev 1592 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /A 1593 0 R >> endobj 1595 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 549 0 R /FitH 782 ] >> endobj 1596 0 obj << /Title (Mischief) /A 1595 0 R /First 1598 0 R /Last 1628 0 R /Next 1630 0 R /Prev 1586 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count -16 >> endobj 1597 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 549 0 R /FitH 509 ] >> endobj 1598 0 obj << /Title (Mischief.) /A 1597 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /Next 1600 0 R >> endobj 1599 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 552 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1600 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for mischief.) /Next 1602 0 R /Prev 1598 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1599 0 R >> endobj 1601 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 552 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1602 0 obj << /Title (Mischief causing damage to the amount of $25.) /A 1601 0 R /Next 1604 0 R /Prev 1600 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1603 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 552 0 R /FitH 474 ] >> endobj 1604 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by killing or maiming animal of the value of $5.) /Next 1606 0 R /Prev 1602 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1603 0 R >> endobj 1605 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 555 0 R /FitH 763 ] >> endobj 1606 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by killing or maiming cattle etc. of any value or any animal to\ value of $25.) /A 1605 0 R /Next 1608 0 R /Prev 1604 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1607 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 555 0 R /FitH 763 ] >> endobj 1608 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by injury to works of irrigation or by wrongfully diverting wat\ er.) /Next 1610 0 R /Prev 1606 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1607 0 R >> endobj 1609 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 555 0 R /FitH 490 ] >> endobj 1610 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by injury to public road, bridge, river, channel.) /A 1609 0 R /Next 1612 0 R /Prev 1608 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1611 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 555 0 R /FitH 490 ] >> endobj 1612 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by causing inundation or obstruction to public drainage attende\ d with damage.) /Next 1614 0 R /Prev 1610 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1611 0 R >> endobj 1613 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 558 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1614 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by destroying, moving or rendering less useful a light-house or\ seamark.) /A 1613 0 R /Next 1616 0 R /Prev 1612 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1615 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 558 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1616 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by destroying or moving etc. a land-mark fixed by public author\ ity.) /Next 1618 0 R /Prev 1614 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1615 0 R >> endobj 1617 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 558 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1618 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage.) /A 1617 0 R /Next 1620 0 R /Prev 1616 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1619 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 561 0 R /FitH 692 ] >> endobj 1620 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy house etc\ .) /Next 1622 0 R /Prev 1618 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1619 0 R >> endobj 1621 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 561 0 R /FitH 692 ] >> endobj 1622 0 obj << /Title (Mischief with intent to destroy or make unsafe a decked vessel or one of\ 20 tons burden.) /A 1621 0 R /Next 1624 0 R /Prev 1620 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1623 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 561 0 R /FitH 692 ] >> endobj 1624 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for the mischief described in section 437 committed by fire o\ r explosive substances.) /Next 1626 0 R /Prev 1622 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1623 0 R >> endobj 1625 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 561 0 R /FitH 471 ] >> endobj 1626 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for intentionally running vessel aground or ashore with inten\ t to commit theft etc.) /A 1625 0 R /Next 1628 0 R /Prev 1624 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1627 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 565 0 R /FitH 913 ] >> endobj 1628 0 obj << /Title (Mischief by committed after preparation made for causing death or hurt.) /Prev 1626 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1627 0 R >> endobj 1629 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 565 0 R /FitH 913 ] >> endobj 1630 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Trespass) /A 1629 0 R /Prev 1596 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R >> endobj 1631 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T08:58:55+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T08:58:55+08:00 2003-04-16T08:58:55+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000501840 00000 n 3 1 0000502077 00000 n 651 2 0000502214 00000 n 0000502298 00000 n 654 1 0000502428 00000 n 1482 1 0000502558 00000 n 1513 1 0000502724 00000 n 1515 1 0000502892 00000 n 1517 115 0000502983 00000 n 0000503045 00000 n 0000503157 00000 n 0000503219 00000 n 0000503341 00000 n 0000503403 00000 n 0000503528 00000 n 0000503590 00000 n 0000503736 00000 n 0000503798 00000 n 0000503925 00000 n 0000503987 00000 n 0000504112 00000 n 0000504174 00000 n 0000504343 00000 n 0000504405 00000 n 0000504559 00000 n 0000504621 00000 n 0000504762 00000 n 0000504824 00000 n 0000504969 00000 n 0000505031 00000 n 0000505174 00000 n 0000505236 00000 n 0000505369 00000 n 0000505431 00000 n 0000505611 00000 n 0000505673 00000 n 0000505795 00000 n 0000505857 00000 n 0000506035 00000 n 0000506097 00000 n 0000506264 00000 n 0000506326 00000 n 0000506434 00000 n 0000506496 00000 n 0000506635 00000 n 0000506697 00000 n 0000506836 00000 n 0000506898 00000 n 0000507042 00000 n 0000507104 00000 n 0000507264 00000 n 0000507326 00000 n 0000507497 00000 n 0000507559 00000 n 0000507658 00000 n 0000507720 00000 n 0000507857 00000 n 0000507919 00000 n 0000508093 00000 n 0000508155 00000 n 0000508292 00000 n 0000508354 00000 n 0000508478 00000 n 0000508540 00000 n 0000508691 00000 n 0000508753 00000 n 0000508845 00000 n 0000508907 00000 n 0000509030 00000 n 0000509092 00000 n 0000509215 00000 n 0000509277 00000 n 0000509485 00000 n 0000509547 00000 n 0000509685 00000 n 0000509747 00000 n 0000509885 00000 n 0000509947 00000 n 0000510135 00000 n 0000510197 00000 n 0000510381 00000 n 0000510443 00000 n 0000510616 00000 n 0000510678 00000 n 0000510877 00000 n 0000510939 00000 n 0000511081 00000 n 0000511143 00000 n 0000511295 00000 n 0000511357 00000 n 0000511449 00000 n 0000511511 00000 n 0000511634 00000 n 0000511696 00000 n 0000511840 00000 n 0000511902 00000 n 0000512058 00000 n 0000512120 00000 n 0000512307 00000 n 0000512369 00000 n 0000512545 00000 n 0000512607 00000 n 0000512764 00000 n 0000512826 00000 n 0000513013 00000 n 0000513075 00000 n 0000513257 00000 n 0000513319 00000 n 0000513496 00000 n 0000513558 00000 n 0000513725 00000 n 0000513787 00000 n 0000513961 00000 n 0000514023 00000 n 0000514212 00000 n 0000514274 00000 n 0000514470 00000 n 0000514532 00000 n 0000514727 00000 n 0000514789 00000 n 0000514943 00000 n 0000515005 00000 n 0000515105 00000 n trailer << /Size 1632 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 501337 /ID[<9a4eecbb546c42f0e76d8b67b34e8c7a>] >> startxref 516508 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416104004+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1648 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 38 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 37 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 36 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 18 >> endobj 1630 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Trespass) /A 1629 0 R /First 1633 0 R /Last 1647 0 R /Prev 1596 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 8 >> endobj 1632 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 565 0 R /FitH 691 ] >> endobj 1633 0 obj << /Title (Criminal trespass.) /A 1632 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /Next 1635 0 R >> endobj 1634 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 565 0 R /FitH 691 ] >> endobj 1635 0 obj << /Title (House-trespass.) /Next 1637 0 R /Prev 1633 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1634 0 R >> endobj 1636 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 565 0 R /FitH 504 ] >> endobj 1637 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass.) /A 1636 0 R /Next 1639 0 R /Prev 1635 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1638 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 568 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1639 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass by night.) /Next 1641 0 R /Prev 1637 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1638 0 R >> endobj 1640 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 568 0 R /FitH 809 ] >> endobj 1641 0 obj << /Title (House-breaking.) /A 1640 0 R /Next 1643 0 R /Prev 1639 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1642 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 571 0 R /FitH 553 ] >> endobj 1643 0 obj << /Title (House-breaking by night.) /Next 1645 0 R /Prev 1641 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1642 0 R >> endobj 1644 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 571 0 R /FitH 553 ] >> endobj 1645 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for criminal trespass.) /A 1644 0 R /Next 1647 0 R /Prev 1643 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1646 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 571 0 R /FitH 553 ] >> endobj 1647 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for house-trespass.) /Prev 1645 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1646 0 R >> endobj 1648 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T10:40:04+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T10:40:04+08:00 2003-04-16T10:40:04+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000519213 00000 n 3 1 0000519450 00000 n 651 2 0000519587 00000 n 0000519671 00000 n 654 1 0000519801 00000 n 1482 1 0000519931 00000 n 1630 1 0000520097 00000 n 1632 17 0000520240 00000 n 0000520302 00000 n 0000520403 00000 n 0000520465 00000 n 0000520579 00000 n 0000520641 00000 n 0000520763 00000 n 0000520825 00000 n 0000520956 00000 n 0000521018 00000 n 0000521132 00000 n 0000521194 00000 n 0000521317 00000 n 0000521379 00000 n 0000521511 00000 n 0000521573 00000 n 0000521686 00000 n trailer << /Size 1649 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 516508 /ID[<952ea362fb7cffa2ffa3dd74244cf580>] >> startxref 523089 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416104235+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1659 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 43 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 42 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 41 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 23 >> endobj 1630 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Trespass) /A 1629 0 R /First 1633 0 R /Last 1658 0 R /Prev 1596 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 13 >> endobj 1647 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for house-trespass.) /Next 1650 0 R /Prev 1645 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1646 0 R >> endobj 1649 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 574 0 R /FitH 875 ] >> endobj 1650 0 obj << /Title (House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with death.) /A 1649 0 R /Next 1652 0 R /Prev 1647 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1651 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 574 0 R /FitH 875 ] >> endobj 1652 0 obj << /Title (House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with imprisonment f\ or 15 years.) /Next 1654 0 R /Prev 1650 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1651 0 R >> endobj 1653 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 574 0 R /FitH 688 ] >> endobj 1654 0 obj << /Title (House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 1653 0 R /Next 1656 0 R /Prev 1652 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1655 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 574 0 R /FitH 688 ] >> endobj 1656 0 obj << /Title (House-trespass after preparation for hurt, assault, or wrongful restrain\ t.) /Next 1658 0 R /Prev 1654 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1655 0 R >> endobj 1657 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 574 0 R /FitH 484 ] >> endobj 1658 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking.) /A 1657 0 R /Prev 1656 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1659 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T10:42:35+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T10:42:35+08:00 2003-04-16T10:42:35+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000523805 00000 n 3 1 0000524042 00000 n 651 2 0000524179 00000 n 0000524263 00000 n 654 1 0000524393 00000 n 1482 1 0000524523 00000 n 1630 1 0000524689 00000 n 1647 1 0000524833 00000 n 1649 11 0000524962 00000 n 0000525024 00000 n 0000525187 00000 n 0000525249 00000 n 0000525434 00000 n 0000525496 00000 n 0000525666 00000 n 0000525728 00000 n 0000525903 00000 n 0000525965 00000 n 0000526104 00000 n trailer << /Size 1660 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 523089 /ID[] >> startxref 527507 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416105023+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1678 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 52 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 51 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1482 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 50 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 32 >> endobj 1630 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Trespass) /A 1629 0 R /First 1633 0 R /Last 1677 0 R /Prev 1596 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 22 >> endobj 1658 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking.) /A 1657 0 R /Next 1661 0 R /Prev 1656 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1660 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 577 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 1661 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking in order to commit offence puni\ shable with imprisonment.) /Next 1663 0 R /Prev 1658 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1660 0 R >> endobj 1662 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 577 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 1663 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking after preparation for hurt, ass\ ault or wrongful restraint.) /A 1662 0 R /Next 1665 0 R /Prev 1661 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1664 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 577 0 R /FitH 772 ] >> endobj 1665 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night.) /Next 1667 0 R /Prev 1663 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1664 0 R >> endobj 1666 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 577 0 R /FitH 568 ] >> endobj 1667 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to commit off\ ence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 1666 0 R /Next 1669 0 R /Prev 1665 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1668 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 577 0 R /FitH 568 ] >> endobj 1669 0 obj << /Title (Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night after preparation for \ hurt, assault or wrongful restraint.) /Next 1671 0 R /Prev 1667 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1668 0 R >> endobj 1670 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 580 0 R /FitH 720 ] >> endobj 1671 0 obj << /Title (Grievous hurt caused whilst committing lurking house-trespass or house-b\ reaking.) /A 1670 0 R /Next 1673 0 R /Prev 1669 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1672 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 580 0 R /FitH 720 ] >> endobj 1673 0 obj << /Title (All persons jointly concerned in lurking house-trespass or housebreaking\ by night punishable where death or grievous hurt caused by one of them.\ ) /Next 1675 0 R /Prev 1671 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1672 0 R >> endobj 1674 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 580 0 R /FitH 720 ] >> endobj 1675 0 obj << /Title (Dishonestly, breaking open receptacle containing property.) /A 1674 0 R /Next 1677 0 R /Prev 1673 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1676 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 580 0 R /FitH 448 ] >> endobj 1677 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for same offence when committed by person entrusted with cust\ ody.) /Prev 1675 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1676 0 R >> endobj 1678 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T10:50:23+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T10:50:23+08:00 2003-04-16T10:50:23+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000528131 00000 n 3 1 0000528368 00000 n 651 2 0000528505 00000 n 0000528589 00000 n 654 1 0000528719 00000 n 1482 1 0000528849 00000 n 1630 1 0000529015 00000 n 1658 1 0000529159 00000 n 1660 19 0000529314 00000 n 0000529376 00000 n 0000529574 00000 n 0000529636 00000 n 0000529836 00000 n 0000529898 00000 n 0000530062 00000 n 0000530124 00000 n 0000530331 00000 n 0000530393 00000 n 0000530602 00000 n 0000530664 00000 n 0000530845 00000 n 0000530907 00000 n 0000531154 00000 n 0000531216 00000 n 0000531373 00000 n 0000531435 00000 n 0000531596 00000 n trailer << /Size 1679 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 527507 /ID[] >> startxref 532999 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416105325+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1687 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 24 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 23 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1680 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 22 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -32 /Next 1680 0 R >> endobj 1630 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Trespass) /A 1629 0 R /First 1633 0 R /Last 1677 0 R /Prev 1596 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 22 >> endobj 1679 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 584 0 R /FitH 889 ] >> endobj 1680 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVIII Offences relating to Documents and to Trade or Property Ma\ rks) /A 1679 0 R /First 1682 0 R /Last 1686 0 R /Prev 1482 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 3 >> endobj 1681 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 584 0 R /FitH 889 ] >> endobj 1682 0 obj << /Title (Forgery.) /A 1681 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Next 1684 0 R >> endobj 1683 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 584 0 R /FitH 889 ] >> endobj 1684 0 obj << /Title (Making a false document.) /Next 1686 0 R /Prev 1682 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1683 0 R >> endobj 1685 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 590 0 R /FitH 410 ] >> endobj 1686 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for forgery.) /A 1685 0 R /Prev 1684 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1687 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T10:53:25+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T10:53:25+08:00 2003-04-16T10:53:25+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000533783 00000 n 3 1 0000534020 00000 n 651 2 0000534157 00000 n 0000534241 00000 n 654 1 0000534371 00000 n 1482 1 0000534501 00000 n 1630 1 0000534684 00000 n 1679 9 0000534828 00000 n 0000534890 00000 n 0000535092 00000 n 0000535154 00000 n 0000535245 00000 n 0000535307 00000 n 0000535430 00000 n 0000535492 00000 n 0000535598 00000 n trailer << /Size 1688 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 532999 /ID[] >> startxref 537001 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030416112258+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1778 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 27 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 26 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 25 >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Title (Chapter II - General Explanations) /A 669 0 R /First 672 0 R /Last 759 0 R /Next 761 0 R /Prev 656 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -44 >> endobj 761 0 obj << /Title (Chapter III - Punishments) /A 760 0 R /First 763 0 R /Last 789 0 R /Next 791 0 R /Prev 670 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -14 >> endobj 890 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VA - Criminal Conspiracy) /A 889 0 R /Next 896 0 R /Prev 858 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 892 0 R /Last 894 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 896 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VI - Offences Against The State) /A 895 0 R /First 898 0 R /Last 910 0 R /Next 912 0 R /Prev 890 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 1680 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVIII Offences relating to Documents and to Trade or Property Ma\ rks) /A 1679 0 R /First 1682 0 R /Last 1717 0 R /Prev 1482 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -18 /Next 1727 0 R >> endobj 1686 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for forgery.) /A 1685 0 R /Prev 1684 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Next 1689 0 R >> endobj 1688 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 593 0 R /FitH 716 ] >> endobj 1689 0 obj << /Title (Forgery of record of Court or of public register etc.) /Next 1691 0 R /Prev 1686 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1688 0 R >> endobj 1690 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 593 0 R /FitH 716 ] >> endobj 1691 0 obj << /Title (Forgery of valuable security or will etc.) /A 1690 0 R /Next 1693 0 R /Prev 1689 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1692 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 593 0 R /FitH 716 ] >> endobj 1693 0 obj << /Title (Forgery for purpose of cheating.) /Next 1695 0 R /Prev 1691 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1692 0 R >> endobj 1694 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 593 0 R /FitH 477 ] >> endobj 1695 0 obj << /Title (Forgery for purpose of harming reputation.) /A 1694 0 R /Next 1697 0 R /Prev 1693 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1696 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 596 0 R /FitH 783 ] >> endobj 1697 0 obj << /Title (Forged document.) /Next 1699 0 R /Prev 1695 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1696 0 R >> endobj 1698 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 596 0 R /FitH 783 ] >> endobj 1699 0 obj << /Title (Using as genuine a forged document.) /A 1698 0 R /Next 1701 0 R /Prev 1697 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1700 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 596 0 R /FitH 783 ] >> endobj 1701 0 obj << /Title (Making or possessing counterfeit seal etc. with intent to commit forgery\ punishable under section 467.) /Next 1703 0 R /Prev 1699 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1700 0 R >> endobj 1702 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 596 0 R /FitH 561 ] >> endobj 1703 0 obj << /Title (Making or possessing counterfeit seal etc. with intent to commit forgery\ punishable otherwise.) /A 1702 0 R /Next 1705 0 R /Prev 1701 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1704 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 596 0 R /FitH 561 ] >> endobj 1705 0 obj << /Title (Having possession of valuable security or will etc. knowing it to be for\ ged and intending to be liable use it as genuine.) /Next 1707 0 R /Prev 1703 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1704 0 R >> endobj 1706 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 599 0 R /FitH 816 ] >> endobj 1707 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeiting device or mark used for authenticating documents describe\ d in section 467, or possessing counterfeit marked material.) /A 1706 0 R /Next 1709 0 R /Prev 1705 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1708 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 599 0 R /FitH 509 ] >> endobj 1709 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeiting a device or mark used for authenticating documents other \ than those described in section 467, or possessing counterfeit marked ma\ terial.) /Next 1711 0 R /Prev 1707 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1708 0 R >> endobj 1710 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 599 0 R /FitH 509 ] >> endobj 1711 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent cancellation, destruction etc. of will, authority to adopt, o\ r valuable security.) /A 1710 0 R /Next 1713 0 R /Prev 1709 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1712 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 603 0 R /FitH 661 ] >> endobj 1713 0 obj << /Title (Falsification of accounts.) /Next 1715 0 R /Prev 1711 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1712 0 R >> endobj 1714 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 603 0 R /FitH 661 ] >> endobj 1715 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /A 1714 0 R /Next 1717 0 R /Prev 1713 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Count 0 >> endobj 1716 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 603 0 R /FitH 661 ] >> endobj 1717 0 obj << /Title (Currency Notes and Bank Notes) /A 1716 0 R /Prev 1715 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /First 1719 0 R /Last 1725 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 1718 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 603 0 R /FitH 372 ] >> endobj 1719 0 obj << /Title (Counterfeiting currency notes or bank notes.) /A 1718 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /Next 1721 0 R >> endobj 1720 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 797 ] >> endobj 1721 0 obj << /Title (Using as genuine forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank notes.) /Next 1723 0 R /Prev 1719 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /A 1720 0 R >> endobj 1722 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 797 ] >> endobj 1723 0 obj << /Title (Possession of forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank notes.) /A 1722 0 R /Next 1725 0 R /Prev 1721 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R >> endobj 1724 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 541 ] >> endobj 1725 0 obj << /Title (Making or possessing instruments or materials for forging or counterfeit\ ing currency notes or bank notes.) /Prev 1723 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /A 1724 0 R >> endobj 1726 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 541 ] >> endobj 1727 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIX - Criminal Breach of Contracts of Service) /A 1726 0 R /First 1729 0 R /Last 1731 0 R /Next 1733 0 R /Prev 1680 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 1728 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 541 ] >> endobj 1729 0 obj << /Title (\(Repealed\).) /A 1728 0 R /Parent 1727 0 R /Next 1731 0 R >> endobj 1730 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 606 0 R /FitH 541 ] >> endobj 1731 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /Prev 1729 0 R /Parent 1727 0 R /A 1730 0 R >> endobj 1732 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 609 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1733 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XX - Offences relating to Marriage) /A 1732 0 R /First 1735 0 R /Last 1745 0 R /Next 1747 0 R /Prev 1727 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 1734 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 609 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1735 0 obj << /Title (Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawful mar\ riage.) /A 1734 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /Next 1737 0 R >> endobj 1736 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 609 0 R /FitH 727 ] >> endobj 1737 0 obj << /Title (Marrying again during life-time of husband or wife.) /Next 1739 0 R /Prev 1735 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1736 0 R >> endobj 1738 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 609 0 R /FitH 421 ] >> endobj 1739 0 obj << /Title (Same offence with concealment of former marriage from person with whom s\ ubsequent marriage is contracted.) /A 1738 0 R /Next 1741 0 R /Prev 1737 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R >> endobj 1740 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 612 0 R /FitH 794 ] >> endobj 1741 0 obj << /Title (Marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage.) /Next 1743 0 R /Prev 1739 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1740 0 R >> endobj 1742 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 612 0 R /FitH 794 ] >> endobj 1743 0 obj << /Title (\(No section\).) /A 1742 0 R /Next 1745 0 R /Prev 1741 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R >> endobj 1744 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 612 0 R /FitH 794 ] >> endobj 1745 0 obj << /Title (Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married woma\ n.) /Prev 1743 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1744 0 R >> endobj 1746 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 612 0 R /FitH 471 ] >> endobj 1747 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XXI - Defamation) /A 1746 0 R /First 1749 0 R /Last 1755 0 R /Next 1757 0 R /Prev 1733 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 1748 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 612 0 R /FitH 471 ] >> endobj 1749 0 obj << /Title (Defamation.) /A 1748 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /Next 1751 0 R >> endobj 1750 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 628 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 1751 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for defamation.) /Next 1753 0 R /Prev 1749 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /A 1750 0 R >> endobj 1752 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 628 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 1753 0 obj << /Title (Printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory.) /A 1752 0 R /Next 1755 0 R /Prev 1751 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R >> endobj 1754 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 628 0 R /FitH 857 ] >> endobj 1755 0 obj << /Title (Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter.) /Prev 1753 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /A 1754 0 R >> endobj 1756 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 628 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 1757 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XXII - Criminal Intimidation Insult and Annoyance) /A 1756 0 R /First 1759 0 R /Last 1773 0 R /Next 1775 0 R /Prev 1747 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count -8 >> endobj 1758 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 628 0 R /FitH 534 ] >> endobj 1759 0 obj << /Title (Criminal intimidation.) /A 1758 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /Next 1761 0 R >> endobj 1760 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 631 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 1761 0 obj << /Title (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace.) /Next 1763 0 R /Prev 1759 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1760 0 R >> endobj 1762 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 631 0 R /FitH 754 ] >> endobj 1763 0 obj << /Title (Statements conducting to public mischief.) /A 1762 0 R /Next 1765 0 R /Prev 1761 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1764 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 631 0 R /FitH 397 ] >> endobj 1765 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for criminal intimidation.) /Next 1767 0 R /Prev 1763 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1764 0 R >> endobj 1766 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 634 0 R /FitH 719 ] >> endobj 1767 0 obj << /Title (Criminal intimidation by an anonymous communication.) /A 1766 0 R /Next 1769 0 R /Prev 1765 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1768 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 634 0 R /FitH 719 ] >> endobj 1769 0 obj << /Title (Act caused by inducing person to believe that he will be rendered an obj\ ect of divine displeasure.) /Next 1771 0 R /Prev 1767 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1768 0 R >> endobj 1770 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 637 0 R /FitH 820 ] >> endobj 1771 0 obj << /Title (Word, gesture, or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.) /A 1770 0 R /Next 1773 0 R /Prev 1769 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1772 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 637 0 R /FitH 820 ] >> endobj 1773 0 obj << /Title (Misconduct in public by a drunken person.) /Prev 1771 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1772 0 R >> endobj 1774 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 637 0 R /FitH 684 ] >> endobj 1775 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XXIII Attempts to Commit Offences) /A 1774 0 R /First 1777 0 R /Last 1777 0 R /Prev 1757 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 1 >> endobj 1776 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 637 0 R /FitH 684 ] >> endobj 1777 0 obj << /Title (Punishment for attempting to commit offences.) /A 1776 0 R /Parent 1775 0 R >> endobj 1778 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-04-16T11:22:58+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-04-16T11:22:58+08:00 2003-04-16T11:22:58+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000537556 00000 n 3 1 0000537793 00000 n 651 2 0000537930 00000 n 0000538014 00000 n 654 1 0000538144 00000 n 670 1 0000538275 00000 n 761 1 0000538445 00000 n 890 1 0000538607 00000 n 896 1 0000538775 00000 n 1680 1 0000538950 00000 n 1686 1 0000539170 00000 n 1688 91 0000539292 00000 n 0000539354 00000 n 0000539506 00000 n 0000539568 00000 n 0000539708 00000 n 0000539770 00000 n 0000539901 00000 n 0000539963 00000 n 0000540104 00000 n 0000540166 00000 n 0000540281 00000 n 0000540343 00000 n 0000540477 00000 n 0000540539 00000 n 0000540742 00000 n 0000540804 00000 n 0000540999 00000 n 0000541061 00000 n 0000541283 00000 n 0000541345 00000 n 0000541578 00000 n 0000541640 00000 n 0000541894 00000 n 0000541956 00000 n 0000542149 00000 n 0000542211 00000 n 0000542336 00000 n 0000542398 00000 n 0000542520 00000 n 0000542582 00000 n 0000542738 00000 n 0000542800 00000 n 0000542927 00000 n 0000542989 00000 n 0000543156 00000 n 0000543218 00000 n 0000543382 00000 n 0000543444 00000 n 0000543634 00000 n 0000543696 00000 n 0000543891 00000 n 0000543953 00000 n 0000544049 00000 n 0000544111 00000 n 0000544209 00000 n 0000544271 00000 n 0000544455 00000 n 0000544517 00000 n 0000544680 00000 n 0000544742 00000 n 0000544892 00000 n 0000544954 00000 n 0000545160 00000 n 0000545222 00000 n 0000545389 00000 n 0000545451 00000 n 0000545565 00000 n 0000545627 00000 n 0000545786 00000 n 0000545848 00000 n 0000546014 00000 n 0000546076 00000 n 0000546170 00000 n 0000546232 00000 n 0000546357 00000 n 0000546419 00000 n 0000546570 00000 n 0000546632 00000 n 0000546782 00000 n 0000546844 00000 n 0000547043 00000 n 0000547105 00000 n 0000547210 00000 n 0000547272 00000 n 0000547433 00000 n 0000547495 00000 n 0000547635 00000 n 0000547697 00000 n 0000547833 00000 n 0000547895 00000 n 0000548046 00000 n 0000548108 00000 n 0000548307 00000 n 0000548369 00000 n 0000548532 00000 n 0000548594 00000 n 0000548718 00000 n 0000548780 00000 n 0000548946 00000 n 0000549008 00000 n 0000549120 00000 n trailer << /Size 1779 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 537001 /ID[<8a28e0f3702a92cc2b0a63026db0fc13>] >> startxref 550523 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508100419+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1779 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 77 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 76 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 75 >> endobj 656 0 obj << /Title (Chapter I - Introduction) /A 655 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 658 0 R /Last 668 0 R /Count 6 /Next 670 0 R >> endobj 658 0 obj << /Title (1. Citation.) /A 657 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /Next 660 0 R >> endobj 660 0 obj << /Title (2. Punishment of offences committed within Brunei Darussalam.) /Next 662 0 R /Prev 658 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 659 0 R >> endobj 662 0 obj << /Title (3. Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law, may be tri\ ed within Brunei Darussalam.) /A 661 0 R /Next 664 0 R /Prev 660 0 R /Parent 656 0 R >> endobj 664 0 obj << /Title (4. \(No section\).) /Next 666 0 R /Prev 662 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 663 0 R >> endobj 666 0 obj << /Title (5. Certain laws not to be affected by this Code.) /A 665 0 R /Next 668 0 R /Prev 664 0 R /Parent 656 0 R >> endobj 668 0 obj << /Title (5A. Application.) /Prev 666 0 R /Parent 656 0 R /A 667 0 R >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Title (Chapter II - General Explanations) /A 669 0 R /First 672 0 R /Last 759 0 R /Next 761 0 R /Prev 656 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 44 >> endobj 672 0 obj << /Title (6. Definitions in the Code to be understood subject to exceptions.) /A 671 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /Next 674 0 R >> endobj 674 0 obj << /Title (7. Sense of expression once explained.) /A 673 0 R /Next 676 0 R /Prev 672 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 676 0 obj << /Title (8. Gender.) /Next 678 0 R /Prev 674 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 675 0 R >> endobj 678 0 obj << /Title (9. Number.) /A 677 0 R /Next 680 0 R /Prev 676 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 680 0 obj << /Title (10. Man Woman.) /Next 682 0 R /Prev 678 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 679 0 R >> endobj 682 0 obj << /Title (11. Person.) /A 681 0 R /Next 684 0 R /Prev 680 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 684 0 obj << /Title (12. Public.) /Next 686 0 R /Prev 682 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 683 0 R >> endobj 686 0 obj << /Title (13. - 16. \(No sections\).) /A 685 0 R /Next 688 0 R /Prev 684 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 688 0 obj << /Title (17. Government.) /Next 690 0 R /Prev 686 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 687 0 R >> endobj 690 0 obj << /Title (18. \(No section\).) /A 689 0 R /Next 692 0 R /Prev 688 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 692 0 obj << /Title (16. Judge.) /Next 694 0 R /Prev 690 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 691 0 R >> endobj 694 0 obj << /Title (17. Court of Justice.) /A 693 0 R /Next 696 0 R /Prev 692 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 696 0 obj << /Title (18. Public servant.) /Next 698 0 R /Prev 694 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 695 0 R >> endobj 698 0 obj << /Title (19. Movable property.) /A 697 0 R /Next 700 0 R /Prev 696 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 700 0 obj << /Title (20. Wrongful gain and wrongful loss.) /Next 702 0 R /Prev 698 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 699 0 R >> endobj 702 0 obj << /Title (21. Dishonestly.) /A 701 0 R /Next 704 0 R /Prev 700 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 704 0 obj << /Title (22. Fraudulently.) /Next 706 0 R /Prev 702 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 703 0 R >> endobj 706 0 obj << /Title (23. Reason to believe.) /A 705 0 R /Next 708 0 R /Prev 704 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 708 0 obj << /Title (24. Property in possession of wife, clerk or servant.) /Next 710 0 R /Prev 706 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 707 0 R >> endobj 710 0 obj << /Title (25. Counterfeit.) /A 709 0 R /Next 712 0 R /Prev 708 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 712 0 obj << /Title (26. Document.) /Next 714 0 R /Prev 710 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 711 0 R >> endobj 714 0 obj << /Title (27. Valuable security.) /A 713 0 R /Next 716 0 R /Prev 712 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 716 0 obj << /Title (28. A will.) /Next 718 0 R /Prev 714 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 715 0 R >> endobj 718 0 obj << /Title (29. Words referring to acts include illegal omissions.) /A 717 0 R /Next 720 0 R /Prev 716 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 720 0 obj << /Title (30. Act and omission.) /Next 722 0 R /Prev 718 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 719 0 R >> endobj 722 0 obj << /Title (31. Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention.) /A 721 0 R /Next 724 0 R /Prev 720 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 724 0 obj << /Title (32. When such an act is criminal by reason of its being done with a crim\ inal knowledge or intention.) /Next 726 0 R /Prev 722 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 723 0 R >> endobj 726 0 obj << /Title (33. Effect caused partly by act and partly by omission.) /A 725 0 R /Next 728 0 R /Prev 724 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 728 0 obj << /Title (34. Co-operation by doing one of several acts constituting an offence.) /Next 730 0 R /Prev 726 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 727 0 R >> endobj 730 0 obj << /Title (35. Person concerned in criminal act may be guilty of different offences\ .) /A 729 0 R /Next 732 0 R /Prev 728 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 732 0 obj << /Title (36. Voluntarily.) /Next 734 0 R /Prev 730 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 731 0 R >> endobj 734 0 obj << /Title (37. Offence.) /A 733 0 R /Next 737 0 R /Prev 732 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 737 0 obj << /Title (38. Special law.) /Next 739 0 R /Prev 734 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 736 0 R >> endobj 739 0 obj << /Title (39. Local law.) /A 738 0 R /Next 741 0 R /Prev 737 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 741 0 obj << /Title (40. Illegal.) /A 740 0 R /Next 743 0 R /Prev 739 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 743 0 obj << /Title (41. Injury.) /Next 745 0 R /Prev 741 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 742 0 R >> endobj 745 0 obj << /Title (42. Life.) /A 744 0 R /Next 747 0 R /Prev 743 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 747 0 obj << /Title (43. Death.) /Next 749 0 R /Prev 745 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 746 0 R >> endobj 749 0 obj << /Title (44. Animal.) /A 748 0 R /Next 751 0 R /Prev 747 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 751 0 obj << /Title (45. Vessel.) /Next 753 0 R /Prev 749 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 750 0 R >> endobj 753 0 obj << /Title (46. Year, month.) /A 752 0 R /Next 755 0 R /Prev 751 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 755 0 obj << /Title (47. Section.) /Next 757 0 R /Prev 753 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 754 0 R >> endobj 757 0 obj << /Title (48. Oath.) /A 756 0 R /Next 759 0 R /Prev 755 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 759 0 obj << /Title (49. Good faith.) /Prev 757 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 758 0 R >> endobj 1779 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T10:04:19+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T10:04:19+08:00 2003-05-08T10:04:19+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000552827 00000 n 3 1 0000553064 00000 n 651 2 0000553201 00000 n 0000553285 00000 n 654 1 0000553414 00000 n 656 1 0000553544 00000 n 658 1 0000553688 00000 n 660 1 0000553779 00000 n 662 1 0000553934 00000 n 664 1 0000554130 00000 n 666 1 0000554242 00000 n 668 1 0000554384 00000 n 670 1 0000554479 00000 n 672 1 0000554648 00000 n 674 1 0000554793 00000 n 676 1 0000554925 00000 n 678 1 0000555029 00000 n 680 1 0000555133 00000 n 682 1 0000555245 00000 n 684 1 0000555352 00000 n 686 1 0000555459 00000 n 688 1 0000555579 00000 n 690 1 0000555690 00000 n 692 1 0000555803 00000 n 694 1 0000555909 00000 n 696 1 0000556026 00000 n 698 1 0000556141 00000 n 700 1 0000556258 00000 n 702 1 0000556392 00000 n 704 1 0000556504 00000 n 706 1 0000556617 00000 n 708 1 0000556735 00000 n 710 1 0000556884 00000 n 712 1 0000556996 00000 n 714 1 0000557105 00000 n 716 1 0000557223 00000 n 718 1 0000557330 00000 n 720 1 0000557478 00000 n 722 1 0000557597 00000 n 724 1 0000557759 00000 n 726 1 0000557955 00000 n 728 1 0000558104 00000 n 730 1 0000558268 00000 n 732 1 0000558437 00000 n 734 1 0000558549 00000 n 737 1 0000558657 00000 n 739 1 0000558769 00000 n 741 1 0000558879 00000 n 743 1 0000558987 00000 n 745 1 0000559094 00000 n 747 1 0000559199 00000 n 749 1 0000559305 00000 n 751 1 0000559412 00000 n 753 1 0000559519 00000 n 755 1 0000559631 00000 n 757 1 0000559739 00000 n 759 1 0000559844 00000 n 1779 1 0000559940 00000 n trailer << /Size 1780 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 550523 /ID[<27a8ebefa1d92af5f87049fb429f5820>] >> startxref 561343 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508110057+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1780 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 123 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 122 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 121 >> endobj 692 0 obj << /Title (19. Judge.) /Next 694 0 R /Prev 690 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 691 0 R >> endobj 694 0 obj << /Title (20. Court of Justice.) /A 693 0 R /Next 696 0 R /Prev 692 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 696 0 obj << /Title (21. Public servant.) /Next 698 0 R /Prev 694 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 695 0 R >> endobj 698 0 obj << /Title (22. Movable property.) /A 697 0 R /Next 700 0 R /Prev 696 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 700 0 obj << /Title (23. Wrongful gain and wrongful loss.) /Next 702 0 R /Prev 698 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 699 0 R >> endobj 702 0 obj << /Title (24. Dishonestly.) /A 701 0 R /Next 704 0 R /Prev 700 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 704 0 obj << /Title (25. Fraudulently.) /Next 706 0 R /Prev 702 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 703 0 R >> endobj 706 0 obj << /Title (26. Reason to believe.) /A 705 0 R /Next 708 0 R /Prev 704 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 708 0 obj << /Title (27. Property in possession of wife, clerk or servant.) /Next 710 0 R /Prev 706 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 707 0 R >> endobj 710 0 obj << /Title (28. Counterfeit.) /A 709 0 R /Next 712 0 R /Prev 708 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 712 0 obj << /Title (29. Document.) /Next 714 0 R /Prev 710 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 711 0 R >> endobj 714 0 obj << /Title (30. Valuable security.) /A 713 0 R /Next 716 0 R /Prev 712 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 716 0 obj << /Title (31. A will.) /Next 718 0 R /Prev 714 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 715 0 R >> endobj 718 0 obj << /Title (32. Words referring to acts include illegal omissions.) /A 717 0 R /Next 720 0 R /Prev 716 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 720 0 obj << /Title (33. Act and omission.) /Next 722 0 R /Prev 718 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 719 0 R >> endobj 722 0 obj << /Title (34. Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention.) /A 721 0 R /Next 724 0 R /Prev 720 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 724 0 obj << /Title (35. When such an act is criminal by reason of its being done with a crim\ inal knowledge or intention.) /Next 726 0 R /Prev 722 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 723 0 R >> endobj 726 0 obj << /Title (36. Effect caused partly by act and partly by omission.) /A 725 0 R /Next 728 0 R /Prev 724 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 728 0 obj << /Title (37. Co-operation by doing one of several acts constituting an offence.) /Next 730 0 R /Prev 726 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 727 0 R >> endobj 730 0 obj << /Title (38. Person concerned in criminal act may be guilty of different offences\ .) /A 729 0 R /Next 732 0 R /Prev 728 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 732 0 obj << /Title (39. Voluntarily.) /Next 734 0 R /Prev 730 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 731 0 R >> endobj 734 0 obj << /Title (40. Offence.) /A 733 0 R /Next 737 0 R /Prev 732 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 737 0 obj << /Title (41. Special law.) /Next 739 0 R /Prev 734 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 736 0 R >> endobj 739 0 obj << /Title (42. Local law.) /A 738 0 R /Next 741 0 R /Prev 737 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 741 0 obj << /Title (43. Illegal.) /A 740 0 R /Next 743 0 R /Prev 739 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 743 0 obj << /Title (44. Injury.) /Next 745 0 R /Prev 741 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 742 0 R >> endobj 745 0 obj << /Title (45. Life.) /A 744 0 R /Next 747 0 R /Prev 743 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 747 0 obj << /Title (46. Death.) /Next 749 0 R /Prev 745 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 746 0 R >> endobj 749 0 obj << /Title (47. Animal.) /A 748 0 R /Next 751 0 R /Prev 747 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 751 0 obj << /Title (48. Vessel.) /Next 753 0 R /Prev 749 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 750 0 R >> endobj 753 0 obj << /Title (49. Year, month.) /A 752 0 R /Next 755 0 R /Prev 751 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 755 0 obj << /Title (50. Section.) /Next 757 0 R /Prev 753 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 754 0 R >> endobj 757 0 obj << /Title (51. Oath.) /A 756 0 R /Next 759 0 R /Prev 755 0 R /Parent 670 0 R >> endobj 759 0 obj << /Title (52. Good faith.) /Prev 757 0 R /Parent 670 0 R /A 758 0 R >> endobj 761 0 obj << /Title (Chapter III - Punishments) /A 760 0 R /First 763 0 R /Last 789 0 R /Next 791 0 R /Prev 670 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 14 >> endobj 763 0 obj << /Title (53. Punishments.) /A 762 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /Next 765 0 R >> endobj 765 0 obj << /Title (54. \(Repealed\).) /Next 767 0 R /Prev 763 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 764 0 R >> endobj 767 0 obj << /Title (55. Commutation of sentence of imprisonment.) /A 766 0 R /Next 769 0 R /Prev 765 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 769 0 obj << /Title (56. - 59. \(No sections\).) /Next 771 0 R /Prev 767 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 768 0 R >> endobj 771 0 obj << /Title (60. \(Repealed\).) /A 770 0 R /Next 773 0 R /Prev 769 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 773 0 obj << /Title (61. - 62. \(No sections\).) /Next 775 0 R /Prev 771 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 772 0 R >> endobj 775 0 obj << /Title (63. Amount of fine.) /A 774 0 R /Next 777 0 R /Prev 773 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 777 0 obj << /Title (64. - 65. \(No sections\).) /Next 779 0 R /Prev 775 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 776 0 R >> endobj 779 0 obj << /Title (66. \(Repealed\).) /A 778 0 R /Next 781 0 R /Prev 777 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 781 0 obj << /Title (67. - 70. \(No sections\).) /Next 783 0 R /Prev 779 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 780 0 R >> endobj 783 0 obj << /Title (71. Limit of punishment of offence made up of several offences.) /A 782 0 R /Next 785 0 R /Prev 781 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 785 0 obj << /Title (72. Punishment of person guilty of one of several offences, the judgment\ stating that it is doubtful of which.) /Next 787 0 R /Prev 783 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 784 0 R >> endobj 787 0 obj << /Title (73. - 74. \(No sections\).) /A 786 0 R /Next 789 0 R /Prev 785 0 R /Parent 761 0 R >> endobj 789 0 obj << /Title (75. Punishment of persons convicted after a previous conviction, of an o\ ffence punishable with 3 years imprisonment.) /Prev 787 0 R /Parent 761 0 R /A 788 0 R >> endobj 791 0 obj << /Title (Chapter IV - General Exceptions) /A 790 0 R /First 793 0 R /Last 833 0 R /Next 858 0 R /Prev 761 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 32 >> endobj 793 0 obj << /Title (76. Act done by a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself \ bound, by law.) /A 792 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /Next 795 0 R >> endobj 795 0 obj << /Title (77. Act of Judge when acting judicially.) /Next 797 0 R /Prev 793 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 794 0 R >> endobj 797 0 obj << /Title (78. Act done pursuant to the judgment or order of Court.) /A 796 0 R /Next 799 0 R /Prev 795 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 799 0 obj << /Title (79. Act done by a person justified or by mistake of fact believing himse\ lf justified by law.) /Next 801 0 R /Prev 797 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 798 0 R >> endobj 801 0 obj << /Title (80. Accident in doing a lawful act.) /A 800 0 R /Next 803 0 R /Prev 799 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 803 0 obj << /Title (81. Act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent, and to p\ revent other harm.) /Next 805 0 R /Prev 801 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 802 0 R >> endobj 805 0 obj << /Title (82. Act of a child under 7 years of age.) /A 804 0 R /Next 807 0 R /Prev 803 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 807 0 obj << /Title (83. Act of a child above 7 and under 12 of immature understanding.) /Next 809 0 R /Prev 805 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 806 0 R >> endobj 809 0 obj << /Title (84. Act of a person of unsound mind.) /A 808 0 R /Next 811 0 R /Prev 807 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 811 0 obj << /Title (85. Intoxication when a defence.) /Next 813 0 R /Prev 809 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 810 0 R >> endobj 813 0 obj << /Title (86. Effect of defence of intoxication when established.) /A 812 0 R /Next 815 0 R /Prev 811 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 815 0 obj << /Title (87. Act not intended, and not known to be likely, to cause death or grie\ vous hurt, done by consent.) /Next 817 0 R /Prev 813 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 814 0 R >> endobj 817 0 obj << /Title (88. Act not intended to cause death, done by consent in good faith for p\ ersons benefit.) /A 816 0 R /Next 819 0 R /Prev 815 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 819 0 obj << /Title (89. Act done in good faith for benefit of child or insane person, by or \ by consent of guardian.) /Next 821 0 R /Prev 817 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 818 0 R >> endobj 821 0 obj << /Title (90. Consent known to be given under fear or misconception, and consent o\ f child or person of unsound mind.) /A 820 0 R /Next 823 0 R /Prev 819 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 823 0 obj << /Title (91. Exclusion of acts which are offences independently of harm caused.) /Next 825 0 R /Prev 821 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 822 0 R >> endobj 825 0 obj << /Title (92. Act done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent.) /A 824 0 R /Next 827 0 R /Prev 823 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 827 0 obj << /Title (93. Communication made in good faith.) /Next 829 0 R /Prev 825 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 826 0 R >> endobj 829 0 obj << /Title (94. Act to which a person is compelled by threats.) /A 828 0 R /Next 831 0 R /Prev 827 0 R /Parent 791 0 R >> endobj 831 0 obj << /Title (95. Act causing slight harm.) /Next 833 0 R /Prev 829 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /A 830 0 R >> endobj 833 0 obj << /Title (The Right of Private Defence) /A 832 0 R /First 835 0 R /Last 856 0 R /Prev 831 0 R /Parent 791 0 R /Count 11 >> endobj 835 0 obj << /Title (96. Things done in private defence.) /A 834 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /Next 837 0 R >> endobj 837 0 obj << /Title (97. Right of private defence of the body and of property.) /Next 839 0 R /Prev 835 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 836 0 R >> endobj 839 0 obj << /Title (98. Right of private defence against the act of a person of unsound mind\ etc.) /A 838 0 R /Next 841 0 R /Prev 837 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 841 0 obj << /Title (99. Acts against which there is no right of private defence; and extent \ to which the right may be exercised.) /Next 843 0 R /Prev 839 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 840 0 R >> endobj 843 0 obj << /Title (100. When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing de\ ath.) /A 842 0 R /Next 846 0 R /Prev 841 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 846 0 obj << /Title (101. When such right extends to causing any harm other than death.) /Next 848 0 R /Prev 843 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 845 0 R >> endobj 848 0 obj << /Title (102. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of the\ body.) /A 847 0 R /Next 850 0 R /Prev 846 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 850 0 obj << /Title (103. When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing de\ ath.) /Next 852 0 R /Prev 848 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 849 0 R >> endobj 852 0 obj << /Title (104. When such right extends to causing any harm other than death.) /A 851 0 R /Next 854 0 R /Prev 850 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 854 0 obj << /Title (105. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of pro\ perty.) /Next 856 0 R /Prev 852 0 R /Parent 833 0 R /A 853 0 R >> endobj 1780 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T11:00:57+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T11:00:57+08:00 2003-05-08T11:00:57+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000563086 00000 n 3 1 0000563323 00000 n 651 2 0000563460 00000 n 0000563545 00000 n 654 1 0000563675 00000 n 692 1 0000563806 00000 n 694 1 0000563912 00000 n 696 1 0000564029 00000 n 698 1 0000564144 00000 n 700 1 0000564261 00000 n 702 1 0000564395 00000 n 704 1 0000564507 00000 n 706 1 0000564620 00000 n 708 1 0000564738 00000 n 710 1 0000564887 00000 n 712 1 0000564999 00000 n 714 1 0000565108 00000 n 716 1 0000565226 00000 n 718 1 0000565333 00000 n 720 1 0000565481 00000 n 722 1 0000565600 00000 n 724 1 0000565762 00000 n 726 1 0000565958 00000 n 728 1 0000566107 00000 n 730 1 0000566271 00000 n 732 1 0000566440 00000 n 734 1 0000566552 00000 n 737 1 0000566660 00000 n 739 1 0000566772 00000 n 741 1 0000566882 00000 n 743 1 0000566990 00000 n 745 1 0000567097 00000 n 747 1 0000567202 00000 n 749 1 0000567308 00000 n 751 1 0000567415 00000 n 753 1 0000567522 00000 n 755 1 0000567634 00000 n 757 1 0000567742 00000 n 759 1 0000567847 00000 n 761 1 0000567943 00000 n 763 1 0000568104 00000 n 765 1 0000568199 00000 n 767 1 0000568310 00000 n 769 1 0000568448 00000 n 771 1 0000568569 00000 n 773 1 0000568680 00000 n 775 1 0000568800 00000 n 777 1 0000568913 00000 n 779 1 0000569033 00000 n 781 1 0000569144 00000 n 783 1 0000569264 00000 n 785 1 0000569421 00000 n 787 1 0000569627 00000 n 789 1 0000569747 00000 n 791 1 0000569945 00000 n 793 1 0000570112 00000 n 795 1 0000570279 00000 n 797 1 0000570413 00000 n 799 1 0000570563 00000 n 801 1 0000570751 00000 n 803 1 0000570880 00000 n 805 1 0000571066 00000 n 807 1 0000571200 00000 n 809 1 0000571360 00000 n 811 1 0000571490 00000 n 813 1 0000571616 00000 n 815 1 0000571765 00000 n 817 1 0000571960 00000 n 819 1 0000572144 00000 n 821 1 0000572335 00000 n 823 1 0000572537 00000 n 825 1 0000572701 00000 n 827 1 0000572862 00000 n 829 1 0000572993 00000 n 831 1 0000573137 00000 n 833 1 0000573259 00000 n 835 1 0000573408 00000 n 837 1 0000573522 00000 n 839 1 0000573673 00000 n 841 1 0000573846 00000 n 843 1 0000574050 00000 n 846 1 0000574222 00000 n 848 1 0000574382 00000 n 850 1 0000574556 00000 n 852 1 0000574728 00000 n 854 1 0000574888 00000 n 1780 1 0000575062 00000 n trailer << /Size 1781 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 561343 /ID[] >> startxref 576465 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508110703+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1781 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 157 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 156 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 155 >> endobj 856 0 obj << /Title (106. Right of private defence against deadly assault when there is risk \ of harm to innocent person.) /A 855 0 R /Prev 854 0 R /Parent 833 0 R >> endobj 858 0 obj << /Title (Chapter V - Abetment) /A 857 0 R /Next 890 0 R /Prev 791 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 860 0 R /Last 888 0 R /Count 15 >> endobj 860 0 obj << /Title (107. Abetment of a thing.) /A 859 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /Next 862 0 R >> endobj 862 0 obj << /Title (108. Abettor.) /Next 864 0 R /Prev 860 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 861 0 R >> endobj 864 0 obj << /Title (108A. Abetment in Brunei Darussalam of offences outside it.) /A 863 0 R /Next 866 0 R /Prev 862 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 866 0 obj << /Title (109. Punishment of abatement if the act abetted is committed in conseque\ nce, and where no express provision is made for its punishment.) /Next 868 0 R /Prev 864 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 865 0 R >> endobj 868 0 obj << /Title (110. Punishment of abatement if person abetted does act with different i\ ntention from that of abettor.) /A 867 0 R /Next 870 0 R /Prev 866 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 870 0 obj << /Title (111. Liability of abettor when one act abetted and different act done.) /Next 872 0 R /Prev 868 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 869 0 R >> endobj 872 0 obj << /Title (112. Abettor when liable to cumulative punishment for act abetted and fo\ r act done.) /A 871 0 R /Next 874 0 R /Prev 870 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 874 0 obj << /Title (113. Liability of abettor for an effect caused by the act abetted differ\ ent from that intended by the abettors.) /Next 876 0 R /Prev 872 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 873 0 R >> endobj 876 0 obj << /Title (114. Abettor present when offences is committed.) /A 875 0 R /Next 878 0 R /Prev 874 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 878 0 obj << /Title (115. Abetment of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for 15\ years if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment. I\ f act causing harm be done in consequence.) /Next 880 0 R /Prev 876 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 877 0 R >> endobj 880 0 obj << /Title (116. Abetment of offence punishable with imprisonment if offence be not \ committed.) /A 879 0 R /Next 882 0 R /Prev 878 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 882 0 obj << /Title (117. Abetting commission of an offence by the public, or by more than 10\ persons.) /Next 884 0 R /Prev 880 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 881 0 R >> endobj 884 0 obj << /Title (118. Concealing design to commit offence punishable with death or impris\ onment.) /A 883 0 R /Next 886 0 R /Prev 882 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 886 0 obj << /Title (119. Public servant concealing design to commit offence which it is his \ duty to prevent.) /Next 888 0 R /Prev 884 0 R /Parent 858 0 R /A 885 0 R >> endobj 888 0 obj << /Title (120. Concealing design to commit offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 887 0 R /Prev 886 0 R /Parent 858 0 R >> endobj 890 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VA - Criminal Conspiracy) /A 889 0 R /Next 896 0 R /Prev 858 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 892 0 R /Last 894 0 R /Count 2 >> endobj 892 0 obj << /Title (120A. Definition of criminal conspiracy.) /A 891 0 R /Parent 890 0 R /Next 894 0 R >> endobj 894 0 obj << /Title (120B. Punishment of criminal conspiracy.) /Prev 892 0 R /Parent 890 0 R /A 893 0 R >> endobj 896 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VI - Offences Against The State) /A 895 0 R /First 898 0 R /Last 910 0 R /Next 912 0 R /Prev 890 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 7 >> endobj 898 0 obj << /Title (121. Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, agains\ t His Majesty.) /A 897 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /Next 900 0 R >> endobj 900 0 obj << /Title (121A. Conspiracy to commit offences punishable by section 121. 121A. Who\ ever, within or without Brunei Darussalam conspires to commit) /Next 902 0 R /Prev 898 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 899 0 R >> endobj 902 0 obj << /Title (122. Collecting arms etc. with the intention of waging war against His M\ ajesty.) /A 901 0 R /Next 904 0 R /Prev 900 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 904 0 obj << /Title (123. Concealing with intent to facilitate design to wage war.) /Next 906 0 R /Prev 902 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 903 0 R >> endobj 906 0 obj << /Title (124. \(No section\).) /A 905 0 R /Next 908 0 R /Prev 904 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 908 0 obj << /Title (124A, 128, 129, 130. \(Repealed\).) /Next 910 0 R /Prev 906 0 R /Parent 896 0 R /A 907 0 R >> endobj 910 0 obj << /Title (125. - 127. \(No sections\).) /A 909 0 R /Prev 908 0 R /Parent 896 0 R >> endobj 912 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VII - Offences relating to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police) /A 911 0 R /Next 934 0 R /Prev 896 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 914 0 R /Last 932 0 R /Count 10 >> endobj 914 0 obj << /Title (131. Abetment of mutiny to induce soldier etc. from his duty.) /A 913 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /Next 916 0 R >> endobj 916 0 obj << /Title (132. Abetment of mutiny, if mutiny is committed in consequence thereof.) /Next 918 0 R /Prev 914 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 915 0 R >> endobj 918 0 obj << /Title (133. Abetment of assault by soldiers etc. on his superior officer when i\ n execution of his office.) /A 917 0 R /Next 920 0 R /Prev 916 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 920 0 obj << /Title (134. Abetment of such assault if the assault is committed.) /Next 922 0 R /Prev 918 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 919 0 R >> endobj 922 0 obj << /Title (135. Abetment of desertion.) /A 921 0 R /Next 924 0 R /Prev 920 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 924 0 obj << /Title (136. Harbouring deserter.) /Next 926 0 R /Prev 922 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 923 0 R >> endobj 926 0 obj << /Title (137. Deserter concealed on board merchant vessel through negligence of m\ aster.) /A 925 0 R /Next 928 0 R /Prev 924 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 928 0 obj << /Title (138. Abetment of act of insubordination by soldier etc.) /Next 930 0 R /Prev 926 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 927 0 R >> endobj 930 0 obj << /Title (139. \(No section\).) /A 929 0 R /Next 932 0 R /Prev 928 0 R /Parent 912 0 R >> endobj 932 0 obj << /Title (140. Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier etc.) /Prev 930 0 R /Parent 912 0 R /A 931 0 R >> endobj 1781 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T11:07:03+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T11:07:03+08:00 2003-05-08T11:07:03+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000578991 00000 n 3 1 0000579228 00000 n 651 2 0000579365 00000 n 0000579450 00000 n 654 1 0000579580 00000 n 856 1 0000579711 00000 n 858 1 0000579891 00000 n 860 1 0000580047 00000 n 862 1 0000580151 00000 n 864 1 0000580258 00000 n 866 1 0000580411 00000 n 868 1 0000580642 00000 n 870 1 0000580840 00000 n 872 1 0000581004 00000 n 874 1 0000581183 00000 n 876 1 0000581390 00000 n 878 1 0000581532 00000 n 880 1 0000581816 00000 n 882 1 0000581994 00000 n 884 1 0000582171 00000 n 886 1 0000582346 00000 n 888 1 0000582530 00000 n 890 1 0000582679 00000 n 892 1 0000582846 00000 n 894 1 0000582965 00000 n 896 1 0000583084 00000 n 898 1 0000583258 00000 n 900 1 0000583425 00000 n 902 1 0000583654 00000 n 904 1 0000583829 00000 n 906 1 0000583984 00000 n 908 1 0000584098 00000 n 910 1 0000584226 00000 n 912 1 0000584333 00000 n 914 1 0000584540 00000 n 916 1 0000584680 00000 n 918 1 0000584845 00000 n 920 1 0000585039 00000 n 922 1 0000585191 00000 n 924 1 0000585312 00000 n 926 1 0000585431 00000 n 928 1 0000585605 00000 n 930 1 0000585754 00000 n 932 1 0000585868 00000 n 1781 1 0000586003 00000 n trailer << /Size 1782 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 576465 /ID[<3afc3455dd2712927d4e58309e9ad219>] >> startxref 587406 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508110950+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1782 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 178 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 177 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 176 >> endobj 934 0 obj << /Title (Chapter VIII - Offences Against the Public Tranquillity) /A 933 0 R /First 936 0 R /Last 976 0 R /Next 978 0 R /Prev 912 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 21 >> endobj 936 0 obj << /Title (141. Unlawful assembly.) /A 935 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /Next 938 0 R >> endobj 938 0 obj << /Title (142. Being member of unlawful assembly.) /Next 940 0 R /Prev 936 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 937 0 R >> endobj 940 0 obj << /Title (143. Punishment.) /A 939 0 R /Next 942 0 R /Prev 938 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 942 0 obj << /Title (144. Joining unlawful assembly armed with deadly weapon.) /Next 944 0 R /Prev 940 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 941 0 R >> endobj 944 0 obj << /Title (145. Joining or continuing in unlawful assembly, knowing it has been com\ manded to disperse.) /A 943 0 R /Next 946 0 R /Prev 942 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 946 0 obj << /Title (146. Rioting.) /Next 948 0 R /Prev 944 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 945 0 R >> endobj 948 0 obj << /Title (147. Punishment for rioting.) /A 947 0 R /Next 950 0 R /Prev 946 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 950 0 obj << /Title (148. Rioting armed with deadly weapon.) /Next 952 0 R /Prev 948 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 949 0 R >> endobj 952 0 obj << /Title (149. Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in pr\ osecution of common object.) /A 951 0 R /Next 954 0 R /Prev 950 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 954 0 obj << /Title (150. Hiring, or conniving at hiring, of persons to join unlawful assembl\ y.) /Next 956 0 R /Prev 952 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 953 0 R >> endobj 956 0 obj << /Title (151. Knowingly joining or continuing in 5 or more persons after it has b\ een commanded to disperse.) /A 955 0 R /Next 958 0 R /Prev 954 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 958 0 obj << /Title (152. Assaulting or obstructing public servant when suppressing riot etc.\ ) /Next 960 0 R /Prev 956 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 957 0 R >> endobj 960 0 obj << /Title (153. Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot.) /A 959 0 R /Next 962 0 R /Prev 958 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 962 0 obj << /Title (153A. Promoting enmity between classes.) /Next 964 0 R /Prev 960 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 961 0 R >> endobj 964 0 obj << /Title (154. Owner or occupier of land on which an unlawful assembly is held.) /A 963 0 R /Next 966 0 R /Prev 962 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 966 0 obj << /Title (155. Liability of persons for whose benefit riot is committed.) /Next 968 0 R /Prev 964 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 965 0 R >> endobj 968 0 obj << /Title (156. Liability of agent of owner or occupier for whose benefit a riot is\ committed.) /A 967 0 R /Next 970 0 R /Prev 966 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 970 0 obj << /Title (157. Harbouring persons hired for an unlawful assembly.) /Next 972 0 R /Prev 968 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 969 0 R >> endobj 972 0 obj << /Title (158. Being hired to take part in unlawful assembly or riot, or to go arm\ ed.) /A 971 0 R /Next 974 0 R /Prev 970 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 974 0 obj << /Title (159. Affray.) /Next 976 0 R /Prev 972 0 R /Parent 934 0 R /A 973 0 R >> endobj 1782 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T11:09:50+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T11:09:50+08:00 2003-05-08T11:09:50+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000588798 00000 n 3 1 0000589035 00000 n 651 2 0000589172 00000 n 0000589257 00000 n 654 1 0000589387 00000 n 934 1 0000589518 00000 n 936 1 0000589709 00000 n 938 1 0000589811 00000 n 940 1 0000589944 00000 n 942 1 0000590054 00000 n 944 1 0000590204 00000 n 946 1 0000590391 00000 n 948 1 0000590498 00000 n 950 1 0000590620 00000 n 952 1 0000590752 00000 n 954 1 0000590947 00000 n 956 1 0000591117 00000 n 958 1 0000591311 00000 n 960 1 0000591479 00000 n 962 1 0000591632 00000 n 964 1 0000591765 00000 n 966 1 0000591928 00000 n 968 1 0000592084 00000 n 970 1 0000592263 00000 n 972 1 0000592412 00000 n 974 1 0000592583 00000 n 1782 1 0000592689 00000 n trailer << /Size 1783 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 587406 /ID[] >> startxref 594092 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508140232+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1783 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 254 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 253 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 252 >> endobj 976 0 obj << /Title (160. Punishment for committing affray.) /A 975 0 R /Prev 974 0 R /Parent 934 0 R >> endobj 978 0 obj << /Title (Chapter IX - Offences by or relating to Public Servants) /A 977 0 R /Next 1004 0 R /Prev 934 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 982 0 R /Last 1002 0 R /Count 11 >> endobj 982 0 obj << /Title (161. Public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration, \ in respect of an official act.) /A 981 1 R /Parent 978 0 R /Next 984 0 R >> endobj 984 0 obj << /Title (162. Taking gratification, in order, by corrupt or illegal means, to inf\ luence servant.) /Next 986 0 R /Prev 982 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 983 0 R >> endobj 986 0 obj << /Title (163. Taking gratification, for exercise of personal influence with publi\ c servant.) /A 985 0 R /Next 988 0 R /Prev 984 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 988 0 obj << /Title (164. Punishment for abetment by public servant of offences defined in se\ ction 162 or 163.) /Next 990 0 R /Prev 986 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 987 0 R >> endobj 990 0 obj << /Title (165. Public servant obtaining valuable thing, without consideration, fro\ m person concerned in proceeding or business transacted by such public s\ ervant.) /A 989 0 R /Next 992 0 R /Prev 988 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 992 0 obj << /Title (166. Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any p\ erson.) /Next 994 0 R /Prev 990 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 991 0 R >> endobj 994 0 obj << /Title (167. Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause i\ njury.) /A 993 0 R /Next 996 0 R /Prev 992 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 996 0 obj << /Title (168. Public servant unlawfully engaging in trade.) /Next 998 0 R /Prev 994 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 995 0 R >> endobj 998 0 obj << /Title (169. Public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property.) /A 997 0 R /Next 1000 0 R /Prev 996 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 1000 0 obj << /Title (170. Personating a public servant.) /Next 1002 0 R /Prev 998 0 R /Parent 978 0 R /A 999 0 R >> endobj 1002 0 obj << /Title (171. Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudule\ nt intent.) /A 1001 0 R /Prev 1000 0 R /Parent 978 0 R >> endobj 1004 0 obj << /Title (Chapter X - Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public Servants) /A 1003 0 R /Next 1045 0 R /Prev 978 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1006 0 R /Last 1043 0 R /Count 19 >> endobj 1006 0 obj << /Title (172. Absconding to avoid service of summons or order proceeding.) /A 1005 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /Next 1008 0 R >> endobj 1008 0 obj << /Title (173. Preventing service of summons or other proceeding or preventing pub\ lication thereof.) /Next 1010 0 R /Prev 1006 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1007 0 R >> endobj 1010 0 obj << /Title (174. Non-attendance in obedience to an order from public servant.) /A 1009 0 R /Next 1012 0 R /Prev 1008 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1012 0 obj << /Title (175. Omission to produce document to public servant by person legally bo\ und to produce it.) /Next 1014 0 R /Prev 1010 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1011 0 R >> endobj 1014 0 obj << /Title (176. Omission to give notice or information to public servant by person \ legally bound to give it.) /A 1013 0 R /Next 1016 0 R /Prev 1012 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1016 0 obj << /Title (177. Furnishing false information.) /Next 1018 0 R /Prev 1014 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1015 0 R >> endobj 1018 0 obj << /Title (178. Refusing oath when duly required to take oath by a public servant.) /A 1017 0 R /Next 1020 0 R /Prev 1016 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1020 0 obj << /Title (179. Refusing to answer a public servant authorised to question.) /Next 1022 0 R /Prev 1018 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1019 0 R >> endobj 1022 0 obj << /Title (180. Refusing to sign statement.) /A 1021 0 R /Next 1024 0 R /Prev 1020 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1024 0 obj << /Title (181. False statement on oath or affirmation public servant or person aut\ horised to administer on an oath or affirmation.) /Next 1026 0 R /Prev 1022 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1023 0 R >> endobj 1026 0 obj << /Title (182. False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his l\ awful power to the injury of another person.) /A 1025 0 R /Next 1028 0 R /Prev 1024 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1028 0 obj << /Title (183. Resistance to the taking of property by lawful authority of public \ servant.) /Next 1030 0 R /Prev 1026 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1027 0 R >> endobj 1030 0 obj << /Title (184. Obstructing sale of property offered for sale by authority of publi\ c servant.) /A 1029 0 R /Next 1032 0 R /Prev 1028 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1032 0 obj << /Title (185. Illegal purchase or bid for property offered for sale by authority \ of public servant.) /Next 1034 0 R /Prev 1030 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1031 0 R >> endobj 1034 0 obj << /Title (186. Obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions.) /A 1033 0 R /Next 1036 0 R /Prev 1032 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1036 0 obj << /Title (187. Omission to assist public servant when bound by law to give assista\ nce.) /Next 1039 0 R /Prev 1034 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1035 0 R >> endobj 1039 0 obj << /Title (188. Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant.) /A 1038 0 R /Next 1041 0 R /Prev 1036 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1041 0 obj << /Title (189. Threat of injury to public servant.) /Next 1043 0 R /Prev 1039 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R /A 1040 0 R >> endobj 1043 0 obj << /Title (190. Threat of injury to induce person to refrain from applying for prot\ ection to public servant.) /A 1042 0 R /Prev 1041 0 R /Parent 1004 0 R >> endobj 1045 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XI - False Evidence and Offences Against Public Justice) /A 1044 0 R /Next 1141 0 R /Prev 1004 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1047 0 R /Last 1139 0 R /Count 46 >> endobj 1047 0 obj << /Title (191. Giving false evidence.) /A 1046 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /Next 1049 0 R >> endobj 1049 0 obj << /Title (192. Fabricating false evidence.) /Next 1051 0 R /Prev 1047 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1048 0 R >> endobj 1051 0 obj << /Title (193. Punishment for false evidence.) /A 1050 0 R /Next 1053 0 R /Prev 1049 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1053 0 obj << /Title (194. Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure convict\ ion of capital offence.) /Next 1055 0 R /Prev 1051 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1052 0 R >> endobj 1055 0 obj << /Title (195. Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure convict\ ion of offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 1054 0 R /Next 1057 0 R /Prev 1053 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1057 0 obj << /Title (196. Using evidence known to be false.) /Next 1059 0 R /Prev 1055 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1056 0 R >> endobj 1059 0 obj << /Title (197. Issuing or signing false certificate.) /A 1058 0 R /Next 1061 0 R /Prev 1057 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1061 0 obj << /Title (198. Using as true a certificate known to be false.) /Next 1063 0 R /Prev 1059 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1060 0 R >> endobj 1063 0 obj << /Title (199. False statement made in declaration which is by law receivable as e\ vidence.) /A 1062 0 R /Next 1065 0 R /Prev 1061 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1783 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T14:02:32+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T14:02:32+08:00 2003-05-08T14:02:32+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000594998 00000 n 3 1 0000595235 00000 n 651 2 0000595372 00000 n 0000595457 00000 n 654 1 0000595587 00000 n 976 1 0000595718 00000 n 978 1 0000595835 00000 n 982 1 0000596028 00000 n 984 1 0000596211 00000 n 986 1 0000596394 00000 n 988 1 0000596572 00000 n 990 1 0000596757 00000 n 992 1 0000597006 00000 n 994 1 0000597180 00000 n 996 1 0000597354 00000 n 998 1 0000597497 00000 n 1000 1 0000597654 00000 n 1002 1 0000597784 00000 n 1004 1 0000597950 00000 n 1006 1 0000598155 00000 n 1008 1 0000598302 00000 n 1010 1 0000598492 00000 n 1012 1 0000598656 00000 n 1014 1 0000598847 00000 n 1016 1 0000599045 00000 n 1018 1 0000599178 00000 n 1020 1 0000599348 00000 n 1022 1 0000599511 00000 n 1024 1 0000599642 00000 n 1026 1 0000599863 00000 n 1028 1 0000600080 00000 n 1030 1 0000600261 00000 n 1032 1 0000600444 00000 n 1034 1 0000600635 00000 n 1036 1 0000600799 00000 n 1039 1 0000600976 00000 n 1041 1 0000601137 00000 n 1043 1 0000601276 00000 n 1045 1 0000601458 00000 n 1047 1 0000601663 00000 n 1049 1 0000601773 00000 n 1051 1 0000601904 00000 n 1053 1 0000602038 00000 n 1055 1 0000602234 00000 n 1057 1 0000602451 00000 n 1059 1 0000602588 00000 n 1061 1 0000602729 00000 n 1063 1 0000602879 00000 n 1783 1 0000603060 00000 n trailer << /Size 1784 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 594092 /ID[<69e72d22cb18ff1d7ab485ef4bf32aca>] >> startxref 604463 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508144622+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1784 0 R >> endobj 1065 0 obj << /Title (200. Using as true such declaration, knowing it to be false.) /Next 1068 0 R /Prev 1063 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1064 0 R >> endobj 1068 0 obj << /Title (201. Causing disappearance of evidence of offence or giving false inform\ ation to screen offender.) /A 1067 0 R /Next 1070 0 R /Prev 1065 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1070 0 obj << /Title (202. Intentional omission to give information of offence by person bound\ to inform.) /Next 1072 0 R /Prev 1068 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1069 0 R >> endobj 1072 0 obj << /Title (203. Giving false information respecting an offence committed.) /A 1071 0 R /Next 1074 0 R /Prev 1070 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1074 0 obj << /Title (204. Destruction of document to prevent its production as evidence.) /Next 1076 0 R /Prev 1072 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1073 0 R >> endobj 1076 0 obj << /Title (205. False personation for purpose of act or proceeding in suit or prose\ cution.) /A 1075 0 R /Next 1078 0 R /Prev 1074 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1078 0 obj << /Title (206. Fraudulent removal or concealment of property to prevent its seizur\ e as forfeited or in execution.) /Next 1080 0 R /Prev 1076 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1077 0 R >> endobj 1080 0 obj << /Title (207. Fraudulent claim to property to prevent its seizure as forfeited or\ in execution.) /A 1079 0 R /Next 1082 0 R /Prev 1078 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1082 0 obj << /Title (208. Fraudulently suffering decree for sum not due.) /Next 1084 0 R /Prev 1080 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1081 0 R >> endobj 1084 0 obj << /Title (209. Dishonestly making false claim in Court.) /A 1083 0 R /Next 1086 0 R /Prev 1082 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1086 0 obj << /Title (210. Fraudulently obtaining decree for sum not due.) /Next 1088 0 R /Prev 1084 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1085 0 R >> endobj 1088 0 obj << /Title (211. False charge of offence made with intent to injure.) /A 1087 0 R /Next 1090 0 R /Prev 1086 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1090 0 obj << /Title (212. Harbouring offender.) /Next 1092 0 R /Prev 1088 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1089 0 R >> endobj 1092 0 obj << /Title (213. Taking gift etc. to screen an offender from punishment.) /A 1091 0 R /Next 1094 0 R /Prev 1090 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1094 0 obj << /Title (214. Offering gift or restoration of property in consideration of screen\ ing offender.) /Next 1096 0 R /Prev 1092 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1093 0 R >> endobj 1096 0 obj << /Title (215. Taking gift to help to recover stolen property etc.) /A 1095 0 R /Next 1099 0 R /Prev 1094 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1099 0 obj << /Title (216. Harbouring offender who has escaped from custody, or whose apprehen\ sion has been ordered.) /Next 1101 0 R /Prev 1096 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1098 0 R >> endobj 1101 0 obj << /Title (216A. Penalty for harbouring robbers or gang-robbers.) /A 1100 0 R /Next 1103 0 R /Prev 1099 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1103 0 obj << /Title (216B. Harbouring suspected bad characters.) /Next 1105 0 R /Prev 1101 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1102 0 R >> endobj 1105 0 obj << /Title (216C. Definition of harbour in sections 212, 216, 216A and 216B.) /A 1104 0 R /Next 1107 0 R /Prev 1103 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1107 0 obj << /Title (217. Public servant disobeying direction of law with intent to save pers\ on from punishment or property from forfeiture.) /Next 1109 0 R /Prev 1105 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1106 0 R >> endobj 1109 0 obj << /Title (218. Public servant framing incorrect record or writing with intent to s\ ave person from punishment or property from forfeiture.) /A 1108 0 R /Next 1111 0 R /Prev 1107 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1111 0 obj << /Title (219. Public servant in judicial proceeding corruptly making report etc. \ contrary to law.) /Next 1113 0 R /Prev 1109 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1110 0 R >> endobj 1113 0 obj << /Title (220. Commitment for trial or confinement by person having authority who \ knows that he is acting contrary to law.) /A 1112 0 R /Next 1115 0 R /Prev 1111 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1115 0 obj << /Title (221. Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of public servant bou\ nd to apprehend.) /Next 1117 0 R /Prev 1113 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1114 0 R >> endobj 1117 0 obj << /Title (222. Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of public servant bou\ nd to apprehend person under sentence or lawfully committed.) /A 1116 0 R /Next 1119 0 R /Prev 1115 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1119 0 obj << /Title (223. Escape from confinement or custody negligently suffered by public s\ ervant.) /Next 1121 0 R /Prev 1117 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1118 0 R >> endobj 1121 0 obj << /Title (224. Resistance etc. to lawful apprehension: escape from custody.) /A 1120 0 R /Next 1123 0 R /Prev 1119 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1123 0 obj << /Title (225. Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension of another person.\ ) /Next 1125 0 R /Prev 1121 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1122 0 R >> endobj 1125 0 obj << /Title (225A. Omission to apprehend, or sufferance or escape, on part of public \ servant in cases not otherwise provided for.) /A 1124 0 R /Next 1127 0 R /Prev 1123 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1127 0 obj << /Title (225B. Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension, or escape or res\ cue, in cases not provided for.) /Next 1129 0 R /Prev 1125 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1126 0 R >> endobj 1129 0 obj << /Title (226. Unlawful return from deportation etc.) /A 1128 0 R /Next 1131 0 R /Prev 1127 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1131 0 obj << /Title (227. Violation of condition of remission of punishment.) /Next 1133 0 R /Prev 1129 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1130 0 R >> endobj 1133 0 obj << /Title (228. Intentional insult or interruption to public servant sitting in any\ stage of a judicial proceeding.) /A 1132 0 R /Next 1135 0 R /Prev 1131 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1135 0 obj << /Title (228A. Contempt of Court.) /Next 1137 0 R /Prev 1133 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1134 0 R >> endobj 1137 0 obj << /Title (229. Personation of a juror or assessor.) /A 1136 0 R /Next 1139 0 R /Prev 1135 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R >> endobj 1784 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T14:46:22+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T14:46:22+08:00 2003-05-08T14:46:22+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000605995 00000 n 3 1 0000606232 00000 n 1065 1 0000606369 00000 n 1068 1 0000606528 00000 n 1070 1 0000606726 00000 n 1072 1 0000606910 00000 n 1074 1 0000607071 00000 n 1076 1 0000607237 00000 n 1078 1 0000607417 00000 n 1080 1 0000607621 00000 n 1082 1 0000607808 00000 n 1084 1 0000607958 00000 n 1086 1 0000608102 00000 n 1088 1 0000608252 00000 n 1090 1 0000608407 00000 n 1092 1 0000608531 00000 n 1094 1 0000608690 00000 n 1096 1 0000608876 00000 n 1099 1 0000609031 00000 n 1101 1 0000609226 00000 n 1103 1 0000609378 00000 n 1105 1 0000609519 00000 n 1107 1 0000609684 00000 n 1109 1 0000609904 00000 n 1111 1 0000610132 00000 n 1113 1 0000610321 00000 n 1115 1 0000610534 00000 n 1117 1 0000610723 00000 n 1119 1 0000610956 00000 n 1121 1 0000611136 00000 n 1123 1 0000611300 00000 n 1125 1 0000611473 00000 n 1127 1 0000611690 00000 n 1129 1 0000611894 00000 n 1131 1 0000612035 00000 n 1133 1 0000612189 00000 n 1135 1 0000612394 00000 n 1137 1 0000612517 00000 n 1784 1 0000612656 00000 n trailer << /Size 1785 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 604463 /ID[<695b8dd5b06d66fbfc453eee3e5c4953>] >> startxref 614059 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508145650+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1785 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 287 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 286 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 285 >> endobj 1139 0 obj << /Title (229A. Offences for which no special punishment is provided.) /Prev 1137 0 R /Parent 1045 0 R /A 1138 0 R >> endobj 1141 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XII - Offences relating to Coin and Government Stamps) /A 1140 0 R /First 1143 0 R /Last 1208 0 R /Next 1210 0 R /Prev 1045 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 33 >> endobj 1143 0 obj << /Title (230. Coin defined.) /A 1142 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /Next 1145 0 R >> endobj 1145 0 obj << /Title (231. \(No section\).) /Next 1147 0 R /Prev 1143 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1144 0 R >> endobj 1147 0 obj << /Title (232. Counterfeiting coin.) /A 1146 0 R /Next 1149 0 R /Prev 1145 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1149 0 obj << /Title (234. Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin.) /Next 1151 0 R /Prev 1147 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1148 0 R >> endobj 1151 0 obj << /Title (235. Possession of instrument or material for the purpose of using the s\ ame for counterfeiting coin.) /A 1150 0 R /Next 1154 0 R /Prev 1149 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1154 0 obj << /Title (236. Abetting in Brunei Darussalam the counterfeiting of coin out of Bru\ nei Darussalam.) /Next 1156 0 R /Prev 1151 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1153 0 R >> endobj 1156 0 obj << /Title (237. \(No section\).) /A 1155 0 R /Next 1158 0 R /Prev 1154 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1158 0 obj << /Title (238. Import or export of counterfeit coin.) /Next 1160 0 R /Prev 1156 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1157 0 R >> endobj 1160 0 obj << /Title (239. \(No section\).) /A 1159 0 R /Next 1162 0 R /Prev 1158 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1162 0 obj << /Title (240. Delivery of coin possessed with the knowledge that it is counterfei\ t.) /Next 1164 0 R /Prev 1160 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1161 0 R >> endobj 1164 0 obj << /Title (241. Delivery of coin as genuine, which, when first possessed, the deliv\ erer did not know to be counterfeit.) /A 1163 0 R /Next 1166 0 R /Prev 1162 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1166 0 obj << /Title (242. \(No section\).) /Next 1168 0 R /Prev 1164 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1165 0 R >> endobj 1168 0 obj << /Title (243. Possession of coin by person who knew it to be counterfeit when he \ became possessed thereof.) /A 1167 0 R /Next 1170 0 R /Prev 1166 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1170 0 obj << /Title (244. - 246. \(No sections\).) /Next 1172 0 R /Prev 1168 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1169 0 R >> endobj 1172 0 obj << /Title (247. Fraudulently or dishonestly diminishing weight or altering composit\ ion of coin.) /A 1171 0 R /Next 1174 0 R /Prev 1170 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1174 0 obj << /Title (248. \(No section\).) /Next 1176 0 R /Prev 1172 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1173 0 R >> endobj 1176 0 obj << /Title (249. Altering appearance of coin with intent that it shall pass as coin \ of different description.) /A 1175 0 R /Next 1178 0 R /Prev 1174 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1178 0 obj << /Title (250. \(No section\).) /Next 1180 0 R /Prev 1176 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1177 0 R >> endobj 1180 0 obj << /Title (251. Delivery of coin possessed with knowledge that it is altered.) /A 1179 0 R /Next 1182 0 R /Prev 1178 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1182 0 obj << /Title (252. \(No section\).) /Next 1184 0 R /Prev 1180 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1181 0 R >> endobj 1184 0 obj << /Title (253. Possession of coin by person who knew it to be altered when he beca\ me possessed thereof.) /A 1183 0 R /Next 1186 0 R /Prev 1182 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1186 0 obj << /Title (254. Delivery of coin as genuine, which when first possessed deliverer d\ id not know to be altered.) /Next 1188 0 R /Prev 1184 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1185 0 R >> endobj 1188 0 obj << /Title (255. Counterfeiting Government stamp.) /A 1187 0 R /Next 1190 0 R /Prev 1186 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1190 0 obj << /Title (256. Having possession of instrument or material for counterfeiting Gove\ rnment Stamp.) /Next 1192 0 R /Prev 1188 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1189 0 R >> endobj 1192 0 obj << /Title (257. Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting Government stamp.) /A 1191 0 R /Next 1194 0 R /Prev 1190 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1194 0 obj << /Title (258. Sale of counterfeit Government stamp.) /Next 1196 0 R /Prev 1192 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1193 0 R >> endobj 1196 0 obj << /Title (259. Having possession of counterfeit Government stamp.) /A 1195 0 R /Next 1198 0 R /Prev 1194 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1198 0 obj << /Title (260. Using as genuine a Government stamp known to be counterfeit.) /Next 1200 0 R /Prev 1196 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1197 0 R >> endobj 1200 0 obj << /Title (261. Effacing writing from substance bearing Government stamp, or removi\ ng from document a stamp used for it, with intent to cause loss to Gover\ nment.) /A 1199 0 R /Next 1202 0 R /Prev 1198 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1202 0 obj << /Title (262. Using Government stamp known to have been before used.) /Next 1204 0 R /Prev 1200 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1201 0 R >> endobj 1204 0 obj << /Title (263. Erasure of mark denoting that stamp has been used.) /A 1203 0 R /Next 1206 0 R /Prev 1202 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1206 0 obj << /Title (263A. Prohibition of fictitious stamps.) /Next 1208 0 R /Prev 1204 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R /A 1205 0 R >> endobj 1785 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T14:56:50+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T14:56:50+08:00 2003-05-08T14:56:50+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000615332 00000 n 3 1 0000615569 00000 n 651 2 0000615706 00000 n 0000615791 00000 n 654 1 0000615921 00000 n 1139 1 0000616052 00000 n 1141 1 0000616194 00000 n 1143 1 0000616397 00000 n 1145 1 0000616500 00000 n 1147 1 0000616619 00000 n 1149 1 0000616743 00000 n 1151 1 0000616900 00000 n 1154 1 0000617101 00000 n 1156 1 0000617289 00000 n 1158 1 0000617408 00000 n 1160 1 0000617549 00000 n 1162 1 0000617668 00000 n 1164 1 0000617843 00000 n 1166 1 0000618052 00000 n 1168 1 0000618171 00000 n 1170 1 0000618369 00000 n 1172 1 0000618496 00000 n 1174 1 0000618681 00000 n 1176 1 0000618800 00000 n 1178 1 0000618998 00000 n 1180 1 0000619117 00000 n 1182 1 0000619282 00000 n 1184 1 0000619401 00000 n 1186 1 0000619595 00000 n 1188 1 0000619794 00000 n 1190 1 0000619930 00000 n 1192 1 0000620116 00000 n 1194 1 0000620285 00000 n 1196 1 0000620426 00000 n 1198 1 0000620580 00000 n 1200 1 0000620744 00000 n 1202 1 0000620997 00000 n 1204 1 0000621155 00000 n 1206 1 0000621309 00000 n 1785 1 0000621447 00000 n trailer << /Size 1786 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 614059 /ID[] >> startxref 622850 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508150216+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1786 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 321 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 320 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 319 >> endobj 1208 0 obj << /Title (263B. Selling articles bearing designs resembling currency.) /A 1207 0 R /Prev 1206 0 R /Parent 1141 0 R >> endobj 1210 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIII - Offences Relating to Weights and Measures) /A 1209 0 R /Next 1221 0 R /Prev 1141 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /First 1212 0 R /Last 1218 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1212 0 obj << /Title (264. Fraudulent use of false instrument for weighing.) /A 1211 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /Next 1214 0 R >> endobj 1214 0 obj << /Title (265. Fraudulent use of false weights or measures.) /Next 1216 0 R /Prev 1212 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /A 1213 0 R >> endobj 1216 0 obj << /Title (266. Being in possession of false weight or measure.) /A 1215 0 R /Next 1218 0 R /Prev 1214 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R >> endobj 1218 0 obj << /Title (267. Making or selling false weights or measures.) /Prev 1216 0 R /Parent 1210 0 R /A 1217 0 R >> endobj 1221 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIV - Offences affecting the Public Health, Safety, Convenience,\ Decency and Morals) /A 1220 0 R /First 1223 0 R /Last 1281 0 R /Next 1283 0 R /Prev 1210 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 30 >> endobj 1223 0 obj << /Title (268. Public nuisance.) /A 1222 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /Next 1225 0 R >> endobj 1225 0 obj << /Title (269. Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to li\ fe.) /Next 1227 0 R /Prev 1223 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1224 0 R >> endobj 1227 0 obj << /Title (270. Malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to li\ fe.) /A 1226 0 R /Next 1229 0 R /Prev 1225 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1229 0 obj << /Title (271. Disobedience to quarantine rule.) /Next 1231 0 R /Prev 1227 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1228 0 R >> endobj 1231 0 obj << /Title (272. Adulteration of food or drink for sale.) /A 1230 0 R /Next 1233 0 R /Prev 1229 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1233 0 obj << /Title (273. Sale of noxious food or drink.) /Next 1235 0 R /Prev 1231 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1232 0 R >> endobj 1235 0 obj << /Title (274. Adulteration of drugs.) /A 1234 0 R /Next 1237 0 R /Prev 1233 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1237 0 obj << /Title (275. Sale of adulterated drugs.) /Next 1239 0 R /Prev 1235 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1236 0 R >> endobj 1239 0 obj << /Title (276. Sale of drug as a different drug or preparation.) /A 1238 0 R /Next 1241 0 R /Prev 1237 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1241 0 obj << /Title (276A. Use of forceps, except by medical practitioner, prohibited.) /Next 1243 0 R /Prev 1239 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1240 0 R >> endobj 1243 0 obj << /Title (277. Fouling water of public spring or reservoir.) /A 1242 0 R /Next 1245 0 R /Prev 1241 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1245 0 obj << /Title (277A. Offences caused by fire.) /Next 1247 0 R /Prev 1243 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1244 0 R >> endobj 1247 0 obj << /Title (278. Making atmosphere noxious to health.) /A 1246 0 R /Next 1249 0 R /Prev 1245 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1249 0 obj << /Title (279. Rash driving or riding on a public way.) /Next 1251 0 R /Prev 1247 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1248 0 R >> endobj 1251 0 obj << /Title (280. Rash navigation of vessel.) /A 1250 0 R /Next 1253 0 R /Prev 1249 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1253 0 obj << /Title (281. Exhibition of false light, mark, or buoy.) /Next 1255 0 R /Prev 1251 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1252 0 R >> endobj 1255 0 obj << /Title (282. Conveying person by water for hire in unsafe or overloaded vessel.) /A 1254 0 R /Next 1257 0 R /Prev 1253 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1257 0 obj << /Title (283. Danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation.) /Next 1259 0 R /Prev 1255 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1256 0 R >> endobj 1259 0 obj << /Title (284. Negligent conduct with respect to poisonous substance.) /A 1258 0 R /Next 1261 0 R /Prev 1257 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1261 0 obj << /Title (285. Negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible matter.) /Next 1263 0 R /Prev 1259 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1260 0 R >> endobj 1263 0 obj << /Title (286. Negligent conduct with respect to explosive substance.) /A 1262 0 R /Next 1265 0 R /Prev 1261 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1265 0 obj << /Title (287. Negligent conduct with respect to machinery.) /Next 1267 0 R /Prev 1263 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1264 0 R >> endobj 1267 0 obj << /Title (288. Negligent conduct with respect to pulling down or repairing buildin\ g.) /A 1266 0 R /Next 1269 0 R /Prev 1265 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1269 0 obj << /Title (289. Negligent conduct with respect to animal.) /Next 1271 0 R /Prev 1267 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1268 0 R >> endobj 1271 0 obj << /Title (290. Public nuisance.) /A 1270 0 R /Next 1273 0 R /Prev 1269 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1273 0 obj << /Title (291. Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue.) /Next 1275 0 R /Prev 1271 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1272 0 R >> endobj 1275 0 obj << /Title (292. Sale etc. of obscene articles.) /A 1274 0 R /Next 1277 0 R /Prev 1273 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1277 0 obj << /Title (293. under the age of 20 years.) /Next 1279 0 R /Prev 1275 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1276 0 R >> endobj 1279 0 obj << /Title (294. Obscene acts and songs.) /A 1278 0 R /Next 1281 0 R /Prev 1277 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R >> endobj 1786 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T15:02:16+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T15:02:16+08:00 2003-05-08T15:02:16+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000624141 00000 n 3 1 0000624378 00000 n 651 2 0000624515 00000 n 0000624600 00000 n 654 1 0000624730 00000 n 1208 1 0000624861 00000 n 1210 1 0000625003 00000 n 1212 1 0000625200 00000 n 1214 1 0000625336 00000 n 1216 1 0000625484 00000 n 1218 1 0000625635 00000 n 1221 1 0000625767 00000 n 1223 1 0000626002 00000 n 1225 1 0000626106 00000 n 1227 1 0000626282 00000 n 1229 1 0000626458 00000 n 1231 1 0000626594 00000 n 1233 1 0000626737 00000 n 1235 1 0000626871 00000 n 1237 1 0000626997 00000 n 1239 1 0000627127 00000 n 1241 1 0000627279 00000 n 1243 1 0000627443 00000 n 1245 1 0000627591 00000 n 1247 1 0000627720 00000 n 1249 1 0000627860 00000 n 1251 1 0000628003 00000 n 1253 1 0000628133 00000 n 1255 1 0000628278 00000 n 1257 1 0000628448 00000 n 1259 1 0000628610 00000 n 1261 1 0000628768 00000 n 1263 1 0000628933 00000 n 1265 1 0000629091 00000 n 1267 1 0000629239 00000 n 1269 1 0000629414 00000 n 1271 1 0000629559 00000 n 1273 1 0000629679 00000 n 1275 1 0000629839 00000 n 1277 1 0000629973 00000 n 1279 1 0000630103 00000 n 1786 1 0000630230 00000 n trailer << /Size 1787 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 622850 /ID[] >> startxref 631633 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508151346+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1787 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 378 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 377 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 376 >> endobj 1281 0 obj << /Title (294A. Loitering or soliciting for purpose of prostitution etc.) /Prev 1279 0 R /Parent 1221 0 R /A 1280 0 R >> endobj 1283 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XV - Offences relating to Religion) /A 1282 0 R /First 1285 0 R /Last 1293 0 R /Next 1295 0 R /Prev 1221 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 1285 0 obj << /Title (295. Injuring or defiling place of worship with intent to insult the rel\ igion of any class.) /A 1284 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /Next 1287 0 R >> endobj 1287 0 obj << /Title (296. Disturbing religious assembly.) /A 1286 0 R /Next 1289 0 R /Prev 1285 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R >> endobj 1289 0 obj << /Title (297. Trespassing on burial places etc.) /Next 1291 0 R /Prev 1287 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /A 1288 0 R >> endobj 1291 0 obj << /Title (297A. Interference with grave or human remains.) /A 1290 0 R /Next 1293 0 R /Prev 1289 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R >> endobj 1293 0 obj << /Title (298. Uttering words etc. with deliberate intent to wound religious feeli\ ngs.) /Prev 1291 0 R /Parent 1283 0 R /A 1292 0 R >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1472 0 R /Next 1482 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 52 >> endobj 1297 0 obj << /Title (Offences Affecting Life) /A 1296 0 R /First 1299 0 R /Last 1326 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Next 1328 0 R /Count 14 >> endobj 1299 0 obj << /Title (299. Culpable homicide.) /A 1298 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /Next 1301 0 R >> endobj 1301 0 obj << /Title (300. Murder.) /Next 1303 0 R /Prev 1299 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1300 0 R >> endobj 1303 0 obj << /Title (301. Culpable homicide by causing death of person other than person whos\ e death was intended.) /A 1302 0 R /Next 1305 0 R /Prev 1301 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1305 0 obj << /Title (302. Punishment for murder.) /Next 1307 0 R /Prev 1303 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1304 0 R >> endobj 1307 0 obj << /Title (303. Persons suffering from diminished responsibility.) /A 1306 0 R /Next 1309 0 R /Prev 1305 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1309 0 obj << /Title (304. Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.) /Next 1311 0 R /Prev 1307 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1308 0 R >> endobj 1311 0 obj << /Title (304A. Causing death by rash or negligent driving of motor vehicle or ras\ h or negligent use of firearms or explosives. Causing death by rash or n\ egligent act.) /A 1310 0 R /Next 1313 0 R /Prev 1309 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1313 0 obj << /Title (305. Abetment of suicide of child or insane person.) /Next 1315 0 R /Prev 1311 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1312 0 R >> endobj 1315 0 obj << /Title (306. Abetment of suicide.) /A 1314 0 R /Next 1317 0 R /Prev 1313 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1317 0 obj << /Title (307. Attempt to murder.) /Next 1319 0 R /Prev 1315 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1316 0 R >> endobj 1319 0 obj << /Title (308. Attempt to commit culpable homicide.) /A 1318 0 R /Next 1321 0 R /Prev 1317 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1321 0 obj << /Title (308A. Infanticide.) /Next 1324 0 R /Prev 1319 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1320 0 R >> endobj 1324 0 obj << /Title (309. Attempt to commit suicide.) /A 1323 0 R /Next 1326 0 R /Prev 1321 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R >> endobj 1326 0 obj << /Title (310. - 311. \(No sections\).) /Prev 1324 0 R /Parent 1297 0 R /A 1325 0 R >> endobj 1328 0 obj << /Title (Causing of Miscarriage; Injuries to Unborn Children; Exposure of Infants\ ; and Concealment of Birth) /A 1327 0 R /First 1330 0 R /Last 1342 0 R /Next 1344 0 R /Prev 1297 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 7 >> endobj 1330 0 obj << /Title (312. Causing miscarriage.) /A 1329 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /Next 1332 0 R >> endobj 1332 0 obj << /Title (313. Causing miscarriage without womans consent.) /Next 1334 0 R /Prev 1330 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1331 0 R >> endobj 1334 0 obj << /Title (314. Death caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriage.) /A 1333 0 R /Next 1336 0 R /Prev 1332 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1336 0 obj << /Title (315. Act done with intent to prevent child being born alive or to cause \ it to die after birth.) /Next 1338 0 R /Prev 1334 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1335 0 R >> endobj 1338 0 obj << /Title (316. Causing death of quick unborn child by the act amounting to culpabl\ e homicide.) /A 1337 0 R /Next 1340 0 R /Prev 1336 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1340 0 obj << /Title (317. Exposure and abandonment of child under 12 years by parent or perso\ n having care of it.) /Next 1342 0 R /Prev 1338 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R /A 1339 0 R >> endobj 1342 0 obj << /Title (318. Concealment of birth by secret disposal of dead body.) /A 1341 0 R /Prev 1340 0 R /Parent 1328 0 R >> endobj 1344 0 obj << /Title (Hurt) /A 1343 0 R /Next 1387 0 R /Prev 1328 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /First 1346 0 R /Last 1385 0 R /Count 20 >> endobj 1346 0 obj << /Title (319. Hurt.) /A 1345 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /Next 1348 0 R >> endobj 1348 0 obj << /Title (320. Grievous hurt.) /Next 1350 0 R /Prev 1346 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1347 0 R >> endobj 1350 0 obj << /Title (321. Voluntarily causing hurt.) /A 1349 0 R /Next 1352 0 R /Prev 1348 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1352 0 obj << /Title (322. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt.) /Next 1354 0 R /Prev 1350 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1351 0 R >> endobj 1354 0 obj << /Title (323. Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt.) /A 1353 0 R /Next 1356 0 R /Prev 1352 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1356 0 obj << /Title (324. Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means.) /Next 1358 0 R /Prev 1354 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1355 0 R >> endobj 1358 0 obj << /Title (325. Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt.) /A 1357 0 R /Next 1360 0 R /Prev 1356 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1360 0 obj << /Title (326. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means.) /Next 1362 0 R /Prev 1358 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1359 0 R >> endobj 1362 0 obj << /Title (327. Voluntarily causing hurt to extort property, or to constrain to an \ illegal act.) /A 1361 0 R /Next 1364 0 R /Prev 1360 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1364 0 obj << /Title (328. Causing hurt by means of poison etc. with intent to commit an offen\ ce.) /Next 1366 0 R /Prev 1362 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1363 0 R >> endobj 1366 0 obj << /Title (329. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort property or to constrai\ n to an illegal act.) /A 1365 0 R /Next 1368 0 R /Prev 1364 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1368 0 obj << /Title (330. Voluntarily causing hurt to extort confession, or to compel restora\ tion of property.) /Next 1370 0 R /Prev 1366 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1367 0 R >> endobj 1370 0 obj << /Title (331. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort confession, or to compe\ l restoration of property.) /A 1369 0 R /Next 1372 0 R /Prev 1368 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1372 0 obj << /Title (332. Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty.) /Next 1374 0 R /Prev 1370 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1371 0 R >> endobj 1374 0 obj << /Title (333. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to deter public servant from his \ duty.) /A 1373 0 R /Next 1376 0 R /Prev 1372 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1376 0 obj << /Title (334. Voluntarily causing hurt on provocation.) /Next 1379 0 R /Prev 1374 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1375 0 R >> endobj 1379 0 obj << /Title (335. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt on provocation.) /A 1378 0 R /Next 1381 0 R /Prev 1376 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1381 0 obj << /Title (336. Act endangering life or personal safety of others.) /Next 1383 0 R /Prev 1379 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1380 0 R >> endobj 1383 0 obj << /Title (337. Causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others.) /A 1382 0 R /Next 1385 0 R /Prev 1381 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R >> endobj 1787 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T15:13:46+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T15:13:46+08:00 2003-05-08T15:13:46+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000632980 00000 n 3 1 0000633217 00000 n 651 2 0000633354 00000 n 0000633439 00000 n 654 1 0000633569 00000 n 1281 1 0000633700 00000 n 1283 1 0000633845 00000 n 1285 1 0000634028 00000 n 1287 1 0000634204 00000 n 1289 1 0000634338 00000 n 1291 1 0000634475 00000 n 1293 1 0000634621 00000 n 1295 1 0000634782 00000 n 1297 1 0000634971 00000 n 1299 1 0000635121 00000 n 1301 1 0000635227 00000 n 1303 1 0000635338 00000 n 1305 1 0000635532 00000 n 1307 1 0000635658 00000 n 1309 1 0000635811 00000 n 1311 1 0000635972 00000 n 1313 1 0000636232 00000 n 1315 1 0000636382 00000 n 1317 1 0000636506 00000 n 1319 1 0000636628 00000 n 1321 1 0000636768 00000 n 1324 1 0000636885 00000 n 1326 1 0000637015 00000 n 1328 1 0000637126 00000 n 1330 1 0000637368 00000 n 1332 1 0000637476 00000 n 1334 1 0000637624 00000 n 1336 1 0000637786 00000 n 1338 1 0000637981 00000 n 1340 1 0000638165 00000 n 1342 1 0000638358 00000 n 1344 1 0000638499 00000 n 1346 1 0000638646 00000 n 1348 1 0000638739 00000 n 1350 1 0000638857 00000 n 1352 1 0000638986 00000 n 1354 1 0000639124 00000 n 1356 1 0000639268 00000 n 1358 1 0000639427 00000 n 1360 1 0000639580 00000 n 1362 1 0000639748 00000 n 1364 1 0000639933 00000 n 1366 1 0000640109 00000 n 1368 1 0000640302 00000 n 1370 1 0000640492 00000 n 1372 1 0000640691 00000 n 1374 1 0000640858 00000 n 1376 1 0000641036 00000 n 1379 1 0000641180 00000 n 1381 1 0000641333 00000 n 1383 1 0000641487 00000 n 1787 1 0000641657 00000 n trailer << /Size 1788 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 631633 /ID[<413249fc4648946c41a5f0a3a4045e3b>] >> startxref 643060 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508152031+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1788 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 417 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 416 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 415 >> endobj 1295 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVI - Offences affecting the Human Body) /A 1294 0 R /First 1297 0 R /Last 1472 0 R /Next 1482 0 R /Prev 1283 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 91 >> endobj 1385 0 obj << /Title (338. Causing grievous hurt by endangering life or personal safety of oth\ ers.) /Prev 1383 0 R /Parent 1344 0 R /A 1384 0 R >> endobj 1387 0 obj << /Title (Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement) /A 1386 0 R /First 1389 0 R /Last 1408 0 R /Next 1410 0 R /Prev 1344 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 10 >> endobj 1389 0 obj << /Title (339. Wrongful restraint.) /A 1388 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /Next 1391 0 R >> endobj 1391 0 obj << /Title (340. Wrongful confinement.) /Next 1393 0 R /Prev 1389 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1390 0 R >> endobj 1393 0 obj << /Title (341. Punishment for wrongful restraint.) /A 1392 0 R /Next 1395 0 R /Prev 1391 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1395 0 obj << /Title (342. Punishment for wrongful confinement.) /Next 1397 0 R /Prev 1393 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1394 0 R >> endobj 1397 0 obj << /Title (343. Wrongful confinement for 3 or more days.) /A 1396 0 R /Next 1399 0 R /Prev 1395 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1399 0 obj << /Title (344. Wrongful confinement for 10 or more days.) /Next 1401 0 R /Prev 1397 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1398 0 R >> endobj 1401 0 obj << /Title (345. Wrongful confinement of person for whose liberation writ has been i\ ssued.) /A 1400 0 R /Next 1403 0 R /Prev 1399 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1403 0 obj << /Title (346. Wrongful confinement in secret.) /Next 1405 0 R /Prev 1401 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1402 0 R >> endobj 1405 0 obj << /Title (347. Wrongful confinement to extort property or constraint to illegal ac\ t.) /A 1404 0 R /Next 1408 0 R /Prev 1403 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R >> endobj 1408 0 obj << /Title (348. Wrongful confinement to extort confession, or compel restoration of\ property.) /Prev 1405 0 R /Parent 1387 0 R /A 1407 0 R >> endobj 1410 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Force and Assault) /A 1409 0 R /First 1412 0 R /Last 1430 0 R /Next 1432 0 R /Prev 1387 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 10 >> endobj 1412 0 obj << /Title (349. Force.) /A 1411 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /Next 1414 0 R >> endobj 1414 0 obj << /Title (350. Criminal force.) /Next 1416 0 R /Prev 1412 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1413 0 R >> endobj 1416 0 obj << /Title (351. Assault.) /A 1415 0 R /Next 1418 0 R /Prev 1414 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1418 0 obj << /Title (352. Punishment for assault or criminal force otherwise than in grave pr\ ovocation.) /Next 1420 0 R /Prev 1416 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1417 0 R >> endobj 1420 0 obj << /Title (353. Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of\ his duty.) /A 1419 0 R /Next 1422 0 R /Prev 1418 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1422 0 obj << /Title (354. Assault or criminal force to person with intent to outrage modesty.\ ) /Next 1424 0 R /Prev 1420 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1421 0 R >> endobj 1424 0 obj << /Title (355. Assault or criminal force with intent to dishonour person, otherwis\ e than on grave provocation.) /A 1423 0 R /Next 1426 0 R /Prev 1422 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1426 0 obj << /Title (356. Assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property ca\ rried by a person.) /Next 1428 0 R /Prev 1424 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1425 0 R >> endobj 1428 0 obj << /Title (357. Assault or criminal force in attempt wrongfully to confine a person\ .) /A 1427 0 R /Next 1430 0 R /Prev 1426 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R >> endobj 1430 0 obj << /Title (358. Assault or criminal force on grave provocation.) /Prev 1428 0 R /Parent 1410 0 R /A 1429 0 R >> endobj 1432 0 obj << /Title (Kidnapping, Abduction, Slavery, and Forced Labour) /A 1431 0 R /First 1434 0 R /Last 1470 0 R /Next 1472 0 R /Prev 1410 0 R /Parent 1295 0 R /Count 19 >> endobj 1434 0 obj << /Title (359. Kidnapping.) /A 1433 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /Next 1436 0 R >> endobj 1436 0 obj << /Title (360. Kidnapping from Brunei Darussalam.) /Next 1438 0 R /Prev 1434 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1435 0 R >> endobj 1438 0 obj << /Title (361. Kidnapping from lawful guardianship.) /A 1437 0 R /Next 1440 0 R /Prev 1436 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1440 0 obj << /Title (362. Abduction.) /Next 1442 0 R /Prev 1438 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1439 0 R >> endobj 1442 0 obj << /Title (363. Punishment for kidnapping.) /A 1441 0 R /Next 1444 0 R /Prev 1440 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1444 0 obj << /Title (364. Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder.) /Next 1446 0 R /Prev 1442 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1443 0 R >> endobj 1446 0 obj << /Title (365. Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to conf\ ine person.) /A 1445 0 R /Next 1448 0 R /Prev 1444 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1448 0 obj << /Title (366. Kidnapping or abducting woman to compel her marriage etc.) /Next 1450 0 R /Prev 1446 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1447 0 R >> endobj 1450 0 obj << /Title (366A. Procreation of minor girl.) /A 1449 0 R /Next 1452 0 R /Prev 1448 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1452 0 obj << /Title (266B. Importation of girl from foreign country.) /Next 1454 0 R /Prev 1450 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1451 0 R >> endobj 1454 0 obj << /Title (367. Kidnapping or abducting in order to subject person to grievous hurt\ , slavery etc.) /A 1453 0 R /Next 1456 0 R /Prev 1452 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1456 0 obj << /Title (368. Wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement kidnapped or abduct\ ed person.) /Next 1458 0 R /Prev 1454 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1455 0 R >> endobj 1458 0 obj << /Title (369. Kidnapping or abducting child under 10 years with intent to steal f\ rom its person.) /A 1457 0 R /Next 1460 0 R /Prev 1456 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1460 0 obj << /Title (370. Buying or disposing of any person as a slave.) /Next 1462 0 R /Prev 1458 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1459 0 R >> endobj 1462 0 obj << /Title (371. Habitual dealing in slaves.) /A 1461 0 R /Next 1464 0 R /Prev 1460 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1464 0 obj << /Title (372. Selling minor for purposes of prostitution etc.) /Next 1466 0 R /Prev 1462 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1463 0 R >> endobj 1466 0 obj << /Title (373. Buying minor for purposes of prostitution.) /A 1465 0 R /Next 1468 0 R /Prev 1464 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1468 0 obj << /Title (373A. Importing for purposes of prostitution etc.) /Next 1470 0 R /Prev 1466 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R /A 1467 0 R >> endobj 1788 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T15:20:31+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T15:20:31+08:00 2003-05-08T15:20:31+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000644827 00000 n 3 1 0000645064 00000 n 651 2 0000645201 00000 n 0000645286 00000 n 654 1 0000645416 00000 n 1295 1 0000645547 00000 n 1385 1 0000645736 00000 n 1387 1 0000645897 00000 n 1389 1 0000646083 00000 n 1391 1 0000646190 00000 n 1393 1 0000646315 00000 n 1395 1 0000646453 00000 n 1397 1 0000646593 00000 n 1399 1 0000646737 00000 n 1401 1 0000646882 00000 n 1403 1 0000647061 00000 n 1405 1 0000647196 00000 n 1408 1 0000647371 00000 n 1410 1 0000647538 00000 n 1412 1 0000647707 00000 n 1414 1 0000647801 00000 n 1416 1 0000647920 00000 n 1418 1 0000648032 00000 n 1420 1 0000648215 00000 n 1422 1 0000648398 00000 n 1424 1 0000648571 00000 n 1426 1 0000648772 00000 n 1428 1 0000648963 00000 n 1430 1 0000649137 00000 n 1432 1 0000649272 00000 n 1434 1 0000649464 00000 n 1436 1 0000649563 00000 n 1438 1 0000649701 00000 n 1440 1 0000649841 00000 n 1442 1 0000649955 00000 n 1444 1 0000650085 00000 n 1446 1 0000650232 00000 n 1448 1 0000650416 00000 n 1450 1 0000650577 00000 n 1452 1 0000650708 00000 n 1454 1 0000650854 00000 n 1456 1 0000651041 00000 n 1458 1 0000651224 00000 n 1460 1 0000651412 00000 n 1462 1 0000651561 00000 n 1464 1 0000651692 00000 n 1466 1 0000651843 00000 n 1468 1 0000651989 00000 n 1788 1 0000652137 00000 n trailer << /Size 1789 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 643060 /ID[] >> startxref 653540 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030508152824+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1789 0 R >> endobj 1470 0 obj << /Title (374. Unlawful compulsory labour.) /A 1469 0 R /Prev 1468 0 R /Parent 1432 0 R >> endobj 1789 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-08T15:28:24+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-08T15:28:24+08:00 2003-05-08T15:28:24+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000655083 00000 n 3 1 0000655320 00000 n 1470 1 0000655457 00000 n 1789 1 0000655572 00000 n trailer << /Size 1790 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 653540 /ID[<6ff08541c121014a153a6175960a8541>] >> startxref 656975 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030512144521+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1790 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 474 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 473 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 472 >> endobj 1474 0 obj << /Title (375. Rape.) /A 1473 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /Next 1476 0 R >> endobj 1476 0 obj << /Title (376. Punishment for rape.) /Next 1478 0 R /Prev 1474 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /A 1475 0 R >> endobj 1478 0 obj << /Title (377. Unnatural offences.) /A 1477 0 R /Next 1480 0 R /Prev 1476 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R >> endobj 1480 0 obj << /Title (377A. Incest.) /Prev 1478 0 R /Parent 1472 0 R /A 1479 0 R >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 57 /Next 1680 0 R >> endobj 1484 0 obj << /Title (Theft) /A 1483 0 R /First 1486 0 R /Last 1494 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Next 1496 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 1486 0 obj << /Title (378. Theft.) /A 1485 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /Next 1488 0 R >> endobj 1488 0 obj << /Title (379. Punishment for theft.) /Next 1490 0 R /Prev 1486 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /A 1487 0 R >> endobj 1490 0 obj << /Title (380. Theft in dwelling house etc.) /A 1489 0 R /Next 1492 0 R /Prev 1488 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R >> endobj 1492 0 obj << /Title (381. Theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master.) /Next 1494 0 R /Prev 1490 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R /A 1491 0 R >> endobj 1494 0 obj << /Title (382. Theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint, \ in order to the committing of the theft.) /A 1493 0 R /Prev 1492 0 R /Parent 1484 0 R >> endobj 1496 0 obj << /Title (Extortion) /A 1495 0 R /Next 1513 0 R /Prev 1484 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1498 0 R /Last 1510 0 R /Count 7 >> endobj 1498 0 obj << /Title (383. Exortion.) /A 1497 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /Next 1500 0 R >> endobj 1500 0 obj << /Title (384. Punishment for extortion.) /Next 1502 0 R /Prev 1498 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1499 0 R >> endobj 1502 0 obj << /Title (385. Putting person in fear of injury in order to commit extortion.) /A 1501 0 R /Next 1504 0 R /Prev 1500 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1504 0 obj << /Title (386. Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt.) /Next 1506 0 R /Prev 1502 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1503 0 R >> endobj 1506 0 obj << /Title (387. Putting person in fear of death or of grievous hurt, in order to co\ mmit extortion.) /A 1505 0 R /Next 1508 0 R /Prev 1504 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1508 0 obj << /Title (388. Extortion by threat of accusation of an offence punishable with dea\ th or imprisonment etc.) /Next 1510 0 R /Prev 1506 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R /A 1507 0 R >> endobj 1510 0 obj << /Title (389. Putting person in fear of accusation of offence, in order to commit\ extortion.) /A 1509 0 R /Prev 1508 0 R /Parent 1496 0 R >> endobj 1513 0 obj << /Title (Robbery and Gang-Robbery) /A 1512 0 R /Prev 1496 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1515 0 R /Last 1540 0 R /Count 13 /Next 1542 0 R >> endobj 1515 0 obj << /Title (390. Robbery.) /A 1514 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /Next 1518 0 R >> endobj 1518 0 obj << /Title (391. Gang-robbery.) /Next 1520 0 R /Prev 1515 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1517 0 R >> endobj 1520 0 obj << /Title (392. Punishment for robbery.) /A 1519 0 R /Next 1522 0 R /Prev 1518 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1522 0 obj << /Title (393. Attempt to commit robbery.) /Next 1524 0 R /Prev 1520 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1521 0 R >> endobj 1524 0 obj << /Title (394. Voluntarily causing hurt in committing robbery.) /A 1523 0 R /Next 1526 0 R /Prev 1522 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1526 0 obj << /Title (395. Punishment for gang-robbery.) /Next 1528 0 R /Prev 1524 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1525 0 R >> endobj 1528 0 obj << /Title (396. Gang-robbery, with murder.) /A 1527 0 R /Next 1530 0 R /Prev 1526 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1530 0 obj << /Title (397. Robbery or gang-robbery, with attempt to cause death or grievous hu\ rt.) /Next 1532 0 R /Prev 1528 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1529 0 R >> endobj 1532 0 obj << /Title (398. Robbery or gang-robbery, when armed with deadly weapon.) /A 1531 0 R /Next 1534 0 R /Prev 1530 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1534 0 obj << /Title (399. Making preparation to commit gang-robbery.) /Next 1536 0 R /Prev 1532 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1533 0 R >> endobj 1536 0 obj << /Title (400. Punishment for belonging to a gang of robbers.) /A 1535 0 R /Next 1538 0 R /Prev 1534 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1538 0 obj << /Title (401. Punishment for belonging to gang of thieves.) /Next 1540 0 R /Prev 1536 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R /A 1537 0 R >> endobj 1790 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-12T14:45:21+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-12T14:45:21+08:00 2003-05-12T14:45:21+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000657268 00000 n 3 1 0000657505 00000 n 651 2 0000657642 00000 n 0000657727 00000 n 654 1 0000657857 00000 n 1474 1 0000657988 00000 n 1476 1 0000658081 00000 n 1478 1 0000658205 00000 n 1480 1 0000658328 00000 n 1482 1 0000658424 00000 n 1484 1 0000658606 00000 n 1486 1 0000658737 00000 n 1488 1 0000658831 00000 n 1490 1 0000658956 00000 n 1492 1 0000659088 00000 n 1494 1 0000659254 00000 n 1496 1 0000659451 00000 n 1498 1 0000659602 00000 n 1500 1 0000659699 00000 n 1502 1 0000659828 00000 n 1504 1 0000659994 00000 n 1506 1 0000660162 00000 n 1508 1 0000660350 00000 n 1510 1 0000660546 00000 n 1513 1 0000660714 00000 n 1515 1 0000660881 00000 n 1518 1 0000660977 00000 n 1520 1 0000661094 00000 n 1522 1 0000661221 00000 n 1524 1 0000661351 00000 n 1526 1 0000661502 00000 n 1528 1 0000661634 00000 n 1530 1 0000661764 00000 n 1532 1 0000661940 00000 n 1534 1 0000662099 00000 n 1536 1 0000662245 00000 n 1538 1 0000662395 00000 n 1790 1 0000662543 00000 n trailer << /Size 1791 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 656975 /ID[<2e6667abd07e2be5a2ad34a261688d05>] >> startxref 663946 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030512144934+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1791 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 496 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 495 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 494 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 79 /Next 1680 0 R >> endobj 1540 0 obj << /Title (402. Assembling for purpose of committing gang-robbery.) /A 1539 0 R /Prev 1538 0 R /Parent 1513 0 R >> endobj 1542 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Misappropriation of Property) /A 1541 0 R /Next 1548 0 R /Prev 1513 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1544 0 R /Last 1546 0 R /Count 2 >> endobj 1544 0 obj << /Title (403. Dishonest misappropriation of property.) /A 1543 0 R /Parent 1542 0 R /Next 1546 0 R >> endobj 1546 0 obj << /Title (404. Dishonest misappropriation of property possessed by deceased person\ at the time of his death.) /Prev 1544 0 R /Parent 1542 0 R /A 1545 0 R >> endobj 1548 0 obj << /Title (Criminal Breach of Trust) /A 1547 0 R /First 1550 0 R /Last 1558 0 R /Next 1560 0 R /Prev 1542 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 1550 0 obj << /Title (405. Criminal breach of trust.) /A 1549 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /Next 1552 0 R >> endobj 1552 0 obj << /Title (406. Punishment for criminal breach of trust.) /Next 1554 0 R /Prev 1550 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /A 1551 0 R >> endobj 1554 0 obj << /Title (407. Criminal breach of trust by carrier etc.) /A 1553 0 R /Next 1556 0 R /Prev 1552 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R >> endobj 1556 0 obj << /Title (408. Criminal breach of trust by clerk or servant.) /Next 1558 0 R /Prev 1554 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R /A 1555 0 R >> endobj 1558 0 obj << /Title (409. Criminal breach of trust by public servant or by banker, merchant o\ r agent.) /A 1557 0 R /Prev 1556 0 R /Parent 1548 0 R >> endobj 1560 0 obj << /Title (Receiving of Stolen Property) /A 1559 0 R /Next 1572 0 R /Prev 1548 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1562 0 R /Last 1570 0 R /Count 5 >> endobj 1562 0 obj << /Title (410. Stolen property.) /A 1561 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /Next 1564 0 R >> endobj 1564 0 obj << /Title (411. Dishonestly receiving stolen property.) /Next 1566 0 R /Prev 1562 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /A 1563 0 R >> endobj 1566 0 obj << /Title (412. Dishonestly receiving property stolen in the commission of a gangro\ bbery.) /A 1565 0 R /Next 1568 0 R /Prev 1564 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R >> endobj 1568 0 obj << /Title (413. Habitually dealing in stolen property.) /Next 1570 0 R /Prev 1566 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R /A 1567 0 R >> endobj 1570 0 obj << /Title (414. Assisting concealment of stolen property.) /A 1569 0 R /Prev 1568 0 R /Parent 1560 0 R >> endobj 1572 0 obj << /Title (Cheating) /A 1571 0 R /Next 1586 0 R /Prev 1560 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /First 1574 0 R /Last 1584 0 R /Count 6 >> endobj 1574 0 obj << /Title (415. Cheating.) /A 1573 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /Next 1576 0 R >> endobj 1576 0 obj << /Title (416. Cheating by personation.) /Next 1578 0 R /Prev 1574 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1575 0 R >> endobj 1578 0 obj << /Title (417. Punishment for cheating.) /A 1577 0 R /Next 1580 0 R /Prev 1576 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R >> endobj 1580 0 obj << /Title (418. Cheating with knowledge that wrongful loss may ensue to person whos\ e interest offender is bound to protect.) /Next 1582 0 R /Prev 1578 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1579 0 R >> endobj 1582 0 obj << /Title (419. Punishment for cheating by personation.) /A 1581 0 R /Next 1584 0 R /Prev 1580 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R >> endobj 1584 0 obj << /Title (420. Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.) /Prev 1582 0 R /Parent 1572 0 R /A 1583 0 R >> endobj 1586 0 obj << /Title (Fraudulent Deeds and Dispositions of Property) /A 1585 0 R /First 1588 0 R /Last 1594 0 R /Next 1596 0 R /Prev 1572 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1588 0 obj << /Title (421. Dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property to preve\ nt distribution among creditors.) /A 1587 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /Next 1590 0 R >> endobj 1590 0 obj << /Title (422. Dishonest or fraudulently preventing debt being available for credi\ tors.) /Next 1592 0 R /Prev 1588 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /A 1589 0 R >> endobj 1592 0 obj << /Title (423. Dishonest or fraudulent execution of deed of transfer containing fa\ lse statement of consideration.) /A 1591 0 R /Next 1594 0 R /Prev 1590 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R >> endobj 1594 0 obj << /Title (424. Dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property.) /Prev 1592 0 R /Parent 1586 0 R /A 1593 0 R >> endobj 1791 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-12T14:49:34+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-12T14:49:34+08:00 2003-05-12T14:49:34+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000665181 00000 n 3 1 0000665418 00000 n 651 2 0000665555 00000 n 0000665640 00000 n 654 1 0000665770 00000 n 1482 1 0000665901 00000 n 1540 1 0000666083 00000 n 1542 1 0000666221 00000 n 1544 1 0000666400 00000 n 1546 1 0000666527 00000 n 1548 1 0000666710 00000 n 1550 1 0000666876 00000 n 1552 1 0000666989 00000 n 1554 1 0000667133 00000 n 1556 1 0000667277 00000 n 1558 1 0000667426 00000 n 1560 1 0000667591 00000 n 1562 1 0000667761 00000 n 1564 1 0000667865 00000 n 1566 1 0000668007 00000 n 1568 1 0000668186 00000 n 1570 1 0000668328 00000 n 1572 1 0000668457 00000 n 1574 1 0000668607 00000 n 1576 1 0000668704 00000 n 1578 1 0000668832 00000 n 1580 1 0000668960 00000 n 1582 1 0000669173 00000 n 1584 1 0000669316 00000 n 1586 1 0000669459 00000 n 1588 1 0000669646 00000 n 1590 1 0000669835 00000 n 1592 1 0000670013 00000 n 1594 1 0000670217 00000 n 1791 1 0000670364 00000 n trailer << /Size 1792 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 663946 /ID[<32d37df797b1208b9cbaea017680b197>] >> startxref 671767 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030512145710+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1792 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 512 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 511 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 510 >> endobj 1482 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVII - Offences Against Property) /A 1481 0 R /First 1484 0 R /Last 1630 0 R /Prev 1295 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 95 /Next 1680 0 R >> endobj 1596 0 obj << /Title (Mischief) /A 1595 0 R /First 1598 0 R /Last 1628 0 R /Next 1630 0 R /Prev 1586 0 R /Parent 1482 0 R /Count 16 >> endobj 1598 0 obj << /Title (425. Mischief.) /A 1597 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /Next 1600 0 R >> endobj 1600 0 obj << /Title (426. Punishment for mischief.) /Next 1602 0 R /Prev 1598 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1599 0 R >> endobj 1602 0 obj << /Title (427. Mischief causing damage to the amount of $25.) /A 1601 0 R /Next 1604 0 R /Prev 1600 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1604 0 obj << /Title (428. Mischief by killing or maiming animal of the value of $5.) /Next 1606 0 R /Prev 1602 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1603 0 R >> endobj 1606 0 obj << /Title (429. Mischief by killing or maiming cattle etc. of any value or any anim\ al to value of $25.) /A 1605 0 R /Next 1608 0 R /Prev 1604 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1608 0 obj << /Title (430. Mischief by injury to works of irrigation or by wrongfully divertin\ g water.) /Next 1610 0 R /Prev 1606 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1607 0 R >> endobj 1610 0 obj << /Title (431. Mischief by injury to public road, bridge, river, channel.) /A 1609 0 R /Next 1612 0 R /Prev 1608 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1612 0 obj << /Title (432. Mischief by causing inundation or obstruction to public drainage at\ tended with damage.) /Next 1614 0 R /Prev 1610 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1611 0 R >> endobj 1614 0 obj << /Title (433. Mischief by destroying, moving or rendering less useful a light-hou\ se or seamark.) /A 1613 0 R /Next 1616 0 R /Prev 1612 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1616 0 obj << /Title (434. Mischief by destroying or moving etc. a land-mark fixed by public a\ uthority.) /Next 1618 0 R /Prev 1614 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1615 0 R >> endobj 1618 0 obj << /Title (435. Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage\ .) /A 1617 0 R /Next 1620 0 R /Prev 1616 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1620 0 obj << /Title (436. Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy hous\ e etc.) /Next 1622 0 R /Prev 1618 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1619 0 R >> endobj 1622 0 obj << /Title (437. Mischief with intent to destroy or make unsafe a decked vessel or o\ ne of 20 tons burden.) /A 1621 0 R /Next 1624 0 R /Prev 1620 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1624 0 obj << /Title (438. Punishment for the mischief described in section 437 committed by f\ ire or explosive substances.) /Next 1626 0 R /Prev 1622 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1623 0 R >> endobj 1626 0 obj << /Title (439. Punishment for intentionally running vessel aground or ashore with \ intent to commit theft etc.) /A 1625 0 R /Next 1628 0 R /Prev 1624 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R >> endobj 1628 0 obj << /Title (440. Mischief by committed after preparation made for causing death or h\ urt.) /Prev 1626 0 R /Parent 1596 0 R /A 1627 0 R >> endobj 1633 0 obj << /Title (441. Criminal trespass.) /A 1632 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /Next 1635 0 R >> endobj 1635 0 obj << /Title (442. House-trespass.) /Next 1637 0 R /Prev 1633 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1634 0 R >> endobj 1637 0 obj << /Title (443. Lurking house-trespass.) /A 1636 0 R /Next 1639 0 R /Prev 1635 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1639 0 obj << /Title (444. Lurking house-trespass by night.) /Next 1641 0 R /Prev 1637 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1638 0 R >> endobj 1641 0 obj << /Title (445. House-breaking.) /A 1640 0 R /Next 1643 0 R /Prev 1639 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1643 0 obj << /Title (446. House-breaking by night.) /Next 1645 0 R /Prev 1641 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1642 0 R >> endobj 1645 0 obj << /Title (447. Punishment for criminal trespass.) /A 1644 0 R /Next 1647 0 R /Prev 1643 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1647 0 obj << /Title (448. Punishment for house-trespass.) /Next 1650 0 R /Prev 1645 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1646 0 R >> endobj 1650 0 obj << /Title (449. House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with death.) /A 1649 0 R /Next 1652 0 R /Prev 1647 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1652 0 obj << /Title (450. House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with imprisonm\ ent for 15 years.) /Next 1654 0 R /Prev 1650 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1651 0 R >> endobj 1654 0 obj << /Title (451. House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with imprisonm\ ent.) /A 1653 0 R /Next 1656 0 R /Prev 1652 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1656 0 obj << /Title (452. House-trespass after preparation for hurt, assault, or wrongful res\ traint.) /Next 1658 0 R /Prev 1654 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1655 0 R >> endobj 1658 0 obj << /Title (453. Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking.) /A 1657 0 R /Next 1661 0 R /Prev 1656 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1661 0 obj << /Title (454. Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking in order to commit offence\ punishable with imprisonment.) /Next 1663 0 R /Prev 1658 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1660 0 R >> endobj 1663 0 obj << /Title (455. Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking after preparation for hurt\ , assault or wrongful restraint.) /A 1662 0 R /Next 1665 0 R /Prev 1661 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1665 0 obj << /Title (456. Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night.) /Next 1667 0 R /Prev 1663 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1664 0 R >> endobj 1667 0 obj << /Title (457. Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to commi\ t offence punishable with imprisonment.) /A 1666 0 R /Next 1669 0 R /Prev 1665 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1669 0 obj << /Title (458. Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night after preparation\ for hurt, assault or wrongful restraint.) /Next 1671 0 R /Prev 1667 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1668 0 R >> endobj 1671 0 obj << /Title (459. Grievous hurt caused whilst committing lurking house-trespass or ho\ use-breaking.) /A 1670 0 R /Next 1673 0 R /Prev 1669 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1673 0 obj << /Title (460. All persons jointly concerned in lurking house-trespass or housebre\ aking by night punishable where death or grievous hurt caused by one of \ them.) /Next 1675 0 R /Prev 1671 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1672 0 R >> endobj 1675 0 obj << /Title (461. Dishonestly, breaking open receptacle containing property.) /A 1674 0 R /Next 1677 0 R /Prev 1673 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R >> endobj 1792 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-12T14:57:10+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-12T14:57:10+08:00 2003-05-12T14:57:10+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000672918 00000 n 3 1 0000673155 00000 n 651 2 0000673292 00000 n 0000673377 00000 n 654 1 0000673507 00000 n 1482 1 0000673638 00000 n 1596 1 0000673820 00000 n 1598 1 0000673971 00000 n 1600 1 0000674068 00000 n 1602 1 0000674196 00000 n 1604 1 0000674345 00000 n 1606 1 0000674506 00000 n 1608 1 0000674698 00000 n 1610 1 0000674879 00000 n 1612 1 0000675041 00000 n 1614 1 0000675233 00000 n 1616 1 0000675420 00000 n 1618 1 0000675602 00000 n 1620 1 0000675776 00000 n 1622 1 0000675955 00000 n 1624 1 0000676149 00000 n 1626 1 0000676350 00000 n 1628 1 0000676550 00000 n 1633 1 0000676711 00000 n 1635 1 0000676817 00000 n 1637 1 0000676936 00000 n 1639 1 0000677063 00000 n 1641 1 0000677199 00000 n 1643 1 0000677318 00000 n 1645 1 0000677446 00000 n 1647 1 0000677583 00000 n 1650 1 0000677717 00000 n 1652 1 0000677885 00000 n 1654 1 0000678075 00000 n 1656 1 0000678252 00000 n 1658 1 0000678432 00000 n 1661 1 0000678592 00000 n 1663 1 0000678795 00000 n 1665 1 0000679000 00000 n 1667 1 0000679169 00000 n 1669 1 0000679381 00000 n 1671 1 0000679595 00000 n 1673 1 0000679781 00000 n 1675 1 0000680033 00000 n 1792 1 0000680195 00000 n trailer << /Size 1793 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 671767 /ID[] >> startxref 681598 %%EOF 1 0 obj << /Creator (Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\\LOB2001\\LOBpublished\\Cap22]) /CreationDate (D:20030415133524Z) /Title (Cap22.fm) /Author (sahif) /Producer (Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows) /ModDate (D:20030512150537+08'00') >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Pages 647 0 R /Type /Catalog /DefaultGray 648 0 R /DefaultRGB 649 0 R /Outlines 651 0 R /Metadata 1793 0 R >> endobj 651 0 obj << /Count 554 /Type /Outlines /First 652 0 R /Last 652 0 R >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 22 - PENAL CODE) /Parent 651 0 R /A 650 0 R /First 654 0 R /Last 654 0 R /Count 553 >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Title (ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS) /A 653 0 R /First 656 0 R /Last 1775 0 R /Parent 652 0 R /Count 552 >> endobj 1677 0 obj << /Title (462. Punishment for same offence when committed by person entrusted with\ custody.) /Prev 1675 0 R /Parent 1630 0 R /A 1676 0 R >> endobj 1680 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XVIII Offences relating to Documents and to Trade or Property Ma\ rks) /A 1679 0 R /First 1682 0 R /Last 1717 0 R /Prev 1482 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 22 /Next 1727 0 R >> endobj 1682 0 obj << /Title (463. Forgery.) /A 1681 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Next 1684 0 R >> endobj 1684 0 obj << /Title (464. Making a false document.) /Next 1686 0 R /Prev 1682 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1683 0 R >> endobj 1686 0 obj << /Title (465. Punishment for forgery.) /A 1685 0 R /Prev 1684 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Next 1689 0 R >> endobj 1689 0 obj << /Title (466. Forgery of record of Court or of public register etc.) /Next 1691 0 R /Prev 1686 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1688 0 R >> endobj 1691 0 obj << /Title (467. Forgery of valuable security or will etc.) /A 1690 0 R /Next 1693 0 R /Prev 1689 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1693 0 obj << /Title (468. Forgery for purpose of cheating.) /Next 1695 0 R /Prev 1691 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1692 0 R >> endobj 1695 0 obj << /Title (469. Forgery for purpose of harming reputation.) /A 1694 0 R /Next 1697 0 R /Prev 1693 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1697 0 obj << /Title (470. Forged document.) /Next 1699 0 R /Prev 1695 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1696 0 R >> endobj 1699 0 obj << /Title (471. Using as genuine a forged document.) /A 1698 0 R /Next 1701 0 R /Prev 1697 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1701 0 obj << /Title (472. Making or possessing counterfeit seal etc. with intent to commit fo\ rgery punishable under section 467.) /Next 1703 0 R /Prev 1699 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1700 0 R >> endobj 1703 0 obj << /Title (473. Making or possessing counterfeit seal etc. with intent to commit fo\ rgery punishable otherwise.) /A 1702 0 R /Next 1705 0 R /Prev 1701 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1705 0 obj << /Title (474. Having possession of valuable security or will etc. knowing it to b\ e forged and intending to be liable use it as genuine.) /Next 1707 0 R /Prev 1703 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1704 0 R >> endobj 1707 0 obj << /Title (475. Counterfeiting device or mark used for authenticating documents des\ cribed in section 467, or possessing counterfeit marked material.) /A 1706 0 R /Next 1709 0 R /Prev 1705 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1709 0 obj << /Title (476. Counterfeiting a device or mark used for authenticating documents o\ ther than those described in section 467, or possessing counterfeit mark\ ed material.) /Next 1711 0 R /Prev 1707 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1708 0 R >> endobj 1711 0 obj << /Title (477. Fraudulent cancellation, destruction etc. of will, authority to ado\ pt, or valuable security.) /A 1710 0 R /Next 1713 0 R /Prev 1709 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R >> endobj 1713 0 obj << /Title (477A. Falsification of accounts.) /Next 1715 0 R /Prev 1711 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /A 1712 0 R >> endobj 1715 0 obj << /Title (478. - 489. \(Repealed\).) /A 1714 0 R /Next 1717 0 R /Prev 1713 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /Count 0 >> endobj 1717 0 obj << /Title (Currency Notes and Bank Notes) /A 1716 0 R /Prev 1715 0 R /Parent 1680 0 R /First 1719 0 R /Last 1725 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1719 0 obj << /Title (489A. Counterfeiting currency notes or bank notes.) /A 1718 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /Next 1721 0 R >> endobj 1721 0 obj << /Title (489B. Using as genuine forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank note\ s.) /Next 1723 0 R /Prev 1719 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /A 1720 0 R >> endobj 1723 0 obj << /Title (489C. Possession of forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank notes.) /A 1722 0 R /Next 1725 0 R /Prev 1721 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R >> endobj 1725 0 obj << /Title (489D. Making or possessing instruments or materials for forging or count\ erfeiting currency notes or bank notes.) /Prev 1723 0 R /Parent 1717 0 R /A 1724 0 R >> endobj 1727 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XIX - Criminal Breach of Contracts of Service) /A 1726 0 R /First 1729 0 R /Last 1731 0 R /Next 1733 0 R /Prev 1680 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 2 >> endobj 1729 0 obj << /Title (490. - 491. \(Repealed\).) /A 1728 0 R /Parent 1727 0 R /Next 1731 0 R >> endobj 1731 0 obj << /Title (492. \(No section\).) /Prev 1729 0 R /Parent 1727 0 R /A 1730 0 R >> endobj 1733 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XX - Offences relating to Marriage) /A 1732 0 R /First 1735 0 R /Last 1745 0 R /Next 1747 0 R /Prev 1727 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 6 >> endobj 1735 0 obj << /Title (493. Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawfu\ l marriage.) /A 1734 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /Next 1737 0 R >> endobj 1737 0 obj << /Title (494. Marrying again during life-time of husband or wife.) /Next 1739 0 R /Prev 1735 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1736 0 R >> endobj 1739 0 obj << /Title (495. Same offence with concealment of former marriage from person with w\ hom subsequent marriage is contracted.) /A 1738 0 R /Next 1741 0 R /Prev 1737 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R >> endobj 1741 0 obj << /Title (496. Marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage\ .) /Next 1743 0 R /Prev 1739 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1740 0 R >> endobj 1743 0 obj << /Title (497. \(No section\).) /A 1742 0 R /Next 1745 0 R /Prev 1741 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R >> endobj 1745 0 obj << /Title (498. Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married\ woman.) /Prev 1743 0 R /Parent 1733 0 R /A 1744 0 R >> endobj 1747 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XXI - Defamation) /A 1746 0 R /First 1749 0 R /Last 1755 0 R /Next 1757 0 R /Prev 1733 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 1749 0 obj << /Title (499. Defamation.) /A 1748 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /Next 1751 0 R >> endobj 1751 0 obj << /Title (500. Punishment for defamation.) /Next 1753 0 R /Prev 1749 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /A 1750 0 R >> endobj 1753 0 obj << /Title (501. Printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory.) /A 1752 0 R /Next 1755 0 R /Prev 1751 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R >> endobj 1755 0 obj << /Title (502. Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter.\ ) /Prev 1753 0 R /Parent 1747 0 R /A 1754 0 R >> endobj 1757 0 obj << /Title (Chapter XXII - Criminal Intimidation Insult and Annoyance) /A 1756 0 R /First 1759 0 R /Last 1773 0 R /Next 1775 0 R /Prev 1747 0 R /Parent 654 0 R /Count 8 >> endobj 1759 0 obj << /Title (503. Criminal intimidation.) /A 1758 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /Next 1761 0 R >> endobj 1761 0 obj << /Title (504. Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace.) /Next 1763 0 R /Prev 1759 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1760 0 R >> endobj 1763 0 obj << /Title (505. Statements conducting to public mischief.) /A 1762 0 R /Next 1765 0 R /Prev 1761 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1765 0 obj << /Title (506. Punishment for criminal intimidation.) /Next 1767 0 R /Prev 1763 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1764 0 R >> endobj 1767 0 obj << /Title (507. Criminal intimidation by an anonymous communication.) /A 1766 0 R /Next 1769 0 R /Prev 1765 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1769 0 obj << /Title (508. Act caused by inducing person to believe that he will be rendered a\ n object of divine displeasure.) /Next 1771 0 R /Prev 1767 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R /A 1768 0 R >> endobj 1771 0 obj << /Title (509. Word, gesture, or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.) /A 1770 0 R /Next 1773 0 R /Prev 1769 0 R /Parent 1757 0 R >> endobj 1777 0 obj << /Title (511. Punishment for attempting to commit offences.) /A 1776 0 R /Parent 1775 0 R >> endobj 1793 0 obj << /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length 1316 >> stream Adobe FrameMaker - [D:\LOB2001\LOBpublished\Cap22] 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows 2003-05-12T15:05:37+08:00 2003-04-15T13:35:24Z Cap22.fm sahif 2003-05-12T15:05:37+08:00 2003-05-12T15:05:37+08:00 Cap22.fm sahif endstream endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000683029 00000 n 3 1 0000683266 00000 n 651 2 0000683403 00000 n 0000683488 00000 n 654 1 0000683618 00000 n 1677 1 0000683749 00000 n 1680 1 0000683915 00000 n 1682 1 0000684134 00000 n 1684 1 0000684230 00000 n 1686 1 0000684358 00000 n 1689 1 0000684485 00000 n 1691 1 0000684642 00000 n 1693 1 0000684787 00000 n 1695 1 0000684923 00000 n 1697 1 0000685069 00000 n 1699 1 0000685189 00000 n 1701 1 0000685328 00000 n 1703 1 0000685536 00000 n 1705 1 0000685736 00000 n 1707 1 0000685963 00000 n 1709 1 0000686201 00000 n 1711 1 0000686460 00000 n 1713 1 0000686658 00000 n 1715 1 0000686789 00000 n 1717 1 0000686923 00000 n 1719 1 0000687078 00000 n 1721 1 0000687211 00000 n 1723 1 0000687386 00000 n 1725 1 0000687556 00000 n 1727 1 0000687752 00000 n 1729 1 0000687946 00000 n 1731 1 0000688054 00000 n 1733 1 0000688157 00000 n 1735 1 0000688340 00000 n 1737 1 0000688508 00000 n 1739 1 0000688663 00000 n 1741 1 0000688874 00000 n 1743 1 0000689048 00000 n 1745 1 0000689167 00000 n 1747 1 0000689331 00000 n 1749 1 0000689496 00000 n 1751 1 0000689595 00000 n 1753 1 0000689725 00000 n 1755 1 0000689881 00000 n 1757 1 0000690038 00000 n 1759 1 0000690236 00000 n 1761 1 0000690346 00000 n 1763 1 0000690512 00000 n 1765 1 0000690657 00000 n 1767 1 0000690798 00000 n 1769 1 0000690954 00000 n 1771 1 0000691158 00000 n 1777 1 0000691326 00000 n 1793 1 0000691443 00000 n trailer << /Size 1794 /Info 1 0 R /Root 3 0 R /Prev 681598 /ID[<77c7b739e9434e9d26d414b340e513aa>] >> startxref 692846 %%EOF